>People shitting on the """""""bad"""""""" PS5 specs
Explain how this piece of shit sells so much then
>People shitting on the """""""bad"""""""" PS5 specs
Explain how this piece of shit sells so much then
the switch gimmick is actually pretty great and it has games
B-but Nintendo.
Because nobody is buying a Nintendo console for power.
It has games
Today's ps5 stream just show how "fun" ps5 will be
AAA games are garbage and most indies run identically on all platforms so you might as well get them on the switch for optional portability
Also first party Nintendo games even if they've been slacking lately
>low spec, low cost system for low budget games
good marketing and it's basically the strongest handheld on the market.
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but nintendo!
>nobody is buying a Nintendo console for power.
speak for yourself faggot
>Explain how this piece of shit sells so much then
the same type of autistic brain that buys playstation for timed exclusive movies are the same type of autistic brain obsessed with nintendo logos and mario branded cardboard
literal cucks
Portable, good marketing, the comparison between it and the wii u made it look god like, botw being a launch title (despite quality it's undeniable the hype the game had), etc
Surely you mean ports. Top 5 best sellers are all ports
Nintendo's job is to be different
PS5 is an underpowered PC and will continue to be one till the end of time
>Houses two of the greatest games of all time
It has games people actually want.
N64 sucked though
It's not manufactured by a company known for fucking over it's longtime fans with movie games
It's not meant to make money.
It's not meant to fulfill a diversity quota.
It's not meant to replace a computer.
It's games are developed by people who like fun instead of movies, and it has the most talented people working on it.
It actually has games, unlike the PS5.
it has games
Who buys any console for "power"?
>snoy niggers are now coping about specs
tendies are brainwashed.
they are conditioned to buy anything nintendo makes regardless
nooooooo you weren't supposed to bring this up
Because Nintendo cares about having fun and not cinematic movie bullshit
because it has a ton of exclusives
because they actually market their games as games
because it's portable
because it's cheap
because it's not trying to replace the PC
because it's not trying to compete with other systems since it has its own market
Because it's meant to be a fun console that can be taken anywhere.
Unlike the new UnderpoweredPC5.
>It's not meant to make money.
Why do tendies flat out worship the brand and pretend they're not a business just like any other?
>It's not meant to replace a computer.
Is this the excuse for why devs have to gimp their games to even run on it?
It's almost like it's portable or something.
>they are conditioned to buy anything
Having games and an actual existing platform can do that for a product.
>has games
>is portable
I can play it in bed
>because it has a ton of Wii U ports
No they aren't.
there is not a single port in that image
Nintendo engineers fun into their devices.
Because the most powerful console has almost never won a gen?
>PS2 was weaker than the Xbox and GameCube, but sold more
>Wii was weaker than PS3 and 360, but sold more.
Nintendo is Special.
The games aren't gimped.
>it's not meant to make money
is that why they cheaped the fuck out on build quality control to the point that the controllers are notorious for their failure rates?
That's the point: Their specs mean jack shit. The most anticipated game of the month looks like a fucking Gamecube game.
N64 first-parties were excellent, N64 third-parties outside of sports games bordered on non-existent for a variety of reasons
I dont know why people compare a handheld to consoles
ask to xniggers
>There's no games because I'm uneducated about the system
Just because Sony seems hell bent on making the Western market full of slow cinematic experiences doesn't mean games don't exist for the system.
Because it's a decent gimmick and like all generations, its carried by Nintendo exclusives. Meanwhile, Playstation and Microsoft do a power competition every generation, so whoever is the weaker one loses.
Because it’s also a handheld? It’s not that complicated.
Animal Crossing has never been a graphically powerful game.
Because exclusives are really all that matters
>Has exclusives that normies love
>Its a handheld
That's how.
>sonyfag doesn't understand the concept of video games
can't make this shit up
>literally blindly coping
People actually own a Switch Lite over the base model?
Exactly, PS1 sold vastly more than the N64, same with Gamecube/PS2 to an even greater extent.
It hits the trifecta of women, kids and trannies
I have both l. I prefer the lite generally, depending on the game
You're right, I guess. There's just shovelware and barely dolled up ports disguised as sequels
>Unironically listing garbage like 1 2 Switch, Pokemon Sword and Shit and Let's Finger Pikachu's Arsehole, Ring Fit Adventure, Fitness Boxing, Mario Party and fucking Brain Training as quality exclusives
The absolute fucking state
Yeah all those great PS5 titles we saw amazing.
