So Nintendo is dead in the water after the spec announcements of PS5 and Xbone X, right...

So Nintendo is dead in the water after the spec announcements of PS5 and Xbone X, right? Didn't they just release that piece of shit switch a year ago? Feels like they're now about 3 gens behind rehashing games from 6 gens behind. How long can they keep selling nostalgia to people? Their core fanbase will grow out of gaming eventually.

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its weird every year I hear about how Nintendo is going to die and every year they are still around.

Nice try, get saged bitch

Seethe more nigger

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why do snoys shit on nintendo as a defensive mechanic? it's bizarre

Nintendo has been gimmicks over power/performance for years now. They're not even trying to compete in the same market as Sony and Microsoft.

Why do tendies always go straight to muh sony boogeyman?

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Yeah yeah, Nintendo's on the verge of death, just like it has been for the past few decades. Retard.

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literally what nitnendo fans do here with sony every single day, never read something so ironic

Because no matter how many PlayStations are sold worldwide, every PlayStation fan knows deep down that Nintendo is the true heart, soul, and forever king of gaming.

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their core fan base is still alive now, retard. read the op first, their fanbase they've kept from from the snes and n64 era is right at the verge of being too old to play games anymore

>everyone is shitting on the PS5 for being weaker than the Xbone X
>"haha guys look at how much weaker the SWITCH is though"
It's a real fucking mystery, for sure.

And kids love Nintendo shit, and will probably grow up still loving Nintendo shit, what's your point? By your logic the sony fanbase should be on the way out too.

>everyone who hates nintendo is a snoy
rent free

new flash tendies. everyone hates you.
it's not even a console war thing.
not even a video game thing.
everyone in the world hates you.
you are obnoxious brand-cultists and childish retards

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No sony produces new titles and good hardware and doesnt rely on nostalgia to sell

Fuck off poorfag

>Mfw when SwitchPCPS4 bro

I'll be a SwitchPCXboxsex for next gen. Nintendo has always been on a tier for its own as they're always going for the gimmicks. Sony has been disappointing year after year and the ps5 puts the cherry on top. Not like I could ever give a fuck for movie games and the lesbian of us 2

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>you're poor because you won't let nintendo scam you with their shitty gimmick hardware, 30 year old IPs and inflated pricing, be a consoooomer like me!

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why do people still do this? It makes you look like a complete retard, just stop it for hell's sake

>Crash game
>Spyro game
>medievil game
What you're trying to prove fag?

They've been on the verge of death since the late 1800s.

>gu...guys Microsoft kicked our ass
>uhh... fuck Nintendo amirite gaymers?

Nah, fuck off Snoys. Not even a fucking console design reveal. Lmao

Cope poorfag, go buy yourself one using trumpbuxx. Unless you're a thirdworlder then just kys, you're never gonna make it

sony is for niggers not nintendo

Didn’t Sonyfans throw a massive fit over a game going to PC, feels kinda like people just don’t like entitled gamers

>2 are multiplats and none were funded by sony
Are you retarded?
There's also a difference between using nostalgia to sell and RELYING on nostalgia to sell.

no you're poor because you promote console wars instead of being able to buy whatever you want
same case with people who hate vr they are poorfags like you

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>Their core fanbase will grow out of gaming eventually.
Their core fanbase are manchildren who will never grow out of bing bing wahoo

>1 or 2 people = all sony fans
Wow nintendo fans really are obsessed with sony

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Gimmicks are literary the only reason to buy a console over a PC, as a PC will cost you less over a timespan of 2-3 years

Nintendo fags are the most embarassing people in the universe.

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>Nintendo is dead in the water
*prints more money*
under budget and ahead of schedule. at least they have non-walking simulator games.

>So Nintendo is dead in the water after the spec announcements of PS5 and Xbone X, right?
No I don't think so. BotW2 will almost certainly be the biggest game of the year and sell like crazy.

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Jesus christ

>Their core fanbase will grow out of gaming eventually.

See, this is the biggest thing he got wrong. As long as they make Pokemon, there will be a new generation of kids eager to eat it up and sell another 16 million copies.

the issue with the (on paper) amazing graphics is no game will make use of them.
And higher resolution = more work required to make them look nice. Its probably much MUCH cheaper to make a switch game and fully use its power vs all the workhours required so any sweat droplet has 64 unique polygons depending on how it rolls and shit.

You niggers all want better graphics, but never take into account that better graphics = more work = more expenses = Board if directors will say NO to anything that doesnt seem FIFA/Call of Duty.
You cant have amazing inovation in games and great graphics at the same time, no sane company will take that risk. 1 failed AAA game = 1 studio gone these days. Hence why FromSoftware only produces the same game with a different skin. Or why EA adds Microtransactions into everything.

The only guys taking a risk are fucking indie devs, and that means pixel garbage.
What great is a system that can shit out 3d visuals in your living room at 16k resolution, when all you do is play Binding of Isaac 32.

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Ahhh, this is bait, nvm have fun kid

Pokemon and Mario are the only Nintendo franchises that actually make bank. Fire Emblem is a financial ruin.

fuck all my spelling errors

Didn't the latest one sell alot?

Also Zelda. That always breaks records too.

