Another gen, another win.
Another gen, another win
this is what consolefags actually believe
Sony finally giving us the goods bros
This lmao. We eternally stylin on them kiddos.
>and then I woke up
>3.6ghz CPU
Still second to PC. As always.
This. PC is in a stasis where the only games the platform gets are ports of old PS/360 games and AAA multiplats, so there's no generation-defining games, like BotW and Bloodborne.
Kill yourself tripfag
U guyz are gonna gib me nother $13 mirrion amrucan dollur again, yes?
Brand loyalty is a cancer
o shit user, cover your shame, your cope is showing very visibly
Yeah, instead they port those platform defining games to PC.
Cope? It's the truth, user.
Neither of games mentioned are ported
You said "like", meaning exclusives. Also all Sony games get ported to PC now, and Nintendo is emulatable.
I can play both of those games on my PC right now.
They're still not ported, and it doesn't go against my point even if they were. Gaming is defined by console generations since they still make the games of note.
Oh, so they're ported and some shitty stream or backwoods emulation? Cool.
>New consoles launch
>New games only then take advantage of this hardware
>pc gamers only then have reason to upgrade
Consoles dictate when people need to pay for more pc parts, basically is part of the gen cycle.
how's your cucked BC user?
Arrest yourself dumb frogposter
>They're still not ported
Because the decision to port all games to PC was just recent, give it some time.
>and it doesn't go against my point even if they were. Gaming is defined by console generations since they still make the games of note.
Ok, but they still getting ported to PC.
>Worse in every aspect than the Shitbox
What's it like to be delusional?
I mean technically all consoles are PCs
before sony direct
>they said it'll be more powerful than any PC!
after sony direct
>graphics don't matter!
Unupgradable and obsolescence-planned PCs.
The conference was clearly for people in-the-know of tech, most went over my head. I'll just wait until devs start speaking about what system they like more, and what PS5 and SeX announce for games. PS5 holds my interest because I like their exclusives better, and I can at least expect the Remake to continue on PS5. SeX has Halo and Gears which I don't care for, but it might win me over with other shit. Still, fuck buying either at launch. The Switch and PS4 Pro can keep me busy for another 2 years before I decide which to purchase.
It's not like the mustardrace ever upgrades their toasters anyway
True for third world people, not in first world countries tho.
Because we build our systems to be top-end for 4+ years. Consoles are obsolete before they leave the factory.
>third world
That was 12 years ago
Can we finally admit that Sony fanboys are now proven to be the worst group on Yas Forums?
>4+ years
Try 10+
That's already been proven.
Yeah and thanks to consoles stifling nonsense, I was able to eke TEN YEARS out of a PC build I made in 2008.
>Buy gpu
>Its outdated year later
But the guy you, uh, replied to, but, um, your post is kinda... *taps fingers together*... Cringe? You mind, uh, stepping off over onto this website buddy?
What's your point here, chimp? Try to use any argument instead of buzzwords.
Congrats on being able to emulate gamecube games in 2020
Another wojak strawman thread coming right up.
>0 games + Bloodborne
>thousands of games spanning the entire history of video games
Never stop winning.
That third-world BRs using trash-picked shit doesn't make them "master race"
Again, there is a reason I said third world. First world does upgrade it's PCs. Work on your reading comprehension, Mohammed.
You first, Rajeesh.
First world = it, it's = something they own or are related with. It's really sad you can't even speak basic English.
Oh the irony
>First world does upgrade it is PCs
This is what you said.
Great. How is that a bad thing?
>he doesn't know what it's means
Jesus fucking Christ. Do you think Trump's car means Trumps is car you braindead third world subhuman?
they didn't win shit, they're not going to have enough chinese slaves to build the damn things with covid fucking things up.
>ESL doesn't know about singular possessive nouns
Wrong again snoy fag. Enjoy your mute.