No FoV slider

shit port incoming

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What's the original fov for console peasants? Like 80?

*edits the .ini*
Nothing personel, dev

Whats next? Cinematic 24fps? No kbm support?

the original fov seems fine enough, I expect a cheat engine table or mod to happen day 1 anyways

*edits .ini*
Heh, sorry console kiddy

let me guess, the ps4 version is better because pc only has the same fov without mods? also it's clear upping the fov fucks up something and they're too lazy or don't know how to fix it


Wasn't a lot of specific rendering tied to the FOV? Maybe it's not so easy to change

you are being generous

Poor excuse because the PS4 couldn't handle more than a 60 FoV worth of stuff on screen at once

>ultrawide confirmed
>but no fov slider
vomit inducing

It's 65 for CoD. R6 Vegas had fucking 55.

>we want our game to look just as shitty as it did on consoles
>you're welcome

Genuine question:
Does FOV bothers people in third person games?

>sub 90 FoV
Do consolets really....

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>Beg for years for console sloppy seconds
>Bitch and moan when you are given the scraps that you deserve.
PC musterds need the rope and fast.


>No kbm support?
That's already a reality for a lot of console ports.

I tried playing HZD and felt legitimately sick in part due to the FoV.

Literally NOBODY wanted this game.
I'd honestly prefer if it fucking stayed on playstation, it's fucking garbage sjw trash that should have stayed contained.

That is a cope post if i ever saw one.

The distance between the player and the screen is greater on console, thus smaller FOV (on top of better performance). This is also the reason why weapon viewmodels have gotten bigger over time too.

>we couldn't figure out how to get it to render things inside the wider viewport
>let's try to convince retards that it's against our artistic vision instead of admitting that we don't know what we're doing lol

You need to seriously avoid this game. Its absolute garbage. Higher fps and resolution will not make this game fun believe me

>people actually took the bait
Jesus, looking at the steam forum is like looking at everything that's wrong with humanity at once.

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Isn't this a 3rd person game? FOV is barely relevant unless you're dealing with a first person game.

Steam forum is the easiest place to bait, on this game alone I have 4 or 5 good baits set in motion.

As opposed to consolecucks who bend over and take everything they're being served up their ass?

You can have all the soulshit back.

The amount of 3rd worlders who can barely comprehend the posts yet feel an overwhelming need to be part of the discussion makes it really easy.

>best looking
Crysis still looks better lol

It's third person. Does it really matter that much?

It does when even in 3rd person it still looks like you're playing looking through a cylinder

Post some evidence of people asking for this game to be ported before it was announced, then.

FOV in a 3rd person game is mostly about being able to make it so 50% of your screen isnt taken up by your character. It only really matters if you cant zoom in and out as is the case with many console ports, like Dark Souls

Post proof that nobody wanted this on PC.

Burden of proof is on the accuser.
Until you provide such, you have no argument and have lost.
Good day.

No need to provide proof to someone who is thinks memes and Yas Forums propaganda are reality.

>>Beg for years
Yeah dude, just look all of these daily threads asking for Horizon, lol

You're aware that several Yas Forums archives exist, right?

>Giving up and replying to yourself because you lost
You suck at this.

>FoV options are there to make the picture the same for people no matter their screen size and distance.
Devs confirmed idiots who don't know what fov is for. And let's not forget that since you're on PC and sitting closer to the screen the low fov is going to look fucked and this can even cause motion sickness in some people.
To be honest it's probably just and this just gives me zero hope for the port

The amount of underage, mentally ill 34d worlders who can barely comprehend the posts yet feel an overwhelming need to be part of the discussion makes it really easy.
fixed it for you

>Anne (Guerrilla) [developer]

>All i get is salty PC fats crying at me.
You faggots are the biggest port beggers in the entire games industry and now you complain you gewt the 2nd class treatment. You are fucking lucky you get the table scraps. It is about time you faggots learned some humility, they hated Jesus when he told people off as well.

>even cause motion sickness
So faggots with faulty genes get filtered? Why is that a bad thing? You have the correct genes right user?

the only PS4 exclusive I see people begging for a port of is Bloodborne and this is coming from an idort


it's third person and already has a generous FOV

god some of you guys really are retarded just asking for a FOV slider in everything

This is doublspeak for "our occlusion culling portion of the engine wasn't designed for 75+ FoV and it basically breaks our game, so here's a PR response."

50-60 degrees is not a generous FOV. The human visual range is almost 178 degrees.
A generous FOV would be above that 178 number.

Anytime. ANY FUCKING TIME. A developer talks about experience and FoV, you faggots need to understand, that it's basically a fundamental limitation of the engine and that they'd have to spend a ton of time reworking and optimizing their code for the much larger FoV. See Microsoft and Halo MCC for PC. Just look at how much effort the teams have to put in to get higher FoVs working on PC.

This H:ZD's team going "we're not doing to do the effort to not break our camera and culling implementation, so suck a dick. Buy or game or don't, we made all our money anyway--this is just more."

>PC fats

It just looks shitty because for most people the character will take up a good portion of the screen. Its not really about motion blur but it feels a bit claustrophobic to not be able to zoom out at all on a PC on a console port, due to how close you are to the screen in the first place. The effect is much less on a console.

So you typed all that, when you could have said
>Yes my genes are shit and should Darwin myself.

>pc port beggar thread

we get it, you found the thread.
You can stop with the mentions of culling. We get it, you understand the basics of video game functionality.
3 fucking posts in the span of 5 minutes. give it a break.

>id like to be able to zoom out
>heh you must have shit genes

huh, so this is the fabled consolefag logic

>We don't understated FoV
Lol, shit devs confirmed.

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dropped. was gonna give it a download to check out the framerate and then uninstall but if i can't even change the fov to make it not make me sick then i won't bother

>Console port


>you will not be able to able to change this
flawless widescreen: "hold my beer"

The only third person game I ever played where FOV gave me the same kind of headache as does in first person was Saint's Row 3. I assume it's because the gameplay had me running around and flying around at super speed all the time because in any other normal third person game it's been fine for me.

>WE FEEL this
>so we won't give you an option

what the fuck is wrong with people with this mindset?

CDPR are similar but that was for something that would take a lot of dev resources to do, as compared to a simple fucking FOV change holy fuck


*download widescreen and nude mods*
Nothing personnel, dev

Devs get a little up their own ass in regarding themselves as artistes whose vision matter more than player choice.


Fuck PC cucks and their extra options that ruins the way the game was intended to be played.

Name 1 good console port