I don't get the hate and lack of discussion on Yas Forums for this game. You'd think a Diablo-like FPS of this caliber would be way more popular on here.
I just started playing again. Last time I played was the D2 Beta. The game does an ass job of explaining anything to you and just drops you in with no direction.
That's partially why I like the game. As long as that doesn't stress you out, all it means is that there's almost endlessly something new to discover in the game, if you don't cheat and look up guides for everything.
Fuck Destiny and fuck Bungie. Paid DLCs with actual expiration dates is the most jewish shit I've ever seen in this industry. They fucking delete shit you paid for from your game's folder.
"Games as a service" is a fucking cancer and I hope that they just die from Corona before other companies decides to steal their ideas.
Fantastic game, great level design, amazing lore, ALL ruined by a piece of shit lazy company. Ive never seen a game have such incredible potention, only to be fucked so hard by incompitence
>of this caliber
It's a bad game. Try again when Destiny 3 comes out.
Great gunplay, everything else is a pile of garbage. I installed it the moment it went F2P on Steam and unistalled after two hours.
What did they do that soils the entire experience?
i tried it when it went free to play and didnt like it very much. as much as i hate the humor, borderlands does this genre alot better
>takes them 10 months to fix PvP balance
Dead game and a dead developer
So you didn't play the game and give opinions on it, neat
Vanilla game was an extremely shitty experience and any potential lore or good writing that could have came out of it was ruined by Activision decisions.
Aggressive FOMO tactics that puts korean MMOs to shame.
Poorman's Borderlands
it's a shitty bullet sponge meme game. Only retards could enjoy this
The loot sucks. There aren't any interesting guns or armor to work for anymore.
The gunplay is some of the best I've ever seen, and so are the environments, but pretty much everything else about this game is pathetic trash.
It's too difficult to get decent loot, and if you're like me and only have enough time to play for an hour or two a week you will never be at max light level, effectively locking you out of many endgame activities. The raids and dungeons require you to have your own party with no matchmaking, and the activities that do offer matchmaking are extremely repetitive and get boring extremely quick.
There just isn't much to do unless you have a lot of time to spend grinding and have friends that play the game with you. Personally I think bungie could do a really good job of making a single player destiny game since their gunplay, world building, and writing are all decent. They would just need to focus on level design and I think it would be a hit.
It was a console only shooter. That's a bad sign on its own and they were aiming at MMO ambitions.
Now, it's still a console shooter with MMO ambitions, still doesn't have a proper chat, awful interface (I mean ffs, using 3rd party sites for inventory management is more comfortable, are you fucking kidding me?), xboxhuge weapon models.
And then there is the developer. Slow, shortsighted, understaffed and incompetent. Now they don't have daddy publisher with infinite money and a whole bunch of good developer studios to outsource things to and it shows.
Worst offender of them is the loot system. You can get an amazing piece of armor with a lot of stats, which will be worse than some random purple shit you picked up during campaign. Because stat distribution is a thing and you can't control it. And it's worthless unless it's enough to reach the next tier.
Like a certain gun? Good luck getting it with perks you want. I'm not saying dogrolls, just something you want even if it's non-meta. Or spam soul-crushing treadmill activities
Personally, I wouldn't buy it for 60 bucks plus "expansions". But after playing it for free, I really enjoyed it, had the newfag rush because I was kinda starved for something similar, I bought Shadow Keep Deluxe. Which I regretted by the end of Season of the Undying.
Its so bland and dumb. Numbers mean shit, everything takes the same hits to down, unless its a damage sponge which its no fun to shoot at. The setting is boring and the mp is ass. Its a theme park, but with a bland theme. Its the GFX card boxart universe.
Its fucking ass, that's why. Diablo clones are bottom of the barrel, regardless of genre. Destiny, Borderlands, Nioh, theyre all shit, but Destiny is especially shit for putting a huge focus on pvp in a game about rng.
I keep hearing this being thrown around with games as if it makes any sense. Aren't games supposed to be about recreation? Why would timed content cause anyone anxiety? If you miss it, you miss it, who cares? On the other hand, if you like having something that can't be obtained anymore, now you have the opportunity.
Perhaps because some people prefer to play games at their leisure without missing out on content that has no reason to be transient. Cosmetics matter to some players, especially in an online game.
>Perhaps because some people prefer to play games at their leisure
So play at your leisure. How does timed content prevent you from doing that?
