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blunder of the century

oh god help me i'm ready.

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>not already playing it

>game with some of the most soul and love put into it ever comes out
>lol im gonna steal it fuck nintendo XD
you should rot in prison you fucking piece of subhuman garbage

It's not stealing if gamestop delivered it 3 days early

h-hello? Based department?


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I NEED A COPY. Are they selling them early in stores due to this virus?

I'm so excited. I've been waiting since the Wii U for this game.

What do I name my island

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more like OLD horizons am i right or am i right fellas

I'm on the verge of buying AC because fucking Corona is stressing me out and I had to cancel a big Japan vacation. Just on the argument of it being "comfy", even though I never got into the series before and couldn't see the appeal.
Should I?

Guess who got the game delivered early fags

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Some stores are, most are not. You just need to know where to look and you'll find a copy. Even if you don't, waiting just 2 more days won't hurt.

Animal crossing can be comfy as fuck and therapeutic too. If you don't like new horizons you could always emulate one of the older ones to try out. I'd say new leaf and the gamecube one are the best to try. Gamecube animals are rude assholes but it's still fun and new leaf animals compliment you non stop but designing your house and village are much more fleshed out. New horizons is pretty much new leaf+

Thanks friend.
Not like I have a whole lot to do now, so maybe now is the time to approach the series openminded. Gonna give it a try.

Is it me?

i may just go pick it up today since my birthday is tomorrow.

Yes, happy birthday user


Ummm..... No sweaty...... We here on Yas Forums HATE New Horizons!!! Didn't you get the message? Haven't you SEEN the dozens of threads I, err, I mean WE keep making pointing out how shit this game is? Cut content, FAR less content thann any other game in the series, the LEAST new features of any game, terrible graphics and art style, SOULLESS.... That list goes on!!!!!

Could you please not discuss this shit on our board any more?!?!?! If you want to be a blind consoomer maybe head over to reddit!??

They could open the game with an execution of resetti and mass burning of all gyroids and I'd still play it

anons I can't decide if I want animal crossing physically or digitally
I want the convenience of digital because I'm severely depressed and already have no motivation to lay vidya and get put off just by having to change carts for everything but I'm really attached to physical copies and the thought of paying full price for a first party game and not even having a copy to put on my shelf or hold in my hand makes me physically ill
I don't know what to fucking do and I'm about to have a nervous breakdown over this shit and I don't have anyone to talk to about it who understands my severe autism over this so please help me

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you sound retarded

flip a coin and commit to whatever it lands on

i say push to get it physical and then just take care of yourself at home with a nice up of lemon honey tea and talk to people who love you

Digitally, retard

I can't decide

Then kys yourself

I've been tempted to try AC for a while, but hesitate to take the plunge. I like base/city builders and some relaxed games like Stardew valley, good fit?

New Leaf is superior to New Horizons, though...

Anyone wanna share friendcodes? Mine is 4792-4288-8107

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You are making a joke but a handful of people did the exact same thing for pokemon and managed to convince everyone here that it was the worst pokemon game to date, when it was actually one of the best ones since gen 4.
Never underestimate the hivemind nature of people.

SO MUCH THIS!!!!! here. I am so glad to see there is at least one other user in this thread with COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!

what's his problem

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Do you have to have played any others to play this one, or is it recommended to do so? Been thinking of picking this one up but wasnt sure.

you hush. and if you cant decide its ok. just take a little time to think it over.

my friend code is sw-615058790605

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I've thought about it nonstop for days
nothing I do gets me any closer to a decision and I won't be happy to matter what I do

Can I plant pine trees and make a little forest city like area? I hate the island stuff.

Nothings stopping you, in fact it would be a breath of fresh air compared to others.

No. There is no story to these games so you're good to start anywhere.

i didn't know tom nook had telekinetic powers

then do you have someone who can go with you? maybe as support?

Sweet. Cheers.

My sister preordered the game, I'll pick it up for her since she's working by the time the pick-up point closes on Friday, we'll try it out together.

I would need to ask my dad to drive me anywhere anyway but I wouldn't want him to go in the store with me
the real problem is since my easy plan for getting a copy fell through I've thought more than I ever have before about why I cling to physical games so much and especially with a game like this where everyone says you just check it for a little bit on a regular basis and don't have to constantly mess with carts especially when I'm put off of booting up some games because of that already it's really messing with me bad
I already amount impulse bought it digitally but it made me feel too terrible so I didn't go through with it

wait so you already have it digital?

>removes 80% of content in exchange for becoming a bastard breed between minecraft and the sims
where has the soul gone

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They just made a barebones version of the game and will add all the content over time. They've been doing this a lot with the switch. Kinda lazy imo.

Retard spotted.

>removes 80% of content
What the fuck are you idiots talking about?

Mobile gave them a taste of microtransactions, so they do it for everything now

what's been removed?

I was looking forward to yohe city folk like post office. Why couldn't they add it?

Also last game was 2013, why did they just start so late? Now we are also missing the Brewster, the fucking Brewster. This Is crazy

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Lard Land
Tushie Topia
Tooter Town

I almost impulse bought it in frustration

based. real men protect what they love

this game's made by the Splatoon dev team. They're gonna drip-feed us content that should've been in the game (like Brewster and Gryroids) in free updates over the next 2 years.

fixing to boot up my switch for day 2. played for a few hours last night and it's really comfy bros.

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why can't stores release it early already? corona-chan could sneak up on me at any moment and i just want to play thi


Does anyone have that really cringe "Dearest Nintendo" Twitter post?

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Is there a tree like in NL? I loved seeing mine grow after a while, but I haven't seen it yet in NH footage.
Any pirate chad knows? I don't mind waiting, so I'll buy it tomorrow midnight.

i understand your frustration. but either you have your dad drive you and you keep him in the car or you buy it digital and just wait. either way you win

>tfw aussie
>tfw it releases on tomorrow

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the dilemma is I actually am bothered by switching carts all the time and put off from playing stuff because of it and I don't want that to happen to this game especially when it will be the one that exacerbates the issue the most
I'm just really attached to physical copies and owning a real collection so having to confront this is making me really distressed

>Pre-purchased it digitally
>If I tried to buy it physical today I might have been able to play it tonight

Don't you have better thing to do? ( this is rhetorical, you autist)

wanting to collect physical copies like they're trinkets is female brained bro

But WHO is selling it early?

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wanting to give up ownership and let corporations dictate when and how you access the things you pay for is cuck mentality faggot