Which one will Yas Forums buy ?
Both, stop being poor.
the ps5 because xbox has no exclusives
Neither, stop being retarded.
Series X, stop being gay.
Neither, I'm officially off the console train starting this gen
the one with better exclusives
the xbox sex would be a fine dvd player that i can play halo on
Were the PS5 specs announced?
Would love a quick side by side comparison but every article and video online is clickbait shit.
Neither, I'm not a retard. But rooting for xbox because based Game pass and other PC friendly shit they are doing.
PS5 loading faster, good games and more enjoyable community than EchBock.
PC :)
i'll stay with my pc until gow5
Literally the only reason I had to pick up a ps5 was cause my ps4's disk tray is busted but apparently Sony still can't get BC right so I have no reason to pick up either
>PS5 loading faster
look, it loaded a game 1 second faster!
>good games
what games?
>more enjoyable community
*Insert ps4pride.jpg here*
obviously PS5 because it has actually exclusive games inclusive japanese games.
Probably both. But at launch I'd go for the xbox series x. I just wanna play forza with raytracing.
Literally neither
I'm saving for an xbox
The PS5 will actually have games, so that.
Neither because they're both for plebs
Never owned a xbox except for the original one. Supposed when I was younger my father burned through two 360s (red ringed) before I even realized we had them, so we've been a ps family ever since.
Tempted to just to xbox next gen. I love ps but the exclusives just aren't worth it anymore, and the lack of even ps1 bc is really annoying. I just hope the xbox whatever x doesn't have red ring problems or something similar.
Was back compat announced for piss 5? I've always swapped betweent XB and PS so I probably series X unless getting a new ps5 lets me trash my old machine
This but the other way around.
Both you faggot
There's a difference between being an idort and an idiot user.
Neither, faggot.
series x with game pass ultimate bro.
I have a bone and a bone X, so my library will keep growing with the SeX
It's backwards compatible with the top 100 PS4 games, that's it
Why the FUCK would you ever buy a goddamn Xbox in general?? Get the fucking PC already.
Backwards compatible with PS4*
*only some games though lmao
I can't even think of 100 games on ps4. If I can play tekken, rev 2, sfv and gbvs I'll be fine
Its pointless to buy both considering neither will have worthwhile exclusives
The fuck does that even mean? What games will those be?
Undecided, but at the moment without any game announcements, Xbox is the obvious choice on specs. Won't be getting a PS5 just for God of War/Spider-Man/Horizon/Uncharted sequels, I've played enough of those. box will come out with something we haven't seen already like a modern Fable or an Obsidian game with real time time and budget given to it. Throw in Game Pass and Sony has to come out with something really good to keep me on board. Silent Hill is not it.
Buying a PC of even equal power will almost certainly cost a lot more.
They've announced full PS4 backwards compatibility, good luck for previous generations. If it was coming they would have gone into that today surely.
Prepare to lose when actual PS5 released with tons of good games from PS4 and new exclusive AAA game for only PS5, EchBock fag.
>playing on pc
fuck off valve neckbeard
>Why buy a Xbox
I like consoles. Grew up with them so playing pc feels off (unless it's mc/gmod that's only good on pc)
>Get a pc already
No. I'd rather not worry about upgrading parts every year just to stay relevant, when I can just buy a new console every 5 and be just as safe.
That and pc games are annoying since you have to make sure they'll even run in the first place. unlike consoles where it's usually a guarantee.
>still buying consoles
It makes these retarded corporations think people actually want them
he bought xbox because he's a retard
Xbox Sex of course.
>buying consoles
Whatever result is, PS5 still wins.
You cannot win against the world.
The CHADbox has sex of course. Keep your weaker and inferior post-op trannydilaiton station you mentally deranged fuckhead.
was a PlayStation owner every previous gen, but think i will sit this one out, especially since their exclusives are coming to pc now anyway
None you fuckimg idiot. All games on pc.
xbox sex
This. I used to be a huge Xbox guy but ever since I got a Switch I barely even play it anymore.
Look in the catalog. There’s like 3 identical threads with a side by side as the OP.
>the ps5 because xbox has no exclusives
do i have news for you!
Gears of War 5 is already on PC isn’t it?
All you need to know is the ps5 loads faster, but the xbox will look better/have better frame rates.
Gonna wait to make my decision. No point in going all in when we have barely any information.
Somehow a fucking Xbox. Sony fucked this up releasing weak shit that will overheat.
It says by playtime. So I'm guessing half of it is sports titles.
This. I won't be buying neither until like a year passes and I get a look at the exclusives situation
>ps5 loads faster
that's not what the specs suggest
This. I will see what games are on each console.
You only need one because they'll have the same games.
To answer the question, I will buy PS5 because it has the best selection of animu games.
Consoles for singleplayer, PC for multiplayer/simulations/multimedia.
Neither until there are games, but it's probably gonna end up being PS5
Only a retard would make a choice now before seeing any/more games.
Where is the Neither option? What if we don't play consoles because they're walled up, DRM heavy garbage. inb4 "hurr PC games have DRM too" forgetting that they all get cracked far earlier than consoles + console games.
PlayStation 5. The PlayStation 4 has done incredibly well this generation. No one here is going to deny that. It's statistically proven in every aspect. Ironically, even though the Xbox One (especially Xbox One X) is stronger hardware wise, video games ran much better on PlayStation 4. Hmm... Interesting, isn't it? That power is no good if no one uses it. Reminds me of the PlayStation 3's stupid SPU cores that no one used so games ran like this on it.
Basically, seeing how well PlayStation 4 did this generation I think it's safe to bet on PlayStation 5. I went with Xbox One this generation and it was mediocre. Not going to get burned again. Sure, Xbox could win next generation, but I liked many aspects of the PlayStation 4 and it'll be a new experience. Last Sony console I had was a PlayStation 1 so it'll be interesting to go back.
As long as it's backwards compatible with the 4 then the exclusives will be worth the price alone for me. Considering they're all like $20 new right now anyways. Easy sell for me even if Xbox wins. Halo 5 and Gears 5 were garbage so I don't care about Microsoft's exclusives.
Neither unless bloodborne 2, all the good xbox games are bc anyway
>X B O X W I N S
Splitscreen Halo and being able to play KI wherever the fuck I want.
If KI2 Gets announced anytime soon, MS wins this generation by default. That game is fighting game Jesus.
>Still buying consoles
>Buying new consoles when the newset gpus are right around the corner and will shit on them
More and more ps games will get rrleased with PC. Literally zero reason to own an xbox now that everything is on PC, I can understand wanting the ps exclusives but xbox? Sure, if you a stubborn retard who cant build a PC
>no option for neither
Yeah, I'm worried about this too. I don't know what Sony is going to do about it. Xbox has a serious cooling solution which is required. I'm not saying I know better than Sony's engineers but from the outside this looks bad. Throttle all day!