The most overrated console of all time

The most overrated console of all time

Attached: GameCube-Set.jpg (3760x2110, 2.33M)

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oh dang i can't believe that image swap bug is still a thing after all these years, obviously you meant to post the ps2 right op?

Is that a modified N64? Where can you buy those?

that would be the n64. the gamecube just has a few very specific niches, but it does those quite well. it's also probably aged the best out of any sixth gen console because of how much better dolphin is than any other emulator

>that would be the n64
This. Has a few standouts but that's about it

that doesn't look like a switch.

Fuck off. Gamecube is based

nah your a faggot

Whoops looks like you posted the wrong pic OP
Here lemme give you the right one

Attached: ps2-hardware-two-column-01-ps4-eu-18nov15.png (708x464, 406.92K)

PS2 isn't overrated

It's probably the most popular console of all time, but that's justified

>mario sunshine
>wind waker
>metroid prime
>double dash
>eternal darkness
>luigi's mansion
>paper mario thousand year door
>f zero gx
>twilight princess
>pikmin 1 and 2
>animal crossing
>monkey ball 1 and 2
>tales of symphonia

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GameCube is underrated.

The gamecube rightfully gets some criticism. The n64 however is easily the most overrated console of all time.

for everyone one good game it had in its library it had 90 garbage games

which is still more good games than any other system besides maybe the DS. not to mention being the only 6th gen console that was backwards compatible so you have the dozens of quality PS1 games day 1

not really most of the library is trash and even out of what isn't trash 99% of that is multiplats that are also the worst version every time

you're fucking stupid OP, it can't be overrated when it's shit upon all over the internet


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and? the library was gigantic, you have games of all genres and a bunch of AA devs pulling crazy shit since games were as expensive to produce.
gamecube is a nice and all but there so few games, not even a single hack slash on the system.

>not even a single hack slash on the system.
it had the best version of PSO

Nah, it had good games.

[citation needed]

based and redpilled

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i was thinking about something more like dmc, bujingai, ninja gaiden or gow.

n64 only has le mario 64 and and the two zeldas. gamecube has the greatest variety of first party games of any 3d nintendo homeconsole

>it had uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>mario goldeneye mario and a rare platformer
>that's fucking it
>games run at 20fps and below
>no 2d games lol
>also one of the shittiest controllers ever made
here it is OP.

Attached: n64.jfif.jpg (960x604, 36.84K)

You just described every console

It had a bunch of good exclusives though

>MariO sunshine
>Eternal darkness
>MGS The Twin Snakes
>Zelda Twilight Princess

Fuck yourself. That's a better list of top games than any non-SNES library.

it has the best version of viewtiful joe

It had the best version of Resident Evil 4.

You mean N64, GCN was peak Nintendo and SNESfags dont want to admit it

Spawn was complete trash, but Total Warrior was incredible.

The Leapfrog Leapster

fuck this system

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I was responding to a post talking about fucking bujingai, spawn is about as good as that game

N64 is based. Fuck you faggots.

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yea N64 is based on trash LMAOOOO

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great game but not really like the others.
didnt know total warrior had a GC version, i will try this one(had it on my PS2 hdd but the thing fried before i could play it).

>gotcha force


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bujingai is not that bad, it feels good to hit the dudes, the game is just too repetitive.

Game console I don’t like ≠ Overrated

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Its the N64 and its all because stupid americans,overhyped decent console

gamecube has the exact same golf game by the same developers only better in every aspect, such as not running like sub 30 fps

5. PS3
4. PS1
3. PSP
2. 3DS
1. Switch
Switch is objectively the most overrated console of all time. 3DS is probably second since I hacked it and found out it literally has no games. PSP would be second for the same reason but fewer people say it's good. PS3 is a multiplat system the same as xbox 360 with a tiny amount of exclusives. PS1 is pure shit but most people recognize that.

>Enough Good games not shilled too much
>This is an insult at this point
>Enough good games ,literally almost never gets praised lol
>This one does lack a lot of good games but again nobody talks about it,its just ok.
>Its a new console,it isnt overrated at the very least
Shit list user congrats ,the worst I ve seen in a long time

why? psp games were pulling some PS2 tier shit, it was great for its time.
being able to play PS1 and connect it to a TV was great plus too.

He is just full of shit,the only really talked about consoles he posted were the PS1 and the Switch,so that makes the other 3 already not fit for overrated

Reminder that 1/5 of the entire N64 library is nothing but racing games.

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>>Its a new console,it isnt overrated at the very least
wat, all those people who want a shittier less comfortable gaming experience on the 10% off chance that they happen to be "on the go" sounds overrated as fuck.

PSP is still superior to everything on that list, simply due its emulation versatility. Even without emulating it still had plenty of decent games. PS1 was also decent for its time and has quite a few RPGS that are decent to play even now.

Everything else on that list is shit.

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Thats a funny looking PS2


PN.03, Gaist, Viewful Jone and Castlevania Sonia

>looking PS2
Holy shit you stupid. GC CPU is powerful than overrated DVD player.

Smash 64 and Sin & Punishment are the only worthwhile games.

smash 64 isn't worth playing over any of the other games in the mediocre series of smash bros

No, the Wii U is

Only reason the PS2 sold well is because the PS2 is literally a poor mans DVD Player.

I'd say the N64 is the most overrated of all time. But maybe that's just because I'm a little older. Mario 64 and Zelda: OoT used to appear on just about every top 10 games list.

GC is too limited to be more powerful than the PS2. v0 and v1 set it way apart and put it on par with the original xbox. Mind you the best looking games that gen are PS2 exclusives.

diddy kong was good, banjo kazooie was good, blast corps was good