What did he mean by this?

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he's a shill

How does he not understand that this was a GDC conference?

hes right, sony is done for. having the fastest ssd wont matter as much as having the fastest cpu, gpu, memory bandwidth, etc.

>Schreier shilling for Cuckbox again

No one cares about the $499 no games fridge and its memory cards.

He understands that it is and thinks it's a bad idea releasing a GDC conference as the first look at the console. I agree.

Yas Forums - Post and talk about every single Tweet by this kotaku jew

>slightly faster load times are going to fundamentally change video gaming


Are you defending Sony’s marketing team? They have done horribly. Microsoft has unveiled their console so many aeons ago, we haven’t even seen ps5 design yet. Sony couldn’t do anything to get a “gotcha” moment in their press. Maybe their SSD but no one gives a fuck

Why the fuck would they show it to the general public then? Now GDC will read what people had to say about this shitshow and may think it may not be worth it considering the lukewarm reception. How the fuck is snoy this fucking stupid?

This jew rat is a huge retard. There are way more innovations in the SeX than PoS5. Does PS5 even have VRS or VRR?

He does and he's right that it's an absolutely abysmal way to market and show the console to the public for the first time.

this, specially if games keep running at 30fps

you won't complain when every new game freezes every 5 seconds?

>When you spend half a presentation going over how big of a deal your specially built SSD is in layman's terms and use several examples from games and how you could do shit on the PS5 a game devved for PC or another console literally could not be designed around but this brainlet calls your presentation incomprehensible and complains you didn't advertise the SSD


when he mentioned 30 fps i decided no way in hell im buying this thing, i'm spoiled by my pc and 144hz monitor, anything less than 60 is unplayable, even at 60 quick turns look choppy now

>825GB of SSD
Wow thank you for this ultra fast SSD that has no storage, Sony!

Damage control

this incestuous, beak-nosed failed abortion has absolutely ZERO fucking idea about hardware.
storage medium has almost zero impact on game performance aside from faster loading times and a potential 3-5% overall performance increase. That's it. Hence why no one gives a fuck about muh meme ssd. Yet here this stupid shitstain is convineced he is the only one in the world who knows something no one else does.
what is crucial are bus speeds, ram speed, cpu and gpu architecture and the DilatonTranStation is a piss of shit vastly inferior to NextBox in those regards.

Fucking shithead. I hope he gets corona and dies a slow and painful death. Stupid, inbred, nepotistic fuck.

lmao @ PS5 and all the desperate journalist shills trying to damage control that train wreck unveiling. Cerny was also being a deceptive fuck throughout the presentation to avoid mentioning how PS5 is an overheating loud house fire waiting to happen.

Attached: ps5.jpg (452x862, 70.72K)

muh slightly better load times for my low res textures

I thought it was cool.

*note xbox will also have 3d audio

What the fuck is a slightly shorter loading time going to mean when your game is running at 30 fps because the GPU can't possibly maintain a clock speed of 2.2 Ghz without putting your face on fire?


Why do you give a shit about this man's opinion?

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>Two Xbox shills doing their best to downplay it

The Xbox cuck cope is off the charts today

>How does he not understand that this was a GDC conference?

He understands that other people dont understands that this is a GDC conference. You think normalfags give a fuck about if it's intended for devs or not?

I think he understands that it was a GDC presentation.

The problem is that normies are gonna watch this thinking its supposed to be the usual buzzword filled high energy E3 style presentation and immediately be confused or disinterested because normies are fucking retarded and don't care for such things

Where are they wrong though?

I didn't even realize that he called everyone correcting him obsessed with lolis holy shit lol

The point Cerny made was that you can effectively use it to "cheat" RAM restrictions by simply pulling assets direct from the SSD while dumping the current stuff entirely due to the speed.

Think of it this way: before your level size would be constrained to what your ram can handle loading in, with a need to either use loading screens or hide them behind shit like long elevator rides to go bigger than that. With this tech you can in theory do away with that all together, and just stream stuff in so fast that loading screens are no longer required.

This has gameplay impact too for stuff like openworld or racing games where your max speed or level design was often designed to prevent you going so fast the game had trouble loading assets in, as exemplified with the spider-man tech demo where they upped the max speed hugely because they don't have to slow you while the map loads.

It's not a GDC conference, GDC was cancelled. They didn't call this a GDC conference or direct it at developers.

what the fuck does he think a SSD does

this is a retarded approach and any programmer or electronics engineer worth his salt will tell you that.

>kotaku turbojew damage controlling
how low can snoys stoop

This dumbfuck console pleb STILL doesnt have an SSD in his PC LOL

It said right in the video description that this was a look at hardware architecture.
There was maybe a slight possibility of a tiny amount of last of us shilling but beyond that anybody who was expecting them to show off games has only themselves to blame for their disappointment.

I've had SSDs for almost 10 years, and now Sony is telling me that they are some huge innovation they just invented. I fucking hate console cunts so much.

Who said anything about 30fps?

MS didn't have this tone at all. Cerny tried to pull the same bullshit last gen.

If you did actually watched the conference or had any knowledge on how games work, you would understand how much storage impacts the thing.
Basically, with an harddrive, you have to store a bunch of shit in the memory you will use minutes from now, while with an SSD, you can use the entire memory in the room you're in and nothing else.

But on the other hand, the Xbox Sex storage is fast enough to pull that off as well as the PS5.

