I guess it's over

i guess it's over

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Imagine deciding which system to buy because it is slightly more powerful opposed to deciding which system will have the more enjoyable games. Y'all dumb fucks just equate this whole teraflops thing to a dick measuring contest. Have fun with your slightly more powerful console with boring games, all because you want to say "hurr durr I've gotts a biggur dick than u dude!!!!1"

Yeah but it's hard to know which will be the better one to develop for.

more powerful console doesn't mean more boring games you retard

>microsoft bought tens of studios for exclusive games
>sony is loosing exclusevs every month

The average player is not going to notice a distance.
PS5 is optimized better.

sony.ggers btfo as per usual

It's Xbox, ya moron. They don't have exclusives, lmao.

Nice botleneck
PS5 is vastly more balanced whereas Xbox went OOGA BOOGA MORE POWER

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I get it Sony got the smaller dick this time, but does it really matter if Xbox still has no games?
t. never owned a Playstation

Sony Japan needs to take their company back from the Cuckifornians.

>>microsoft bought tens of studios for exclusive games
Of which they did nothing with. Sony's movie games are annoying but Microsoft is creatively bankrupt.

Sony said they are going to make less games you aspies.

>variable frequency
yeah it's over

Somehow you took his inference that both sides were being retarded and turned it into a me vs you console war argument, exactly the kind of mindless bullshit he was decrying in the first place. You are a grade A moron and you should kill yourself.


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Why MS ssd 2 times slower?

Less games? LESS GAMES?

Sony would be stupid to say such a thing. Games are what sell a system.

Japan only cares about gacha now

I guess the Xbox One X was the best console this generation then

Max coping lmao

wait for people to put the cheapest NVMe they can find on their PS5 since you will get less than 700gb available for use

Who the fuck buys consoles for the hardware?
If you want good hardware, build a PC.

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Sony bloated their numbers.

>Imagine deciding which system to buy because it is slightly more powerful opposed to deciding which system will have the more enjoyable games
You can blame Sony for that. Ever since their "world's most powerful" campaign everyone has been concerned with power.

Total list of main AAA games on PS4 that are not "Cinematic action-adventure" games:

>Persona 5

meh, marginal differences on most, ps5 wins on load speeds by miles, besides the talk mentioned lots of custom hardware that is not counted in the teraflop numbers or corespeeds that helps. I'm way more worried about sony fucking this up instead by having so much custom hardware that it goes the way of the ps3 costing way too much and being hard to develop for

SeX will be very appealing to me if the proprietary expansion cards aren't stupid expensive.

it truly is over

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who cares where the video games at?

>the series that has been predominantly cutscenes since 3
>not cinematic

So, what will sonyfags fall back on now that they don't have power?

PC, was torn between saving for PS5 and rolling with a new PC but the decision is there. Not even a poorfag, I wanted to play old ps2 games and I don't care about snoy exclusives


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You realize that's the entirety of what PS4 sold on for its first few years, right? The games didn't start coming until it was already sitting at 50 million or so

This but unironically. You should already have a PC that's more powerful than these consoles, which you should be playing all the multi-plats on. You should pick a console based on the exclusives you want, it's really that simple

the virgin nu sony console
>Loses exclusives at an alarming rate
>If exclusive it's just an angry lesbian/dad in a forest simulator
>Less powerful than microsoft console
>Not backwards compatible with ps3/ps2/ps1 games
>No Hype
>Backwards compatible. No compromise
>Strongest console on the market
>Has tons of new developers in their backpack
>Isn't only interested in the sad dad genre, the japanese market is targeted too
>60fps gameplay is the goal
>Looks like a fridge to cool your hype

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Yeah but Sony doesn't have the DVD gimmick to save them this time, they just look like a lame duck next to Microsoft now

About the only saving grace is PS4 BC and that means little when there are only a handful of (good) games left that are still PS4-only, meanwhile Sexbox has BC all the way back to the original Xbox

Admit it user, Sony tripped and fell on their face with this

If it were really that simple the Wii U ought to have curbstumped the fuck out of everyone else last gen or until at least 2015, not sit at a paltry 13 million when all was said and done

Exclusives do little, it's all in the marketing

Why are specs so close but IO rates so different?

