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who's that?
Oh God I remember when he wasn't a old as fuck grandpa
Where does time go
and he hasnt made any game since 2007
i like gabe's new design, he looks like he has achieved some kind of zen state, like some kind of monk.
>show no mercy to the goyim
More like he got lazy
>not the big lebowski.jpg
He looks like a fatter John Hammond holy kek
he's slowly becoming richard stallman
>Isn't a publically held company
>Still sucks more chinese cock than epic
>Still releases freemium mobile shit and lootbox garbage
What did gaben mean by this
he is like 4 times aws big as he was 10 years ago im worried guys
This is the age of Punished Gabe
dad material right there
>Steaming community? That's faggot shit
gaben is ultra libertarian, there is only one language he understands
Jesus fuck. He's aged BADLY recently. He'll die if he catches Corona.
Uncle Gubsy?
>how dare this man wanting to make more profit to his company
Fags like you are the reason the west is gonna lose to China.
wonder if he will be canceled too
Snowdog challenge?
zoomer namefag
>there's only one way to make profit: produce garbage that preys on retarded customers
Fags like you are the reason the west is gonna become China
I watched video related yesterday and it explained to me very well on why China managed to grow as much as they did till nowadays.
There's no way I'd ever work for this schlock-meister knife-collecting microsoft dweeb faggot.
>Isn't a publically held company because "outside investors would drive decisions and create things players don't want"
>When Valve has solely made freemium market trend shit since the mannconomy update in TF2
Imagine looking at something like Artifact and think Valve would be any better or worse off by being a publically held company at this point.
>produce garbage that preys on retarded customers
Congratulations user, you just discovered capitalism.
He's gonna die soon.
Pick one.
Looks like he runs a cult.
only chads can pull this off
He's rich enough to pay for good healthcare, so he'll live much longer.
And the companies that produce quality products aren't part of capitalism? Fuck off commie.
I wear sandals. Let me assure you, i'm no chad.
VR Half Life sequel does not count as a true Half Life 3 game. Fuck off and make Half Life 3 or die, bitch.
I went on a tour to Valve's offices and I was kind of hoping to see Gabe there but they said he was out that day.
the dude abides
Nintendo Switch? That's where you put one finger in your asshole and one finger in your mouth and when your uncle yells "switch" ya switch the fingers.
>Fags like you are the reason the west is gonna lose to China.
Unironically a good thing.
>reading comprehension
Comfy Gaben
he looks like saint Nicholas
nevermind I found it
source 2 actually
>Ricochet 2 coming April 12
Could it be guys? After all these years he meant 2020's April 12?
Does Gabe have six toes?
Neck yourself and go back to occasionally thinking about the police coming busting in your house while you jack it to cp shit
This guy is a literal pedo.
I can see Ricochet as a fun little game for VR.
Are you ok, buddy?
>interviewed with sandals on, not giving a fuck for 30 minutes
pretty comfy
this. pretty based
Steamer community
report to police and let your heart be filled with something pleasant, instead of galling hate against random fucks.
he's been interviewed with sandals on, not giving a fuck for 30 minutes
kinda based
I think the style suits him for how he's getting on in his age.
god he looks old
I really wished he'd gotten his weight under control so he could live a few more years, but that would be selfish wouldn't it? He should live his life the way he wants and not for our sakes. Gabe is probably gonna die in the next 10 years.