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reminder that the PS5 is faster than the XboxSX

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lol (((Kotaku)))

this reminds me of xboners claiming the esram on the xbone would make up the power difference because it was faster than ram back in 2013

>devs designing shit like garbage and creating load times on fucking suds
Sounds great, Jason.

they dont care because both consoles wont be released in 2020

They were specifically talking about the CPU and SSD. We now know the CPU is worse than xbox but the SSD is better HOWEVER only first party titles will make use of an SSD that fast unless 3rd party devs wanna wipe out all their PC sales because of all those people still using regular HDD.

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these are literal dev reports tho, not just some mental gymnastics of fanboys

Just wait till a price drop and good exclusives come out.

Don’t be a dumbass like day 1 PS3 and Wii-U owners.


How the fuck do I get out of here? Do I actually have to bash off that flying enemy?

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PC's don't crash the instant you run out of memory so you don't need hyper aggressive streaming. Just turn off the streaming and add a load screen and there's your PC port.

>Trusting Jason Shreier

I cant think of a single game changer in having an ssd that loads things in .4 seconds vs .8

I mean, it was supposed to be a GDC talk, not an E3 show. Doesn't matter anyway because it will still have no games. Consoles suck this gen and they will continue sucking next gen. Yes, even Switch as of right now.

they should've just added in the teraflops the super fast SSD gives them to make a higher number than xsx!

I accidentally fucking replied instead of making a new thread, fuck me

I wish that smug looking bitch would change his profile picture or shut up. I’m so tired of seeing that self righteous smug fucking face all the time. You write for a shitty ass “journalism” site, you don’t need to be in a suit, it doesn’t make you intelligent.

the personal incredulity fallacy is one of the most amusing. put this kike in the oven until he's nice and crispy.

What a shit show.

They said the cell would make the PS3 way better on paper, but most multiplats ended up running worse.

Normies don't watch GDC. They only care about games which Sony will reveal by the dozen while Xbox will show off Halo Infinite and Halo Infinite's battlepass.

Cope harder, Hannibal.

>A SSD is what makes the PS5 so amazing.

Is this a joke? are we back in 2014?



>loading games faster is a big deal

no it isn't

unironically try to remember the last time a game had obnoxiously long load times

>PS5's SSD is a huge deal

It's really not. Even if it does somehow load games faster.

You're trading more space, compatibly, the console overheating because it's overclocked, and inferior graphics

>only first party titles will make use of an SSD that fast
you mean literally every multiplat Japanese game since they all prioritize PS4?

not like western devs wouldn't tap into this power if Sony will hit another 2:1+ lead over the xbonesx

It made it way better if you knew your shit. Late PS3 exclusives shit on everything exclusive on the xbox.

Why is he talking like XSX doesn't have an NVMe SSD?


Anthem but that shit sucked anyway

>people are praising an SSD acting like its some technical marvel
Jesus, console kiddies really are playing catch up.

dragon age origins

There is not a single confirmed Sony exclusive for PS5 though


>ssd isnt even a full terabyte
>all the other specs nowhere near as strong
this isnt looking good

>We're going back to the No Games era
and we have now come full circle.

that was said by the marketing team

this is literally said by the devs who are working on both ps5 and xboxsx games


They're going to announce them around E3 time, y'know, like game companies usually do.

As a pcfag, bloodborne's loading screens look extremely obnoxious to me.


I hope xbox is dominant next gen. not because I like ms, but because it'll hopefully make sony pull their heads out of their collective asses. competition is good.

Oh no no no OriChads we got too cocky

there were devs that said the same thing in 2013 about the xbox. it taught me that tons of developers know fuck all about hardware despite literally writing code that uses it

>SSD is a huge deal

reminder that the ps2 was the weakest of the Gen 6 consoles as well.

It doesn't matter about loading games really fast when you have no games

>mfw playing Halo: Infinite while you’re stuck with Godfall

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Dont give a singular fuck without exclusives flexing or WHY BOTHER WITH A CONSOLE. ITS CURRENT. YEAR. I actually hope all consoles flop even though I buy them used. PC forevermore.