>Fire Emblem is a financial ruin.
citation needed

>BotW2 will almost certainly be the biggest game of the year
BotW drones really are something else. It won't even be the biggest game on the Switch since Animal Crossing exists. Both of them have no chance of being the biggest game of the year though, not in the year where TLoU 2, FF7R and Cyberpunk 2077 get released.

>he isn’t an idort
Feels good to play Bloodborne then swap over to DQ XIS, BOTW, or XBC2


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>Also Zelda. That always breaks records too.

Before BOTW that definitely wasn't the case. It was the first Zelda game to ever pass the 10m sold mark.

Do you people really not understand that the rules that apply to the Playstation and XBox do not apply to Nintendo? I mean they intentionally released a console that cannot render 4K, and have no plans to release one that can render 4K. And yet, they thrive.

>Fire Emblem is a financial ruin
As much as I hate it, Fire Emblem Heroes is one of the most profitable mobile games ever even if it ranks a bit behind F/GO.
And that's just in addition to all the profits from the regular products/venues.

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When MS or Sony get a GOD-tier uber-innovative game like Ring Fit Adventure, THEN we'll talk.

Until then, scram!

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Well, 2 will probably sell like hotcakes too.So thats three IPs that print money.


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Xboners and PCkeks don't usually deflect to Switch

>switch pro in early 2021 with botw2 and bayonetta 3
feels good to be a nintenCHAD

>Fire Emblem is a financial ruin.
look I get that you're upset the bunny banner didn't have your waifu in it, but 3H is the highest selling game in the series and Heroes still pulls in a ton of money

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Wake me up when Sony has a theme park to celebrate all their dead third party IPs

>a glorified expansion
first one was meh and these news killed my interest for a sequel completely

>Fire Emblem Heroes is one of the most profitable mobile games ever even if it ranks a bit behind F/GO.

KEK! It's a LONG way behind FGO

It's funny how both sides never see that they are both saying "no you" these arguments might as well be two mirrors reflecting off each other.

fucking this
Snoys tend to be the only autism fanbase that takes issue with Nintendo
when PCfags and Xbones don't really give a shit

>I know I do what I always do to cope

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Plus they have almost no debt and billions in the bank.

They could lose money every year for a decade and still be fine.

>and these news
What news? The PS5?
SSDs, 3D audio, and a case by case basis on backwards compatibility, killed your interest in BotW2?

and do what? sit around complaining about inconsequential shit online instead?

is it because they were former segafags who jumped ship after the Saturn reveal (poor thing) or is it because they found out that Nintendo caused the psx to become a thing due to a backstab.

When they own MGS/Castlevania/Silent Hill they will have surpassed Nintendo in that regard.

>still going on about sony
ok tendie

This year for sure soinybros, I can feel it!

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Of having dead IPs? Yeah lol

no. the reveal that BOTW2 will re-use the same overworld as BOTW

Yea, selling 50m+ systems within the first 3 years of the system's life without any hardware upgrade definitely means they're dying

>snoy thinks he's being clever
ok snoy

We'll see those games for PS6. Can't be having those IPs in typical Snoy format with photorealistic graphics and cinematic 3rd person action gameplay when the CRUNCH is real.

thanks epic centrist nigger-man

cope, smelly retard

Splatoon, Xenoblade, the recent Fire Emblem, Labo, and Ring Fit are relying on nostalgia?
Because if they do then fucking Snoy's biggest releases are also because of nostalgia (TLOU, GoW, Spidey).

Crash and Spyro also have games on the Switch.

Nintendo wont be getting ports of newer games so I'm not sure what their plan is with the switch.

Literally me, I wanted to like the PS4 but I just can't.

>not understanding Open Water strategy

Yeah, they're like a bad case of herpes.

Because sonyfags have become the most obnoxious fanbase on Yas Forums while xboxfags barely even exist and pcfags are the least obnoxious and most intelligent and polite posters on Yas Forums.

>no. the reveal that BOTW2 will re-use the same overworld as BOTW
Except this has never been said and is highly unlikely at that.
In before you link me to that clickbait article that states it to be so, because Aonuma said the sequel would take place in the same world as BotW1.

you sound pretty obnoxious

I don't even own a sony console lmao.
Stay mad at your boogeyman though

Switch sales will pretty much stop once the new consoles come out and everyone will forget about it.
You faggots have been falseflagging as xbox fans all day today. There's no way suddenly half the board loves xbox and is going to buy one because of the slightly better specs, all the while nintendo fags are dead silent.

>still thinking he's clever
>ok snoy

Imagine being such a poorfag that you don't play everything. You probably don't have the budget for it, I feel sorry for you. While you retards are pretending the console war is still going, I'm living the spoiled zoomer neetlife playing the good games on every console. When PS5 comes out, I'll just ask a beta orbiter to buy it for me.

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This, I have a switch and PC and might consider next gen xbox if the library is solid. I like my ps4 but Sony exclusives have been going to shit lately with their obsession with cinematic garbage like naughty dog trash.

Is that leak even credible?

Good luck catching up to 50 million units.

It's impossible for me to obnoxious since I own a PC. I'm sorry you bought a ps4 my friend, I'll pray for you.