>without missing out on content that has no reason to be transient.
They want people to keep playing because a consistently high player count makes the game more attractive to newcomers. Seasons last like 3 months, right? That's not that anxiety-inducing. You also don't need to have every single item in the game. If you do, it doesn't sound like you're playing at your leisure to begin with. That sounds borderline obsessive compulsive.
Not that I'm making excuses for the actually bad shit they do, like propose pulling items out of players' inventories after a certain amount of time, including ones they bought from Eververse.
It's spongey so that they can offer thousands of rewards to players so there's always something new to find that makes a noticeable difference to the player. That's what makes Diablo attractive. It's about wanting to get lost in the environments and world design with some friends. To make that last longer than several hours at most, it needs a huge amount of rewards, which means it needs to be spongey.
it's activision
Everyone stopped playing because the entire "you had to be there bro" attitude is fucking stupid. Every 3 months they delete everything/rebalance the entire game. So whats the point in playing? You'll grind 24/7 for weapons that are shit tier as soon as the next season starts
Different guy but for example my favorite cosmetics, from DLC I made the mistake of paying for, are gone forever since I didn't get them in time. Or at least until Bungie decides to recycle them.
They add new content, although some lazy recolors or re-releases, but that's no excuse to cycle out old content. Why make old stuff unobtainable? They're still adding in new content to keep people interested.
On an unrelated note they butchered some interesting bits of lore imo and also are botching their monetization after promising to improve when they separated from their publisher.
It's Halo with all the good parts removed, replaced with soulless grind and microtransactions
And the art & music was best in the first game
Destiny 1 seemed like it was really fun compared to Destiny 2. I wish they'd release it on PC.
>new DLC introduces weapons, storylines and shit
>you don't feel like playing now
>a few months later, buy DLC
In a normal game made for people without brain damage, user would be able to fully enjoy the DLC at his own pace. But we are talking about Destiny here, so:
>a week later developer hits the "FOMO" button and said DLC gets deleted from the game even though you paid for it
>"but don't worry dear customer, here is a different DLC that we will also delete later, enjoy it while you can and thanks for the easy cash"
It probably would be better to just release the seasonal content as $10 DLC everyone three months. The player count would probably be just as steady as it is now, if not higher since new players would have more to do.
like you would find bullshit like that whisper sniper thing on your own
It's not really Halo at all. It's like Borderlands except way sexier and with a touch of Monster Hunter and Dark Souls.
Its halo with less vehicles, worse ai, worse campaign missions, no supplementary modes like map making, theater, custom games. instead of all that there are super moves. And players who can run around and emote at you.
FPS isn't a genre that mixes well with others in a multiplayer setting. If the game had enough RPG content it would be ok but after like 7 hours you finish everything and all that's left is PVP. Having things like stats and abilities undermines the FPS part. It turns shooting guns into the equivalent of auto-attack in an mmo or moba. Also it's another game that is infested with seasons and battle passes which puts it in negative points right off the bat for me.
But people did, that's why those kinds of quests are fun.
Sounds like it's just not for you. I can enjoy both Halo and Destiny because I acknowledge they are barely even the same genre.
oh boy I sure love a looter game where I don't care about any of the loot.
Oh boy I sure love a shooter where all the enemies barely react to being shot and barely fight back and are basically all just bullet sponges
yeah bro I agree it's SOOOO hard just like dark souls. bro it's crazy I love skyrim and destiny and assassins creed. upvote if you agree
It strove to combine two mediums and make the result into an MMO, but made a chimera that had neither good shooter elements nor good RPG elements, and was only mildly supported by its pseudo-MMO status in the sense that "it's fun with friends" was the only thing that kept people going, and even that hardly lasted as long as it would have in any other game. The fact that they made a second one without fixing its core problems baffles me to this day.
What's a looter shooter with valuable loot in your opinion?
They're both shooters, one just has annoying MMO elements taped on. All the bad MMO parts. That serve no purpose.
>difficulty is the defining element of Dark Souls
zoom zoom
Wait, what the fuck is this shit about paid DLC that expires with time? What the fuck am I reading?
Playing Destiny 2 is like a job, except I'm not getting paid
Destiny has nothing whatsoever in common with dark souls, beyond some light aesthetic similarity. Which is based off a famous artist to begin with.
>players working together to figure out various riddles and sharing secrets online
Pretty big thing that even the devs said they were inspired by Dark Souls on. Also, the invader mechanic in Gambit obviously, though that's a small thing.