We've been working on Scarlett kits for a while where I work and I gotta say it's been a dream, as opposed to Xbone which was a fucking nightmare.

For PS5 we've been put on the waiting list for like five months now and it's safe to assume their shit spontaneously combusts or something.

Why would I build a power pc for 1500-2000 just to be outperformed by a 500 dollar console? Are you okay, bro?

I loved the huegbox
>Halo 1 and 2
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Ninja Gaiden Black

because IO rate is the biggest performance bottleneck in modern PCs

How was Xbone a nightmare to develop for but Sexbox isn't? They're both AMD x86 boxes

Did you make stuff for the PS4, too? That must've been a similar nightmare, considering that PS4 and Xbone are almost identical internally

>You should get console because it's cheaper than a PC of the same power!
>Also, who cares about power lol


I'll still wait 3 years post launch to get a discounted slim version on black friday for 150 like I do every other console release.

they are both the same thing:
outdated in a year after the release of rtx 3080Ti

The problem with Xbox and why I haven't had one since the original is because they have no exclusives. I can't even think of any besides Halo which I don't care for and even then many of them are moving to PC. Which brings me to their second problem. Since its Microsoft, they keep adding all their titles to PC as well lately. So why would I ever buy an Xbox?


Why not? Why build a PC for $1,000 or so when you can buy a Xbox SeX for $500 that will outperform said PC? Are you okay, bro?

>Of which they did nothing with

They have more exclusives the 1st half of this year than Sony had the entirety of 2019

Good taste
Mechassault was sick too, make a new one M$

This time i just won't buy any console whatsoever.

When Bloodborne 2 comes out, i'll go hang out at a friend's house for 2 days until i finish it

>muh dvd

Because the PC is a smarter investment in the long run

>PS5 supports NVME's
Wut? Are those of the shelf or proprietary NVMEs? Please let it be common ones.

A weak Sony means that more Japanese developers will flock to Nintendo, this is an absolute win.

Do you really want 360p games for the next decade that much?

why even buy launch versions of consoles? its better to wait for the cheaper updated versions 2 years later. ps5 pro/ sex x will most def be a thing.

The architecture isn't a problem, it's the environment itself. The Xbone is very shit when it comes to deploying and even maintaining builds of practically anything. Dev units will crash at nothing, even the distribution setup. By comparison, PS4 was smooth with the only issues being our bad for the stuff we did. (graphical stuff and, for a long time, proprietary video compression that just didn't fly on PS4)

In a stark contrast, Scarlett is satisfying to work with. It doesn't even feel like you're working in a MS dev environment. I'm just an art guy, but from what we've managed to do in the past year, we've barely run into any issues.

normal ones

>Please let it be common ones.

So which one is it then?

It's hilarious how quickly snoy faggots pivoted to loading times and the PS5 SSD. Shut the fuck up you obnoxious dweebs lmfao

There are other private forums where you can have better conversations than on Yas Forums. This place is just to shitpost and take verbal diarrhea towards the users.

Yes, the specs does not determine features, quality, etc. But to be honest current modern game philosophy isn't all that good, and both Sony and MS including Nintendo all censor their games to a certain extent. So there are negatives to all three of them, PC too with it's lack of physical availability and needing to have Steam installed. But that's another topic.

i hope new rtxs will be good because i piss on consoles. After 3 years they and their autistic fanbase who allow consoles to slow down progress by sustaining them we will finaly have games with raytracing, revolution simillar to shaders and bump mapping back in the day. Fuck consoles, im sure they will overheat and unsolder your retarded chips from the pcb like literaly every first version of any console in the recorded human history.

i mean they will probably sell you a proprietary repackaging

>revolution simillar to shaders and bump mapping back in the day.
So no revolution at all SH2/MGS2/3/every other great game of the 00s didn't use any shaders LOL

Don't bother I checked they will uses standard PCIe 4.0 drives.

this, except excluding persona

It's XBox though, I could just play those games on my PC for max quality. I only have my PS4 for my annual Bloodborne playthrough and a handful of games I'd rather play with the controller and/or PSN.

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bitch ass nigger it should be a monthly celebration

Yeah, I don't think so. I buy consoles to play games. Games will continue to be optimized for consoles and will run great because it is a closed system.