Visual Novel

Which visual novel require high IQ to read?

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Wonderful Everyday Down the Rabbit-hole, maybe.

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Wanko will N E V E R have a happy ending


My Girlfriend Is The President

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where is...............Making Lovers?

The is only one answer.

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babby first vn

Which visual novels have cute tomboys in them

Putin is best girl.

No, that would be Steins;gate.

But user, babby's first vn is Grisaia

You know

Zero Time Dilemma

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>there are babby's that haven't even read A Drug that Makes You Dream.
They need to do way instain mother.

Both correct

Absolutely not correct at all.


The Silver Case

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Would you lend him 50000 yen?

Remember11. So many brainlets got filtered by the ending just because it requires you to think outside the box and do some research on your own.


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Came out in december?


There's a thoughtful ending, and then there's pretentious type that expects you to do the mental leg work like Remember11. There's a reason it will never be popular.

Don't know. What I do know is that my waifu is the bestest, coolest, smartest, cutest waifu ever.

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that's muv luv


this loli is too smug I just want to fuck the smug out of her

Dies Irae

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bootleg saber

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Her route wasn't even about her.

i guess the answer to op's question is little busters if you actually think that

Maitetsu filters out many people by throwing train trivia at you before fucking any lolis

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Her route didn't go nearly as far into her personal life and past as other routes do. First half of Kuru route was about the main posse's shenanigans and the latter half was about foreshadowing Refrain.

You don't need a high IQ to read anything. Anyone who knows english can "read" finnwake or infinite jest. Comprehending it is a different matter.

R11 is an obviously unfinished game and the "true" ending is in the fucking glossary. The story isn't helped at all by having to do the "leg work" as says, and would have been better if it was properly revealed in-game.

Seriously, the finished 2/3rds of the game that we have are pretty great, clearly leaving out the big reveals was not the intended direction, especially when the answers had already been thought out.

Maggot Baits
I still don't know what the fuck did I read except witches magic lol and no I didn't confuse it with Umineko.

It honestly didn't have enough. Outside of Hachiroku's route and some of the common route, it's mostly a standard town revitalization story USING trains. I was disappointed there weren't diagrams and we only got a glossary so I had to look up a lot of things online to visualize.
Hibiki's the best but Nagi's the sexiest.

Not my fault her route was written by a hack. She is still the bestest, cutest, smartest and coolest though. Also weird how it's her route that foreshadows refrain but then she isn't the main girl. Fuck japs and their god awful taste.

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Remember when babby's first VN was Tsukihime. Good times.


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>Which visual novel require high IQ to read?
>high IQ to read
Yas Forums ladies and gentlemen.

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Should i read normal or h version?

read majikoi niggas

>that part in Wittgenstein's Blue Book where he fucks the dog
They really conveyed his feelings on that matter in Subahibi, truly an excellent VN.

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What the fuck, this isn't what I posted. That's not even my image.

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Yeah, I'm thinking my IQ just went up by a few points.

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Strange. On the mobile the image swap bug is as it always was (swapped thumbnail but normal image), but on PC even the thumbnail has changed.

"moot", as in "my point is moot". I can't do anything with it.

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I still don't get the ending of SubaHibi. Explain it to me. Why is it called End Sky II? Is it a sequel to the previous game? I thought SubaHibi was just inspired by it.

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this guy is right, ignore the other 2 plebs responding to him

r11 fans are the biggest copers, the VN is great but you can't defend its "ending"

How is Majikoi? I'm looking for something comfy and funny, I don't care about the porn

I feel like I've responded to the same exact post a month or so ago.

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>tfw my first VN was Wanko to Kurasou which I downloaded from FAKKU before the jew implemented his jewish tricks
I didn't even know what I was getting into.

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I don't fully get it either, but you have to have actual analytic philosophy knowledge to understand it, so that shitpost-looking picture above is not really inaccurate. The canon interpretation is that everyone in the VN shares one soul, and there are many hints to this throughout but I can't remember them.

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>"""visual novel""""
zoomers plz go

>nobody answering katawa shoujo
It's like you people don't even know where you're coming from.
Unless you're talking non-OELVNs only, in which case you're correct on that front.