Is Elden Ring Just Dark Souls III-2?

Is Elden Ring Just Dark Souls III-2?

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why does sister friede have such a tiny head

It's going to be the best eldensoulsborne game ever

Yes. And that's a good thing.

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Will it have Sekiroborne elements though?

No, it'll have Surgeveinoh mechanics.

Its going to have cutscenes and quests unlike DS.

No it won't, read the interviews.

Its another Dark Souls without added baggage of being chained to a sinking ship of unnecessary sequels. Imagine if for example Bloodborne or Sekiro had the title of Dark Souls. It would get shit on endlessly for trying something different. Sequelfags can never be pleased. FromSoft is so goddamn intelligent I will never stop sucking them off.

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DS has both

cute guy

Rats I wanted a Yugigatheringstone minigame

Yes I’d like the next Sekeldensoulsbornevania game please, with just a dash of GOTism

i mean yeah, it's From rehashing the Souls formula for what, the sixth time now? it's going to be lots of tedious HAHA YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE THING SO YOU'RE DEAD NOW bullshit because From are hacks and permavirgins eat this shit up.

How the fuck would we know?

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>concept art is literally Prince Lothric holding a coiled sword

let's hope not
I doubt From will ever make a game as badly imbalanced as DS3 ever again

looks like a doll I want one


No, it's gonna be Dark Souls II-2: No Downgrade Edition.

>Miyazaki originally wanted Dark Souls to be called Dark Ring at the beginning
>”No sir, that sounds like an asshole”
>Decade later makes “Elden Ring”
My fucking sides the man never gave up

not quests

Holy kek

At first i wasn't sure where this was going. But the end cements it. This is based

As if FS can do something different

Holy based

And that makes me COOM.

Ditto. I hated DS3.

>awareness or being even slightly cautious or observant is for VIRGINS

Zoom zoom harder you sniveling faggot

That is actually based as fuck. God Miyazaki makes me erect.

What exactly did you hate?

So is the Elden Ring gonna be the not-darksign?

hes a contrarian faggot that hates it because it's popular

I didn't ask you, you nigger. I liked DS3 i wanna know why he fucking hates it. GOD i hate you so FUCKING much.

I hope so

>Dark Souls II
a game that miyazaki refuses to acknowledge exists?

i told you why he hates it, you dumb faggot

Why is gigachad always in these threads with objectively correct opinions? someone stop this man

Maybe he'll acknowledge it now that he's making an actually complete version of it


Are you him, you donkey? If not, that's not his answer. Just your fucking assumption. Suck cum and leave this thread homo

what, there are tons of references to 2 in 3, both base game and dlc.

my assumption is 100% accurate, you nigger dick

They're just hollow references, probably by Tanimura. DS3 doesn't really build on the lore DS2 established at all, and directly contradicts it.

I just wish for unique magic that the majority of it is arrow but it's a fire ball/lightning/ magic missile.

I'm pretty disappointed with the art direction shown so far, hopefully it isn't final. I don't know when From Software decided everything had to be this Bloodborne-lite horror amalgamation. You could remove the watermark and I'd immediately assume this was a scrapped DS3 enemy.

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You'll get your three different colours of Karasawa beams and you'll like them.

What about the thrones in the literal hub of the game?
What about the concept of cycles?
What about Earthern peak ruins?
What about the Lord of Hollows ending?
What about Yhorm's design?

This guy gets it

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here's hoping Miyazaki's actually overdosed on Wagner for this game

>Inb4 his next game is Elden Souls

I hope it plays like a Kings Field. That would be Kino.

It's gonna be Dark Souls II-2

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I don't fucking care about a release date, all I want is the fucking gameplay trailer

Fromsoft proportions. Saying that, she has the prettiest face of any DaSIII female.

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What was her goddamn problem?




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>I don't know when From Software decided everything had to be this Bloodborne-lite horror amalgamation.
as early as demons's' souls's' retarderd fag

i bet ds2fags did this to me
another reason to hate them


Friede is a qt, but Firekeeper is still hotter IMO. Sirris is fine too.


Firekeeper is not hotter. Friede has a custom headmorph, Firekeeper just uses the chargen headmorphs.

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Based, a toast!

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>Firekeeper just uses the chargen headmorphs.
Are you a modder? Could post exact sliders for Firekeeper and Sirris? Really want those faces.

Sorry dude, but firekeeper is bae

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i rather hope it´s more II-2 than the shitfest ds3 was.

Why not make your own pretty character?

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