Was this an accurate representation of him?
Was this an accurate representation of him?
>Mentally ill, sick, old bastard
Yes pretty much on spot
>alt-retards worship him as saviour of white race
Who knows?
He didn't live long enough.
>keeping a senile dying old man in power for no reason
yup quite a good representation of both him and his followers
Towards the end, yeah. The war really ate away at him mentally and physically.
My grandpa told me a story once how Hitler shot a general who said he can't take Russia. And then he sent 5 trains loaded with winter coats to his troops to continue the fight.
uhhh yeah??? everyone knows that time that hitler pee pee poo poo vomit
Didn't he have no mustache in the German version
Pretty much, yeah. His body was a drug-riddled mess, and this is probably what he would have been like if he didn't shoot himself.
I find it funny how frenchtrash always think they know jack shit about fascists when in reality they literally never had to deal with them in the first place.
and then he failed to take russia
>They rounded up all the jews, coloreds and queers
>this is a white mans world now
Who knew americans could be this based if they only picked the right side.
>>They rounded up all the jews, coloreds and queers
>then start accusing others of not being white
White people are insane.
...or did he?
Was it supposed to be? Im confused I thought this game was satire.
New Order/Colossus was made by swedes, user.
No game developer or gamer alive today dealt with fascists. By your own logic nobody should ever make commentary on fascists or history from last century and earlier because you had to deal with it yourself, and research isn't a thing that exists.
>coloreds and queers
yeah I'm sure these are words a farmer in the 60s would use who was previously yelling nigger in the game, good writing
I guess they needed more winter coat trains. My neighbor was on the eastern front as a volunteer fighting ruskies.
But it makes sense, if Hitler had won the war the moment he died would have had every minister and general fighting for power and all the occupied territories would have rebelled. Same as Yugoslavia did with Tito.
Unlike any other ethnicity in the world, whites don't really care about race (or the derived herd mentality).
As the perceived hegemonic power, they'll never stop fighting each other, because they put morals and values and belief before biology.
The question is, would that still be the case if they stopped perceiving themselves as the main hegemonic powers?
Would they submit to Chinese overlords, for example? Would they fight 'till death for the right of being ruled by their own kin?
No, the accent was all arong.
If the white MAN and not the woman had the control, the world would be the opposite than it is today.
I'd like to live in a matriarchy.
If you're not tall and handsome, you'd be castrated and left in the badlands
How isn't that more fucking pathetic? I confused Arkane with MachineGames, but still.
Was this an accurate representation
Fine sissy, I'll bite. Here's your (You).
MUH RESEARCH is why you get games with shooting mechanics like BLACK and nuFallout; people doing MUH RESEARCH instead of getting hands-on experience. Also history is written by the victor, to be used by far-left sissies as a propaganda soapbox. Go on, refute this. Protip, I won't (You) your shit again regardless.
Meanwhile france is fining anybody that leaves their house because of corona virus
Go to any african country, latin america or Japan. Have fun.
No, a lack of research is how you get those things. The Fallout devs clearly don't know a thing about guns and just used images of them as reference (which is not research).
No retards cant even get his eye color right
No. Do you also believe in Jewish science-magic power armors and undead nazi cyberzombies?
Hitler was pretty based, just denying the spaghets the honorary Aryans title and gave one to some casino owners in USA instead.
They weren't that bright, more like a very deep blue. Apparently it's a Mandella Effect from people only seeing black and white footage of him and his deep blue eyes being black, so everybody depicts him as brown eyed. (possibly for other reasons)
>Actually believing that all germans were monsters
Don't call me a sissy. I'll fucking kill you.
No, they were probably just about that color.
The european division makes sense. Europe was the only developing part of the world that was so splintered. Most everywhere else was usually dominated by either one or another hegemonic power ruling over over everything. China for example might have one feudal war, then go back to everyone being under one banner for 300 more years. It's also one of the main reasons that europe succeeded.
Dunno, this claims to be one of the few color photos ever of him
Hess really should be given an extra 20% crazy points. He was legit off his rocker.
Hitler actually could be elected even today. Humanity doesn't change that fast.
Nah, Hitler was elected because 70,000,000 people just had the shit kicked out of them and were told to stay down while their country and culture were raped.
You don't even need a colored picture to see that his eyes weren't that dark
Hold on.
Did they used Debra Wilson's face to make a child?
And that could happen again today. I'm not even that other user. Human's don't live long enough to collectively learn from past mistakes.
Most things are shut down before they even happen. Just look at the commies trying to start a revolution in the 70's, the FBI and CIA fucked them sideways before they could even get off the ground.
His name is John Bettendorf
The "history is written by the victor" nonsense is used by faggots who don't want to acknowledge their past heroes were utter scumbags and losers.
Historians write history.
Not him but Experience >>>>>>>> Research
That's why modern anime are all shit, the industry is run by otaku fucktards instead of real men that had an actual life before going into animation
You're trying to convince a fence-sitting, ivory tower moralizing faggot in an anonymous basket weaving forum, that reality is not what it seems.
If Hitler had lived to old age I imagine that is how he would have acted. He seems like the type to just pull out a gun and shoot someone several times out of anger.
Those are matriarchies? That's news to me.
>The "history is written by the victor" nonsense is used by faggots who don't want to acknowledge their past heroes were utter scumbags and losers.
>Historians write history.
If you'd written a "PICKLE RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK" at the end it'd be literally perfect.
>Historians write history.
History as people understand it isn't what's written in history books. It's the common ideas and memes that tend to float around in people's heads when a place or person is mentioned.
blah blah blah. Control the economy, you can make any country collapse on a whim. All you need to do then is pepper in your own revolutionaries and the desperate people will follow him/them. Same old bullshit.
lmao Eurasiantiger. Dude was funny.
Bernie Sanders lost the nomination, because of black voters
Yes, I also forgot to add Israel.
Fuck off Miyazaki
Not in the west. Maybe in shitholes like central asia, latin america, or africa.
>turns out blacks do not want to share their gibs
Imagine my shock
No refunds
except he's right, losing parties have influenced the popular perception of history a fair great amount and only a historically-illiterate retard would claim otherwise. One of the most obvious examples of this is the whitewashing surrounding the Clean Wehrmacht Myth.
>the daily /his/ thread
>conscripted citizens are guilty of their government'd crimes
They all seem weirdly reluctant to leave man who died 75 years ago after losing war alone. I wonder if he was up to something.