The console I was cheerleading didn't blow people away like I wanted it to and now I'm mad and biting the hand that feeds me

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>an harddrive

Xbox has this too via XVA. It's not as fast as PS5 but diminishing returns are real beyond 2GB/s
You're a moron. We have caches for a reason, to even out the speed/size constraints. Yes, using the SSD as a pagefile isn't ideal, but it is better than an HDD or not having a pagefile at all

Attached: XVA Logo.png (1421x770, 22.89K)

Try harder, Klobrille.

Pathetic, a solid state would only decrease load times and faster reading speed If game is on the system itself.

The PS5's implementation unironically is a big deal and you'd understand that if you had watched the video. He does admit that PC SSDs have caught up and even gotten on top of what the PS5 will have speed-wise but also touches on why you wouldn't see the same gains from one on a PC game that isn't designed with an insanely fast SSD in mind for how far the PS5's asset streaming will go.

>incomprehensible hour-long lecture
This was actually the first time I could understand everything Cerny was talking about.
Is Jason just a brainlet?

>But on the other hand, the Xbox Sex storage is fast enough to pull that off as well as the PS5.
Go check the numbers again. Xbox SSD is larger but half the speed.

>PC SSDs have caught up
gas lighting

By using the basic skill of reading comprehension, I have come to the conclusion that the meaning of his tweets is: Sony fumbled their presentation of the PS5.

That's no different from a regular SSD.

If you compare an old busted SSD on SATA to a blazing fast nvme SSD the difference in load times for a game are not significant. Definitely nowhere near the jump from a regular HDD. Even if their drive ends up performing better than a pci-e 4.0 SSD it's not going to revolutionize how games are made.

If you had watched the video you'd know he mentioned a statement he made previously about how the PS5's SSD was better than anything on the market for PC SSDs. It was correct at the time and he noted that it was wrong as of now.

that is inaccurate. Hard disk drives are mechanical and take longer than say something that is digital. Solid states are mostly known for their faster reading and writing speeds and that they have longer lifespans than a HDD. All a drive does is read/write data and the CPU tells itself or the ram to do something with it. Not a big changer really.

Does this mean we will finally be able to play GTA without any load times when driving around? POGGERS! Thank you Sony! PLEASE TAKE MY MONEY!

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this would be retarded even it's using a custom mmio chip designed around asset streaming

No he fucking wasn't. The best tech right now is a pci-e 4.0 drive and it was a pci-e 4.0 drive when he said that bullshit. The PS5 isn't even out so how you can even try to couch it in terms of "catching up" is ridiculous.

>Jason Schrier

Attached: 51b.gif (297x229, 2.54M)

haha shut the fuck up you consolekek retard
it makes no difference to the most basic sata ssd and how the storage is used for games

Fuck black people
Fuck women
Fuck trannies
Xi Jinping can PERSONALLY suck each of my hairy testicles

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If you could understand what he is talking about you would already had a gaming PC.

Consoles are for peasants.

What makes you think I don't have a gaming PC already?

and its great, but instant loading was already a talking about for next gen, sony seems to have double down on it. the map of jak2? they should look good his idea was to remove huge chucks of the map becuase we dont need them or remove elevators or there transition points which do hide them self as loading screens but also give a realistic idea of how big a world is

>a console is better than a PC since its storage device is faster
On what reality is that true, PC has always and will be higher specs than a game system of that gen. You're forgetting PCI Solid state storage cards exists.

are you stupid. it litirally showed a PC SSD hitting 7gb/s and him saying PC has cuaght up since last talking about the ps5

Sony is fucking up again. Everyone always thinks they know how next gen will go. "No way Sony doesn't win again!", "No way Xbox comes back!" Now look at you. It's the same story every time and you dolts get cocky and fooled every single time.

PS5 looks like shit, period. And so does XSX. I'm definitely going PC only. I knew they'd never let go of that PSNow money for BC.

>before your level size would be constrained to what your ram can handle loading in
I can see for kilometers far in ARMA 3.

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we've never had big open world games without load times


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>Read 5GB/s from SSD
>Dies in five hours

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bro they're giving you 1080 ti performance for half the price


So Sony's cope will be to load everything as fast and far as possible while Xbox crushes it in visual fidelity and performance, nice

also less than half the features of a pc

sweetie that's called marketing and propaganda
it's straight up lies
sony is an entertainment company, a completely irrelevant entertainment company
they don't even get access to hardware in development

Microsoft showed off "hardware architecture" just days before.

>we have to use a top end SSD because game devs wont compress files anymore

Congratulations console friends.

Attached: GTA San Andreas - PS2 PS3 PS4 PC Load Times.webm (960x720, 2.97M)

I'm not even a PC dude, but you're right. How is the SSD preventing full BC when PC's with SSDs have been running old games, from 8bit to near last gen, for ages already with almost no problems? They are talking shit. lmao. PC is already doing everything they're touting as hype.

I am saying the PS5 tech was never ahead and even if his bullshit had been right, saying PC tech has "caught up" to something that isn't even out for another three quarters of a year is just more bullshit narrative.

you buy a pc for productivity, no exclusively to play games. if you want a pc, get a pc. just don't expect it to be anywhere near this cheap

It was a very interesting keynote, talking about the hardware changes between PS4 and PS5. Honestly, anyone who thought negatively is a retard.

u wot

This is the most pathetic subset of the modern gaming landscape.

>How is the SSD preventing full BC
Did he actually say that?

they already been doing this on normal HDD's since the PS3 days. The only difference now is that it might help with pop ins, fading and stuff like that but is not a huge deal. This kotako jew is delusional.

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The second tweet has a lot of truth to it. Solid state drives can fundamentally change the way computers work, and have serious potential at circumventing the Von Neumann bottleneck. Once the separation between permanent and temporary storage is removed, we can realize HUGE performance increases.