The fuck is the point of LOAD GAME SUPPPPAAA FASTERU if theres no gayms

SSD doesn't fucking matter. Youtube is full of videos and there's like 1% difference. That 1% difference won't even be used since everything is multiplatform. You'll just get 1% shorter loading screens.

Dreamcast and Gamecube could both be weaker depending on the game.

what games does microsoft have?

The PS2 also had the greatest launch lineup of all time. The PS5 won't even sniff that

for consoles. But we all agree, without a game demo, all that talk was boring useless bullshit.
Don't you find it fishy that the only games they talked about was dead space? Not even shilling their own games. They had to show dead fucking space.


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Not that they had much competition. The PS3 on the other hand lost bigly.

This. Even if the PS5's SSD is 5x faster it won'y matter because games still have to run on XSX. A better GPU though, every game will benefit from that.

>t. zoomer
PS2 launch lineup sucked, it had no games for a year. There's a reason the Dreamcast fans derided it.

all jap games are comingto PC nowdays
being a exclusively in one consoles shows that there is no future. Even sony is expanding to PC:

But what will this mean in practice? I wish they'd had any sort of tech demo to demonstrate what the SSD could actually do.

>Microsoft showcases faster loading times, real time raytracing demo, gears 5 running 4k 60fps with added elements, as well as seamless switching between 5 games
>Sony just has Cerny with an hour long classroom lecture

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I think Sony is just worried. Now they know their console is weaker so they're gonna try to present the PS5 in the best possible way but if HZD is coming to PC then why would anyone buy PS5? Then other PS "exclusives" are coming to PC

>SSD is faster than xbox
>Can only install 5 games on it before running out of space


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Zen 3 has around 17% IPC gains over Zen 2 on top of higher clockspeeds.

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this gen ps4 success was absed entirely on xboX fucking up.

Hence they are waiting for they to move first, but looks like the xbox has just better services nowdays.

this will go one of two ways either, before the release they'll do a massive push and undercut all the work microsoft will have already put in or it will be ps3 2.0, no way to tell just yet.

This guy have an obvious hateboner towards sonyfags and sony

>PS2 launch lineup sucked, it had no games for a year. There's a reason the Dreamcast fans derided it.
Fuck off moron, I was born in 87. The only zoomer here is you. Snoy actually had games to push the PS2 when it launched. Won't happen this time with the Snoy Station 5

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What are you talking about? Gen 6 has the most available consoles at the same power scale the industry has ever had?

You can just buy a bigger SSD and put it in.
Xbox has those retarded proprietary memory cards.

Really this showcases how much M$ learned from the disaster that was the Xbone launch. XBX was a big step in hardware and absolutely blows the PS4 Pro out of the water in terms of raw specs and performance, and the new Xbox is twice as powerful as that.

scale it up to many things and it adds up

Spotted the seething Xbox zoomer cuck

>PS2 launched in 2000
>posts late 2001 games
Fucking retard you just proved my point.

>another 343 Halo
>a bunch of decent indies you can already play on a toaster pc/laptop and a bunch of 6/10 studio's games

xbox still doesn't get 2/3 of nip games, and sony's first party studios are much more consistent and reliable at releasing decent games

It had to be a bald cuck from a bankrupt blog to say that a tech talk directed to developers is a marketing move.

kek good one user

That SSD won't be the speshul snowflake sony one and wont work the same way, unlike the xbox ones

Uhh.. lads?

He is fucking retarded if he thinks developers will optimize their games better for SSDs
Get ready for 250gb games from now on
Oh no wonder this fucking retarded brainlet keeps getting posted here

that shit is custome made, if you replace it it wont have nay of the agic theya re talking about.

I must have missed that in the presentation because I didn't read anything about being able to swap it

sony's only hope now is pricing this piece of shit at $299 and the series x being more expensive.
realistically, the ps5 will somehow be more expensive than the series x. sony has managed to fuck up every other aspect of the console, why stop at the price?

They already said they're showing games later in the year, how many times does this need to be stated before retards understand?

yeah but MS have fucked up on the first party title front, they've got halo, Gears and forza, but not much else. Sony have had a steady stream of games they've pushed to be high profile even if they ultimately weren't


Not him but this piece of shit won't have must have titles like that in 2021 either