There is a distinct lack of fit girls in vidya

There is a distinct lack of fit girls in vidya.

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You can't talk about vidyia and fitgirls without cool pirated music

>Squatting 1 plate

she's still training

>what are warmup sets
she's clearly not struggling with it

I will never exercise.

What's your favorite tomboy romance



You're right. Post 'em

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Just admit you like men you fucking faggot. Every muscle girl is almost always drawn as a futa 99% of the time.

Imagine the smell

Attached: 1576973209940.jpg (1000x1000, 49.39K)

I like men with tits and vageen

Attached: 1583367728417.jpg (834x809, 283.6K)

>1 pl8
>shit form
>durr look at my ass user
Even 2d women are all whores

The artist must not know about this stuff


Attached: ETZ3CkTX0AI2Sok.jpg (2505x1894, 446.56K)

>fit girls
No thanks. I like my girls thick and unmuscular. Bitch just needs to diet to stay fine. Girls that work out too much are annoying.

This kind

Attached: 9.jpg (712x1098, 150.15K)

This user knows for a fact, he looks at a LOT of dicks.

If it isn't at least parallel, it's not a squat.
Also that back arch holy shit, hurts to look at.
Whoever drew this either knows nothing about fitness, or purposefully drew this floozy as some dumb slut just there to get people to look at her and isn't actually working out.

Attached: 1584558205278.png (656x627, 147.92K)

Attached: Fitgirl.jpg (225x225, 5.67K)

>I like my girls nasty and obese like me
>implying you could even get those

Attached: F7B6ECCB-6A1C-446A-8813-913B1A37CD89.jpg (2116x1660, 859.31K)

My thick 5'1 blasian gf is on my lap right now

>Whoever drew this either knows nothing about fitness, or purposefully drew this floozy as some dumb slut just there to get people to look at her and isn't actually working out.
it's porn
it's supposed to be porn
what do you think


Attached: 19516202_p0.jpg (630x700, 231.75K)

sh's a drawing


You are not looking at the right places

Attached: allegra.webm (640x360, 2.19M)

>what is character development

>I'll go warm up the shower
What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1573526083775.png (300x300, 38.52K)

>No nudity
>it's porn

Attached: wrgr.jpg (553x665, 47.74K)

Your dog doesnt count

porn doesn't have to have nudity to be porn wtf

Probably lives in an old building with crappy water heating

I don't know about you, but personally, I find competence sexy.

>regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a nonsexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience.

Sakura Discord, they aren't the main characters but they have a whole arc dedicated to them

Attached: 155095l.jpg (291x450, 89.63K)

If you wanna destroy this thread and receive a flood of (you)'s you'll post an image of yourself with her right fucking now.

Attached: D1-88reXQAYz243.jpg (1200x850, 85.93K)

Post proof then you fat turd.

Attached: 9D8994C6-328B-43B1-9730-A6172ADE5A4A.jpg (658x695, 66.14K)

Attached: samus bae.jpg (1960x1269, 1.57M)

neither a girl or vidya

By that logic literally everyone is porn

He's not gonna post proof.

Attached: REMEMBER.jpg (262x192, 7.25K)

Well fuck, now I want a goblin tomboy gf too.

Of course I won't. I only give goodies to gud bois.

That's weird. I don't remember Mikan having black hair. Could have sworn she had glasses too.

Girl abs are just so nice to look at.

Attached: 1554063780670.jpg (850x1202, 595.25K)

holy fuck

Attached: 15150574603300.png (1200x1200, 688.71K)

and he unironically uses gud

I read the definition, and it's wrong, there needs to be nudity to be considered real porn

It takes a couple of minutes before the air gets warm. You know, like a sauna.

Attached: A5261E6E-D2CB-40F8-BE59-281CF91D5699.png (400x225, 138.61K)

I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description ["hard-core pornography"], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it,

This is why you're a virgin.

No it doesn't. Just because it isn't hardcore doesn't mean it isn't porn

Attached: notupset.png (601x508, 136.11K)

She's not a goblin
You're thinking of something different

>game has cute tomboys

Attached: 1581506563325.png (1440x900, 2.13M)

Because fit women are sexist, we need more fat women in games

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I want to lick her and Riju

Attached: EL_zKx2WoAEfxds.jpg (850x1250, 162.04K)


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>shit taste
Like pottery

Love me to death a fit girl but you faggots define one as having unrealistic manly muscles instead of feminine ones which just adds to the fact this is a homo board

Only if they look like this.

Attached: 1551366183155.jpg (1280x1811, 227.89K)

what game

There are only three types of porn
Softcore, no nudity, not real porn
Porn, nudity and sex
Hardcore, sex so rough n tough and hard it makes whoever getting fucked a temporary cripple

imagine humping her bellybutton and nutting in it

1 plate for a woman is like 2 plates for a man, her form is complete shit though

>doesnt even know how leg bones work.

Good thing youre not giving fitness advice to people.


Max Gentlemen Sexy Business

The fact that futafaggots are freaks who insist on spamming their shitty fetish everywhere 100x worse than furries ever did is a problem with futafaggots, not with musclegirl bros.

Most people on Yas Forums are fat autistic neets

You trying to try the definition of porn doesn't make it not porn

Is this what you're looking for in a fit girl

Attached: tvtcv.jpg (1280x720, 87.23K)

>those lips
god i want to kiss the BOTW gerudo

I'm not a virgin, but if I was, I think not being a passionless loser who drools over anything someone with a vagina does would be pretty low on the list of reasons why
>"leg bones"
okay bud

I was never into fat chicks until donaught

>it's not porn
it's shit baka desu SENPAI

It's not real porn

I heard about that, what's it about exactly


Are we compiling a definitive fit girl Vidya list or not? Who can use Photoshop?

Look at this armchair tough guy, trying to justify his insecurities over a message board. Get real,i could bend you over with one arm and fist your ass with another without a sweat.

You trying to try the definition of porn doesn't make it not porn

>I'm not a virgin
That's exactly what a virgin would say.

tycoon game where u can romance 6 girls and 6 guys

each character has about 4 cgs+bonus outfits