Can they improve her in Metroid Prime 4?

Can they improve her in Metroid Prime 4?

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brawl samus best samus.

Get rid of the MOLE

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Make her tits bigger and just a bit more muscular

make her taller and a little bit more muscly

give her bigger tits and a fatter ass

I prefer the smaller tits.

no please

>Ultimate's Samus look like a coked out escort doing erotic cosplay
And I love it.

More muscles.

It’s vapor ware, tendie. Never coming out.

go back to your development Alex and get Osana out to the public, you're making Duke Nukem Forever's progress look normal.

Go back to her Prime Hunters look

that's a beauty spot you uncultured swine

Give her breast cancer. Imagine the drama of a vulnerable Samus Aran, still persisting in her galactic adventures despite her illness. I guarantee the gaming world would be shocked, stunned, and moved at the effort to make Samus' character more meaningful. I love Samus, but it's about time the industry had a big shock for a change.

Feather pubes

yeah they can
by giving her a power suit

Yes, by giving Samus a 14" futa cock that you have to satisfy by jacking your joycon every 20 minutes

Go back to fusion's appearance.
But, what about her power suit design?

this bitch is flat as fuck now, wtf

>You can see her nips in the DS version
Why did handheld get the best samus?

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Smaller tits, bigger ass

I like the brawl one the most.

based and clintonpilled

im pretty sure switch samus has the fattest ass

Yas Forums not actually playing Metroid prime or having reading comprehension problems confirmed : METROID PRIME IS A FIRST ACTION AFVENTURE GAME (you will only see her hands, coomers!!!)

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We can always go bigger.

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Wii U looks best


3DS Samus with Wii U's graphical fidelity.

Make her muscular but not too much
Give her ncie tits and ass
Remove the stupid fucking beauty mark
Remove ZS and bring back the bikini

>nothing but downgrades
Outlook not so good.

Good men

wtf switch one looks ugly af

>what is cutscenes

>you will only see her hands
You literally see her reflection in regular gameplay in Prime

Booty'd and Pearpilled

Prime 4 is gonna be to Metroid what The Force Awakens was to Star Wars so she will probably just be a copy paste of how she looked in Prime 1.

she looks like a geisha in ultimate

i'm a degen so i kinda miss smash 4 samus's fat ass and tits

To be perfect, all she needs is a little remodeling.


How does switch look worse than wii u?

Whoa take it easy you fucking weirdo, ass AND tits?

give her IBS, have her farting constantly. i think this would really humanize samus.

She needs to get Blacked by Anthony. Imagine all the BBC porn we're going to get ... and faggots won't be able to cry about it because it'll be canon ...

Her face in Ultimate looks weird as fuck.

No, just niggers.

yeah she had a huge butt and big tits in smash 4 dude

Holy shit, they really made her face look extremely generic after Brawl.

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>play brawl
>grab metal box
>fully visable modeled ass

Not always. There's gotta be a limit at some point.

give them soda

Samus Returns' design (arguably with the armor design too) is literally the best Samus and I'm sure it'll never get used again

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Wider hips. More abs

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The way to improve her is to never show her outside of the suit unless you beat the game either very quickly or 100% it.

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>high heels

Utterly shit opnion.

ZSS will almost definetly not be in Prime 4

Yes, give her bigger hips and a slimmer waist

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Man what a neat design except for the shoes.

Why are all the colors in Ultimate so washed out?

Prime 1 Samus was best design, fuck all of you

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by giving her a personality

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a turn back to the super/fusion design would be sweet to me.

Ultimate Samus is so bad. Her render is fine I don't know why they half assed the model or even bothered doing a new one since they obviously didn't want to.

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I don't even like Ellie's character. Did she even have one?

Nice b8

Too american

this desu. samus literally has no personality or character.

Well yeah, it is.

The last thing she needs is a personality.

Bring back brawl or other M hairstyle and get rid of that ugly anime hairstyle in 4 and ultimate

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>Silent protagonist has no personality
What the fuck no way???

Brawl looked best.

Depends on how many s o i cucks retro hired to the art department

>switch version looks far worse than wiiu version

the switch was a mistake.


remove the dumb makeup and heels

They should make her into a full-on bimbo and have multiple BBC minigames and perhaps a beach volleyball level.

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You mean BRC
(Big Ridley Cock)

Gordon Freeman has no personality.
Samus does despite her never talking.
You don't need to say words for us to understand who you are. For instance I dont need you to post anything else to understand you're a faggot.

lose the shoes and its good

Damn you really roasted me hard there!!!!!

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Anyone else never find Samus attractive at all? I don't know why, but literally nothing about her design does anything for me, I'll take Lara Croft any day.