I fucking told you fags it was nothing

Don't you know some things are too good to be true? Holy shit. There was no fucking way the ps5 was going to be fully backwards compatible with every previous playstation

Attached: ETaA9DsX0AceZS_.jpg (1242x762, 111.39K)

>can’t use ps5 servers to bring back MAG

The Cell is the most powerful processor ever made how could you even begin to emulate it

>Cell is the most powerful

Attached: cell smile.jpg (480x360, 12.84K)

>he bought a ps4 for bloodborne

I was hoping since they used Jak II and Dead Space when citing examples that we were really getting full backwards compatibility. Huge bummer. Upgrading my PC later this year will be the better option.

jesus why was ps3 so garbage

PS4 emulates it fine on PS Now

It is being streamed through, it is not rendered on the console.

is it streamed from a PS3?

like this faggot

Attached: imageproxy.jpg (924x350, 16.64K)

>pay us a monthly subscription to play old games goyim the fact that you own the disc means nothing to us

if it isnt then theres 0 reason for me to not be able to use my ps3 discs in a ps5 other than literal jewry


to be fair ps4 launched and got minor ps2 back compat tacked on

Post YFW the actual console reveal they throw this up on screen again but 'PS2' and 'PS1' fade into the empty space

Attached: ff7r.png (730x670, 681.19K)

wasn't that something that only hacked ps4 could do?

Yes thats exactly what is doing you dumb nigger.

What is the even point then? Those ps4 fanboys will get ps5, the bc is useless
Ps4 pro already does that and it’s not even huge difference

do games that lagged on ps3 also lag on PSNow? I mean that's like 2 layers of lag: shitty ps3 performance and input lag

At the very least PS1 games will be available digitally via software emulation. You can depend on it. PS3 could already do it and the motherfucking PS5 will be able to handle it no doubt. You'd have to be an absolute moron to to expect that. It is not a feature suited for today's talk. PS2 and PS3 though? We'll see about those.

Now all you need is a PS3 fat and a PS5.

no, there's legit ps2 games on the store to play on ps4

these PS2 classics also ran on PS3, gta games for sure, some other as well

They don't want to do that just because. It's a dumb corporate decision

>rebuying games

So does it provide full backwards compatibility or not?

Did they confirm if I can put any old PS4 discs in the tray or is it it only "some games***"?

Would be fucking TIGHT

yes, but launch ps3 had ps2 parts in it. later emulation was software.
similar with ps4, software.

The PS5 could easily run PS2 emulation too, hell maybe even PS3 emulation but that's not the issue sony is just fucking retarded.They had years to get on Xbox BC levels and they just chose not to
>muh audio gimmick
See this is the shit they'd rather waste their time on.


Can a 2070 run a PS3 emulator?

internal Sony emulator would not need as much processing power as a PC with a fanmade one.
if that's what you're implying

and only a hacked console can play ps2 discs
only a hacked console can play any ps2 game

sony just being greedy jews

I legitimately don't know.

yes actually
rpcs3 runs on it

Well then the PS5 is capable of running PS3 games. Will they do it? Don't know but if they don't I'm getting an sexbox

Nah why would they have empty soace there?

Why did they put PS4 and PS4 pro? They're gonna get rid of the PS4 and put PS3 there and then the PS2 and PS1 below it

better than them guaranteeing shoddy support of their emulator

it's not like pcsx2 where people accept its flaws and expect improvement over time.

Yeah but i dont think they will desu. What is the pint of waiting to reveal that info?

Why is PS2 emulation kinda barebones?

I think you're probably right and they won't do it but is sony we're talking about let's not forget how retarded they are.

The PS4 can't run PS1 games or CDs because they intentionally made it so you couldn't via not having the option on the OS.

presentation was aimed at developers and nobody is actively developing for PS3 and below anymore (except for maybe FIFA 2021). They're just reassuring current devs that their PS4 development efforts can be carried forward.

It's supposed to be shaped like a P, user. That's it.

can't you download ps now games? or is that just the ps4 ones?

A used ps2 is like 20 dollars. Ps1 are doorstops and can be had for nothing

Xbros won again

Having to buy a game again is not true backwards compatibility

This is just the GDC presentation not the reveal.

the absolute city-state of consolecucks

Why would you buy a PS5 if you own a PS4

What games would you play on it?

I would've been OK if PS5 was weaker than XSEX if PS4&PS3 BC we're there. We ended up with

-Weaker than XSEX by 20%
-"""100""" PS4 games """mostly work fine""" for launch
-Check out this rad thing called solid flash memory and it's totally different than SSDs used today or cellphone flash memory

Sony tranny SJW California driving Sony Global into the ground.

Attached: 48788E30-0D93-437A-AFDD-1BF6385F162B.jpg (1024x425, 100.55K)

>less is better

>less is better than nothing*

but the ps4 can play every ps2 game if you hack it
sony purposly gave you less and you act like its a good thing

by what metric, have you certified everything?

you put the game in and it plays it
you cant even do that with the ps2 games that are on the store with an unhacked ps4
unhacked they make you buy the game again like a fucking good goy

Owning the disc means you only own the license on that disc you underaged retard. Take a gander at copyright law since schools are closed

that's not what I asked

>please abide by copyright law be a good goy buy the same game multiple times
so piracy is the only real way to own a game and since companies dont want me to own what I pay for the morally correct choice is to just not pay in the first place

You mean the PS4 could read CDs if it wasn't blocked by software? I seriously doubt that, for what I know they just saved costs on the CD laser.

Go away tranny communist faggot. Copyright law benefits small companies and individuals far more than it benefits larger ones

You cant reason with fanboys. I've called both boxes as 1080p@60 boxes forever and that's what you're getting. It's nothing to gripe at but it will be the average with some 4K textures here and there and some use cases where they can clock the FPS up if someone actually has a TV that can do that. The walmart crowd probably doesn't. They really fucked people with the proprietary SSD solutions though. My guess is these grenades will be this generations RROD.

jew shit
also jew shit

The developers said that I dont own it if I pay for it
However I do own it if I pirate it and store it myself.

so the correct choice is to pirate the game.
I dont care about the profits of game devs

Backwards compatibility is the most requested but also the least actually used feature. People think they want it but they actually don't. Look it up.

so not at all then

not an argument you pathetic corporate whore. try playing a ps1 @ 240p on a 4k 60 inch HDTV you retarded failed abortion son of a whore.

kill yourself.

pc can render ps1 games at almost 4k obviously since its 4:3 the resolution would be slightly lower than 3840 x 2160

Is Sony fucking retarded? Backwards compatibility was the only thing they needed to do to ensure sales, and there aren't even going to be 100 bc titles at launch?