Everyone knew the specs of the Switch were going to be shit from the beginning.
Actually has video games and doesn't censor third parties unlike snoy
>games i don't like don't count
literally every time. can't wait for another wall of text reply.
Because it's cheap and there's games
It's portable.
>whines about ports
>someone posts games that aren't ports
>t-those are shit.
t. someone who wasn't alive during the Gamecube era
What the fuck does this post even mean? Is this the state of Yas Forums? Just mindlessly spouting buzzwords as a substitute for their lack of language skills?
>more willing to make concessions on a system for convenience and portability
Because if he used his eyes he'd see there wasn't a single port in the image.
That image is literally that exact mentality done by a tendie against Sony
Yeah that's really coherent
>spread out amazing games over time instead of busting your load early with garbage games and 1 good game
Ring Fit is actually pretty good for lazy niggers like me. The visuals are great, the soundtrack is nice, and I actually don't feel like giving up after 5 mins because of boredom..
What are Snoy bois mad about this time? What happened?
>more willing to make concessions on a system because they're cheap bastards who know their manchild fanbase will eat up any overpriced piece of shit they churn out
How's that controller drift going?
dumb little kids buy nintendo consoles
ps5 is less powerful than the xbox sex
the image is all the games published by each company. there is no bias, only facts.
Because it's a game for faggots or children
Xbox have specs, Switch has games, what does PS have?
Are you pretending that shit like 1/2 Switch is a quality exclusive worth getting the system for?
Haven't had any months, but thanks for asking.
Ring fit is god-tier. I’ve lost a lot of weight and toned up significantly, and feel better.
Also, it’s nice to have now that we are locked inside.
boring specs reveal. all fluff no substance presentation. objectively worse than the xbox this time around.
You seem focused on 1-2 Switch when there are other games.
But the PS1 had better looking games
Are you pretending games like The Order and Killzone are too?
are you pretending that 1-2 switch is the only game there ?(yes, you are a obvious faggot)
The image are first party games that are exclusive to the consoles retards. AKA, no ports, no cross platform, nothing.
Both, to an admittedly slightly lesser degree
Still, .75+.75>1+0
actually no, the image specifically goes for games published by that specific company.
Different audiences.
Because nintendo can actually make games.
Hey gravity rush and bloodborne are fun
>low cost
>literally costs more than a ps4 or xbox
Wow they spread it out so far that none of the good games have come out yet!
>It's not manufactured by a company known for fucking over it's longtime fans with movie games
it's instead manufactured by a company that knowingly mass produces faulty joysticks and then refuses free repairs, to force people to pay $80 for new joycons every couple months, instead.
>it's portable
>has games
>to get it to run on your TV is effortless
There you go
>refuses free repairs
worked for me™
>refuses free repairs
They've been doing free joycon repairs since last year you moron
ALright let's list some other highlights
>DLC for an RPG
>DLC for a meme roguelike BUT IT'S ZELDA THEMED
>Brain Training which isn't even a game
>Bendy Ring Adventure
>The fifty millionth Mario Party game that gets progressively worse every time
>Mario and proto Minions XCOM ripoff
>Fitness Boxing
>Pokemon Go Console Edition
>The worst mainline Pokemon game ever released
>A Funko Pop Zelda remake that runs like shit
>A port of a DS Pokemon themed Mystery Dungeon clone
>A barely updated Mario level creator disguised as a sequel
>Splatoon 1.5 with the only thing making it stand out being a DLC released years later with it otherwise being exactly the same thing
Is this supposed to be the evidence that Nintendo has good games but Sony has shit? You might as well have listed Labo and Vroom in the Night Sky as well; they're Switch exclusives.
Why are Snoyboys so comfortable with lying?
Did you miss this period of the gen or something?
Sony brought back the the numbers games of consoles in the worst way possible.
> first good game comes out 2 years into the console's lifecycle
>He doesn't use xbox controller on his switch
The switch is very powerful for its price and form factor.
yeah all this talk about specs is retarded. lets talk about PS5 games instead like...
Yeah like code name steam
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
Color splash
Federation Force and all those other games that were hits and recieved no complaints at all.