Ever met one of the vinesauce dudes or dudettes irl? How are they outside of stream?

ever met one of the vinesauce dudes or dudettes irl? How are they outside of stream?

Attached: vinny-vinesauce-57d58c94e6739.png (700x900, 818.43K)

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Depressed and regretting their life choices, I know Vin is feeling his age more and more each day.

I assume both Vinny and Joel would have prefered to be successful musicians instead of vg streamers. But I mean let's face it: regardless of the quality of your music, it's nigh impossible to make a career in music in classic rock and metal these days. Guitar is on it's way out.

People have been saying guitar is on its way out since the 90s. Probably even earlier.

>vinny is le depression
new yorker here, it's fucking miserable here no matter what, that's just the resting bitch face of inner city people

the 90's had Pantera, Dream Theater, and so on.
the guitar wasn't on it's way out at all. If anything, it was continuing the peak of the 80's.

>realizing that your fanbase is mostly made out of children and fat manchildren
I would be sad too.

>yfw the Italian man dies of corona

the past year or so he's been sounding a lot more depressed than usual, idk what's up but I hope he feels better

This doesn't seem like a video game.

Guitar will never die nigger. You just can't make shitty or mediocre music with guitar and be successful. Unlike rap and pop-country.


It’s not impossible my clueless zoomer friend. It requires a fuckton of dedication plus social skills to gather and maintain a band. I’m not talking about Beatles’ level of success tho.

his fans got taken over by resetera trannies and furries who pushed out any "problematic" people in vinesauce a while back. Vin always on his toes making sure not to upset them since they wormed their way as his admins and mods. I know specifically he despises them, especially after he found the ones who drew porn and furry porn of him fucking and being fucked by furries. RIP the days of egglikes, even though vinny fucking sucks at games and has to be carried through 90% of them

Attached: youfag.png (256x256, 53.66K)

People still said it

>caring about ecelebs and letsplayers

No thanks, I'm not a fucking faggot manbaby.

>He says as he posts on Yas Forums

Jesus christ which mod did that shit?

also has anyone seen GPM lately? A few years ago he was lifting weights and (somewhat) taking care of himself but now he looks like he let himself go

>Haha sorry guys I can't continue games like the Zero collection or Spyro 3, but don't worry, I have plenty of time for 3 streams of Rimworld in a fucking row.

Pretty normal, ran into Vinny on the floor at pax when he was on the way to autographs and said hey.

Guitar is still around but its acoustic and bass.

the vr streams are the best thing that happened in a while, i genuinely thought that i was about to be subjugated to months and months of that rimworld shit

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He became a dog

Attached: 1584486469249.jpg (691x766, 63.54K)

Not a mod that made the porn I think but def mods have wittern degenerat fics of vinny. Also RIP GPM, I mean he deserved getting kicked off for stealing the money but he has let himself go and is boring as fuck now

Why do you guys always force this "le depressed" meme all the time? The dude seems pretty content with things.

Are you sure this isn't just projection?

Wait, Vinny is redpilled and hates the LGBT? NICE!


Vappy. And it wasn't him being fucked, it was a Vinesauce poster in the background of a pic of Vappys OC with his cock out.
I'm still fucking mad that they never let him back onto the team, even after their "suspension" of a year.

Vappy, and he's gone now.

He tries to never reveal it but he despises the furshit and gender politics especially since those mental ill faggots took over his chats

What phone is that?

they're still making porn of vinny and people have been emailing it to him

>that fucking Besiege/Rimworld combo stream
Holy shit i've never fell asleep that hard before

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>Ask for donations for help

He has to know people find this shit boring. People don't want Sunday meme games all the time but no one wants to watch Rimworld.

On the one hand I’m looking forward to all the new porn well get when he plays New Horizons but I also can’t stand the fanfic-tide shit people make when he streams an AC game

>Another Half Life mod, my favourite
I want to die.

I mean he's already made it known that he knows people hated his Slay the Spire streams. I'm sure Rimworld will be next.

I wouldn’t say it was overtaken but yes I’ve seen some people getting over sensitive about Vinny’s decisions in-game.

Statistically, getting both Scoot and Cherry as his fist villagers is possible. The memes won't end.

lol complete bullshit

I’m never phoneposting again, autocorrect lowers the quality of my posts despite them being low quality to begin with

I met Vinny last month, he was a very laid back dude, though he is a manlet in real life

>Ask for donations for help because of issues with food and rent
>Almost immediately after preordering the Switch and a buncha games
Nah go fuck yourself, GPM is a financially illiterate dumbass and deserved to get kicked off the team for trying to profit off the community's good will.

nah, vinny's a good dude.

I would've said he should've stayed on Yas Forums, but seeing here now and days would that have been any better?

>asks for money for help
>spends it all on trips and videogames instead of rent and food

fuck off nigger, I still like the dude but he acted like a retard

>though he is a manlet in real life
The VR stream last night already showed us that.

Vinny strikes me as someone who'd look particularly good with a bitta muscle

I love watching him play rimworld, it's fun. the fuck is wrong with people?

Right before the Beatles performed on the Ed Sullivan Show there were a ton of people saying that guitar music was on its way out, and that was in 1963. Honestly I think it will make a comeback someday, people still listen to bands that played the guitar all the fucking time and we just need that right band to get big again to bring it back.

dont worry we know you fags infest here too and pretend it hasnt happened. vin fucking despises you

>ran into Vinny on the floor at pax
Oh shit, is he okay?

your favorite streamer doesn't agree with your shit politics, sorry buddy no need to make shit up to make yourself feel better

People keep saying this, but is there any proof that he does? Or is it just your headcanon

Let's be honest, all his games recently have been stopgaps in anticipation of Doom Eternal and New Horizons. He hasn't picked up a new long-runner because of them.

it's complete made-up bullshit, dont worry

From the minute he starts streaming his chat will throw autistic rage fits until he scans the two in with their amiibos. Furfags are such babies

here come the trannies

Yas Forums niggers don't live in reality. There is no proof, but I'm sure he'll make a butthurt comment to dodge.


I actually love both of those streams, I'm getting pretty fucking sick of the Half Life mods though.

>disagree with bestiality fuckers drawing porn of a streamer
>Yas Forums

this is why I despise these faggots

I don't like trannies either, I'm just skeptical.

>Chat filled with furs and trannies
>Thread on Vin
>Furs and trannies come to defend their imaginary friendship with a streamer
Like clockwork.