Is DOOM 2016 worth pushing through again? I remember I bought it on sale a while back and got bored halfway.
Is DOOM 2016 worth pushing through again? I remember I bought it on sale a while back and got bored halfway
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not with eternal coming out. 2016 is just the same thing over and over with little variation and it gets really, really boring toward the end. you will have the same experience again.
i say this as a classic fast paced fps lover
Never was, never will be. The only positive posts about any nuDoom game are shills.
Play on a higher difficulty.
Fuck no. It was always tedious slog. Pure garbage.
yeah it's worth playing though. If you're good, you can probably finish it before eternal releases
That does not remedy any of its issues. In fact, in makes it even worse.
Nobody gives a fuck.
I feel this way about original Doom. Once the new enemies stop it's just the same shit over and over, trying to not fall asleep while I look for keys
Nah, not really. The game doesn't really change much
i feel like the levels are always something new every level in doom and quake and etc
the levels in 2016 kinda lose their shine because of the arenas
I don't know why people ask this. Doom 2016 and doom eternal are very similar. If you don't like one, there's a pretty damn big chance you won't like the other. And yeah everyone says doom 2016 lags in the middle and then picks up at the end. Also play on ultra violence at the bare minimum. The game is way too easy otherwise.
What issues and how does increasing the difficulty make them worse?
The second half of the game is far too easy. If you got bored by then it's not worth it
All this and more.
Extra difficulty just makes you die faster, that's all. Meaning you need to waste more time playing this garbage.
Oh you're that retard.
I did the other day and it wasn't that bad. The glorykills are crap. Can't just shoot instead as that seems to take more ammo than getting the glorykill phase in the first place.
I tried to finish it a few times tho and only recently managed to get a tiny bit hooked to finishing it. On the highest difficulty I played.
You're a sad, delusional schizo.
Nah, it's shit.
It was an all around downgrade from the original Doom games of 1990s, suffered of almost all the modern console-shooter cancer designs, and was afraid to go all out with its themes and overall legacy. It's practically the same as playing a 3D Binding Of Isaac; without the Doom-name on the cover, it would be just another one of these nu-retro shooters like Hard Reset, that'd get ignored and forgotten by masses in weeks. The name alone kept it up for few months, but now it's rightfully so dead.
The final nail in this shit pile's coffin however was Bethesda's utter idiotic decision to suddenly NOT provide real modding tools for it, so the fanbase could polish and fix it up, potentially keeping it relevant for years to come.
When you complain about an enemy shooting projectiles rather than hitscan in a FPS, yeah you're a retard. Half the "issues" are just you being literally bad at the game.
>The amount of depth, fast paced tactics, and attention to balance in gameplay totally tower over every other shooter released in past few years
It's a fine game that's worth it's current price of $6. Any more than that and I pity you for buying it. Zero replay value
Is eternal any better?
Just ignore the RPG elements and trying to constantly open the map and find secrets. Atleast on your first play
>When you complain about an enemy shooting projectiles rather than hitscan in a FPS, yeah you're a retard.
Nah, you're just an underaged lncel with no arguments.
The classic Doom-likes did the hitscan RIGHT, and it expanded the toolset of their experiences.
It's literally the mark of post-CoD era console kids to whine about "muh hitscans!!".
Yes, we indeed need the Messiah to save us from this never ending decline of video games.
It's literally just D2016 + platforming + "surprise mechanic" boxes + more PLOT.
Sounds like you have issues.
>in a doom game
If you don't like 2016, you won't like eternal. It's pretty damn similar
>a few more mobilty options
>more demon types
>more emphasis on platforming
>a practice area
>a few new weapons but most function like the ones in 2016
>somewhat bigger levels
>more emphasis on story but you can skip it
That's really it in terms of huge changes.
The game was fun. But halfway there are barely new enemies or scenarios worth coming back to. Final boss and ending sucked too.
You want to play nuDOOM. Just be on check for Eternal.
What? Can't handle a first-person God Of War with epic story now?
What are you, a boomer?
Looking at the raw footage, yes. It's essentially the same thing, but objectively better.
yeah I made this thread because I already have the Sunk Cost of already buying this game anyway. I'm just gonna try and push through it since I got nothing else to do.
Nah, the opening levels are slow and dull as fuck, it gets way more fun near the end when you have all the guns but the beginning is really fucking bad
>it gets way more fun near the end
No. Fuck off.
The Foundry was the only good map, and there's a reason why they use it as the game's posterboy level.
I’ve never preordered a digital game before, will I be able to play at midnight tomorrow or what?
please turn that disgusting highlight off. Can't imagine how you can get immersed in that, the game becomes 10 times better without them.
Imagine screenshotting your own post and spamming it for years.
No. Glory kills ruin any immersion the game would have had
No. The powersuit ruins any immersion the game would have had
No. The music ruins any immersion the game would have had
the last half is way better than the first half. i didn't like it either and it took playing twice to get through, but it gets so fucking good at the end. it's totally worth playing.
Nope. See
Also the levels ruin any immersion the game would have had
Unless you play on higher difficulty its a bore, the game was not designed to be played on lower.
>nope see
>random faggot's dumbass opinion
lmao ok
I hope the plot of Eternal is more about Hayden than the whole doomslayer cringefest
No. Doom 16 was shit. TNO was better
hardest cope of the century hahahhahahhah
>b-bros should i play this game i couldnt even finish once so i can also drop the sequel??
yes go ahead and waste your money again nigger. everyone else will be enjoying themselves.
Surely there has to be a better review of nuDoom out there that highlights the actual problems with the game instead of going NEW BAD OLD GOOD
This. I don't see what changed for them to suddenly be interested in eternal when they're so similar. They're getting caught in the hype and then they're gonna bitch and moan about not liking eternal in the future threads just to shit up the board.
I sort of want to finish the game before tomorrow so I know what the story is, but it's just not fun at all.
It's worth a full play through or two, but it gets boring halfway through and the cliffhanger ending sucked dick.
Still worth it for the soundtrack alone.
Prey 2017 was way more fun, I'd play that if i were you
Okay we can stop memeing now
This, don't think there has even been anything better released since.
It's pretty great when all you're looking for is raw gameplay. While it's true that the game runs out of new tricks to throw at you once you hit the Titan's Realm, it never got boring for me. It really depends on how much you enjoy the game's core combat vs. how much you want to be pelted with new stuff.
Yes. I too at the time dropped the game near lv9, but I finished today and it was worth it.
There is some strange boredom lv 6-8
Shit taste
Name something better released in the past 3 years.
Prey 2016 gets too much dicksucking on Yas Forums but it is very good though comparing DOOM to Prey is wrong since both games go for very different things
How does increasing difficulty make it better?
Prey sucks. Fuck you