Your "diablo clones" brush is pretty fucking broad, user. A game having a random-stat loot system doesn't make it a Diablo clone. Admittedly, it's an annoying system that leads to player inventories getting bogged down by useless weapons they pick up by pure instinct, but you can't just call a game a Diablo clone just because it borrows a secondary gameplay trait, nor can you say that a game is bad solely because of one specific secondary gameplay trait.
tl;rd: I'm a whiny baby that is unhappy you made fun of Nioh, and your reasoning for calling an entire game bad for a single feature is retarded.
Ciphers and number puzzles aren't like dark souls puzzles
And the raids are nothing more than memorizing shapes /symbols /buffs and doing rotations, standing on plates, or sometimes literally jumping through hoops
Not sure what's there to discuss, really. Most quests outside of the campaign all pan out the same. No other reason to explore the already limited world space they give you otherwise. The rest of each world is locked off unless you're doing raids or strikes, the latter of which I enjoy.
PvP's fun, fast-paced, but severely limited to CQC offerings and Gambit. It'd be unfair to compare it to Halo in that regard, though it's hard since they give you Sparrows, tanks, and other vehicles outside the Crucible, making you wonder what stopped Bungie from adding vehicular combat.
Armor ranges from serviceable at best to dismantle-on-sight at worst, and there's just really something about the guns that feel less satisfying about them to shoot, shotguns especially.
I have more to say but I'd like to know why you think Destiny ought to be discussed more on here. You sorta already see what the game has to offer in the first few hours or so, and then you kinda wonder just what the heck in this game was worth spending 400 hours for. And if you ask why, D2 was my stopgap for when Halo finally dropped, and I've clocked most of my hours on there just in Firefight alone.
I played D1/2 for hundreds of hours and agree wholeheartedly - Destiny's entire system outside of gunplay is absolute grind/time-waste to the max in every way possible, by design.
If you were actually observant of what you're doing rather than auto-piloting like a mindless drone, you'd have realized this long ago - Only reason I kept playing was because my friends wouldn't stop buying the goddamn DLC's games for me, everytime saying "it got so much better!" whilst being the exact same gig, worded slightly different, everytime.
Fuck this recycled bullshit, and fuck NuBungie.
No they don't and you're a fucking idiot for thinking otherwise. Only CS:GO does that.
>with a touch of Monster Hunter and Dark Souls.
Stop this bullshit
Every 3 or so months there's a new "Season" out that adds some extra quests and content. You'd only really be missing out if you don't pay for the season passes that grant you bonuses and items as you level up.
>it's not exactly the same so it's not the same at all
You're being obtuse on purpose. The community collaborates to find and figure things out and the devs focus on catering to this element.
There was vehicular combat in Crucible in D1. I'm not sure why there's none in D2 when they added the tanks on top of the pikes and interceptors. Destiny has a very different playstyle though and a very different community as a result so maybe people complained and just wanted CQC to show off their gear or something.
>There was vehicular combat in Crucible in D1. I'm not sure why there's none in D2 when they added the tanks on top of the pikes and interceptors.
Well, shit. Making me jealous here. Haven't own a console since the PS2 so I didn't know.
>Destiny has a very different playstyle though and a very different community as a result so maybe people complained and just wanted CQC to show off their gear or something.
So you mean 5 dedicated autists on Reddit figure it out over the course of a few weeks and then you read about it when they solve it
For example the tower
A "social hub" where you can't interact beyond emotes. No group finder or board to post anything. No voice chat. No interaction at all. The only purpose it serves is to inflate load times and make you physically walk around from place to place to do menial things that could have easily been a menu.
As if it's any different in the Souls games?
PvP is the only good part of the game, and for some reason balance patches take literal years. removal of pinnacle weapons was also retarded, especially when the replacement is infinitely less interesting or just doesn't exist. now weapon retirement was the final straw for me.
replying to say you sir are a chad of culture for knowing what puppet master is
The real problem is that the game is poorly advertised. They call it an MMO, advertise it as an MMO, and then give players a co-op ARPG with basically no MMO elements. MMO players don't care for it and co-op ARPG players either ignore it or they feel like they aren't meant to play it.
The game is fun if you play it as a co-op ARPG but not if you play it as an MMO.
It's a hamster wheel for normalfags and casuals that won't even be playable in 10 years. Fucking awful franchise.