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Don't play MMOs.

all other non-dead MMO are even worse

>Gunbreaker sounds fantastic in both the introduction trailer and the job action trailer
>sounds like fucking garbage in game
what the fuck happened?

ff14 last extension is decent
the problem is the time it takes to get to it....

MMOs are a waste of time

You shouldn't be playing mmos past the year 2013

we need a waste of time with the confinement


FFXIV for structured gameplay.
TESO for complete chaos.

FFXIV leveling is story and grinding dungeons all day. TESO is an unbalanced wasteland of incompetence. I just want an MMO that doesn't focus Dungeons and Raids. That doesn't force some bullshit contrived story and lets me grind away while working in lots of PvP and Economy.

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play an actual game that doesn't rely on you being a complete loser with no taste or self respect who will do the same thing over and over to get a slightly higher quality gear based on random rolls

Every video game is a waste of time zoomer.

You can do that in XIV by skipping cutscenes. Crafting all the bullshit takes forever.

>I just want an MMO that doesn't focus Dungeons and Raids. That doesn't force some bullshit contrived story and lets me grind away while working in lots of PvP and Economy.

early Archeage was like that

What are you playing then? Show me the last three games you played.

mmos rely on you entirely wasting your time because there is no completing the game if you're autistic enough
and the gameplay is usually braindead rotations no skill involved

i mean bdo but it's fucked too lol

Not every game needs to be completed, by this logic every multiplayer game is a waste of time.

ESO is Skyrim Online with more mechanical depth and a game that doesn't require a 200+ modlist to be enjoyed

If that appeals to you, go play it. I prefer it greatly to FFXIV but it's still fundamentally a chosen one themepark MMO and I play sandbox MMOs like EVE and UO.

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>tfw no good brainless grinding game to waste my life on

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Yeah BDO is shit, DPS is tied to frame rate and it's extremely convoluted with half baked mechanics and gimmicks.

some day you'll understand that what you say is true for every games
all games are a waste of time

craftings and money is useless in FFXIV for non-autists

keyword is braindead
the skill cap in mmos is your luck on getting random rolls for you to outperform other people, not skill
guarantee you've never been top 500 in any multiplayer game you've played

>guarantee you've never been top 500 in any multiplayer game you've played
What multiplayer games you playing then?

>ESO is Skyrim Online with more mechanical depth

at least you can die in Skyrim
in TESO its downright impossible outside of like 5% of game's content

FFXIV is only good if you are a tranny
eso if you enjoy the world of elder scrolls (Chad)

I never said it's a waste of time but it sure is a shitty game to waste your time on. MMOs are the peak most unfun thing you could play that requires no skill and just serves as a huge time sink for people bad at games and having shit taste. Thuosands of games to play developed over the course of 40+ years and you play one that has you click 2 buttons in a rotation while you jerk off to your character and hope to get a currency to make your purple gear do 10 more damage

>FFXIV is only good if you are a tranny
Post picture of yourself please.

ESO? More like Endless Loading Screen online

XIV is not worth it unless you've already spent at least 2 years on it and thus can't quit because of sunk-cost fallacy.

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Fucking based

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Everything in an mmo is useless for non-autists.


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if you ever bought into mmos and aren't a streamer making money off your retarded followers you instantly have a net loss

>at least you can die in Skyrim

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this guy gets pussy

I've misjudged a jump before.

don't pretend you've never gotten 2 shot by a bandit chief in iron gear even when you were level 30
assuming you dont play on adept queer

eso is for the passing trannies

opponents have level ranges depending on their type so yeah you can die

Pick one.

>Decide to give it a go
>Someone called "Irish Brony" invities me to some sort of guild.
>The first hour is literally WORDS WORDS WORDS with no combat or engagement whatsoever
I really want to give XIV a chance but the games does so much to make me not enjoy it.

>> Eso is the overall best mmo if you want to play it
Can be played solo and have a great time. Has a decent story fully voice acted. Downsides are Jewery it’s most expensive one but it’s usually high quality content. No gear treadmill only for trials once a year if your into them.
>> FF 14 dumpster trash dime a dozen theme park mmo
>> Overrated fan service if your into that play BDO which also has better gameplay
I dislike how mosh mash the setting is it doesn’t feel like it’s own fantasy world but a mashed up version of every one and it’s super boring. Over rated as fuck story since it’s zoomer first and only "jrpg" story lol. I fucking hate mandatory subscriptions and gear treadmill shit.

>> BDO
Just started but it’s definitely about as pay 2 win as eso just time saving conveniences. Cash shop of comparable price to eso. So far easily best combat if the 3. Downsides? Shitty Korean eglishu makes some text confusing.

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What should we be playing?

>Can be played solo and have a great time
Not really, you still need to join a guild if you plan on selling things in bulk. Also champion points push new players away because it'll take forever for them to catch up.


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These aren't even close to passable. Look at this old man ass hairlines lmao

>dude gear treadmill lmao
>ignores that the treadmill is optional and you can just ignore it in most MMOs, including XIV.
Sounds more like you think your addiction of choice isn't shit because you partake of it.

We need a non-dead new MMO. But it seems that the genre's heyday is past. 14 and TESO have both reached that point where almost the whole playerbase is endgame and therefore insular and cliquish.

>the absolute state of white (((males)))


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Oh right that. I don’t talk to or hang out with them. Long as I sell shit it’s all they care about. I j ter act with rando npc’s more. Feels good to be a chad.

I only join smaller trade guilds that allow low activity. Big ones with trade tariffs lol scams.

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Last I heard suicide rates were approaching 50%. So yeah I think I'm coping just fine.

They changed the sounds around 2 weeks after the expansion released. They sounded just like in the trailers at launch. There's a mod that lets you make them sound like they used to, and another variant where the modmaker takes his favorites from the old and the new and mashes them together. It has to be updated with every patch that adds content though.

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You look like you have a massive wojack collection.

based sayuri poster

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Why does it look like your face is falling off your face?

I’m against gear treadmill’s sorry if it came across different big post. Eso has almost none. Once you get a good set to clear dungeons it will likely never go out of date.

In eso end game dlc dungeons are second hardest content. End game trials though are where you need decent gear which changes once per year if you meta chase trials. Eso only gets 1 trial per year.

Ff14 it’s entirely about"getting to endgame{ I fucking hate that shit. Then endless fucking grinding then new expansion comes out do it all over. Is it "optional" yes you don’t have to but ff14’s story, writing, and world aren’t compelling enough to adventure around in unlike eso and BDO.

In BDO I can’t say it definitely seems more like eso in open world ish opposed to BDO. Also from vets it’s very rare the gear treadmill happens I think they said it took 3-4 years for it to go up. And once you get a set like eso you’ll be good fir a long time.

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Any SWG bros in here? Is there a server better than SWGemu, they're way too slow and purist.

that's not a tranny though he still has a dick
pic related is your average Yas Forums tranny

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>It's optional but I don't like the rest of the game so fuck you no it isn't.
That's a compelling argument.

Gear treadmills are solely for autists. Everyone else makes their own fun, dies side content, or checks out new patch stuff and fucks off. That's MMOs in general, not just XIV. Treating it like some kind of barrier to entry/necessary evil when you can ignore that shit without a care in the world is stupid.