Xbox Series X > PS5
PS5 vs Xbox Series X
2 TF is a huge difference, next gen is gonna be a massacre for Sony. Can't wait for the Digital Foundry comparison videos.
Holy fuck!
but that says the xbox is far stronger
I'd say it's 3 TF. Sony is OCing their 9 Tflops with variable speed. It can't hold that consistent. MS can do the same at a higher rate and call it 14 TFlops.
In any case you will see the difference on the digital foundry tests when the ps5 can't keep up.
Love how they don't mention the 16gigs in the PS5 is still system memory too
wait the ps5 actually looks like THAT? I thought that was a joke mock up
>Literally the ONLY thing it has over the XBOX is a fucking SSD
No wonder he spent 30 minutes talking about it.
holy shit, is that really how the ps5 is going to look? it's fucking hideous
Does the xbox x really allow games to be played at 4k 60fps? I find it really hard to believe
its honestly splitting hairs.... its gona come down to games.... AS ALWAYS
The xbox one had 71% of the the power of ps4
the ps5 has 82% the power of xbox series x
Now reveal the PSN versus Xbox Live costs for each console
And it's the most important things
Now when people compare performances on both consoles PS5 will load games noticeably faster and all the arbitrary numbers Xbox's got on Playstation will be irrelevant
>Sony sells triple the consoles due to having fucking games
You stupid niggers
This is it fellas. The ultimate cope, right here
Using ray tracing for audio is fucking sick. Can't wait to utilize that shit on PC.
lol this is as stupid as the cartridge vs disc loading times from the 90s
SSD isnt everything, it doesn't matter how fast the SSD is if it cant get the information delivered fast enough. xbox's ssd is fast enough, and is delivered faster
sony bros on suicide watch
Screenshotting your post for when Sony wins their 5th console gen in a row
If sony doest make the PS5 a whole lot cheaper then the xbone they are going to get a assraping next gen.
>bloodborne and fifa machine
Both are very powerful on paper, but we need to see demos and games to know the real performance of the PS5. Both are looking extremely based though.
PS vs Xbox is not even interesting at this point. What's important is AMD is about to dab on Nvidia like they already did Intel
You mean GTAV and FIFA
>SSD isnt everything
Found the Hard Driver poverty nigger
THIS. the difference is even bigger than ps4 vs ps4 pro.
PS5 is dead on arrival
But can Xbox play Bloodborne 2?
Wii beat ps3
tl;dr: the PS5 is weaker but faster. Sony will have to cash in hard on their SSD speed because thats their biggest (and maybe only) advantage against the Series X. When hardware power and backwards compatibility are concerned the Series X wipes the floor with the PS5.
What an embarrassing, sad little life you live. Also, PS3 didn’t win the gen so I don’t know where you’re getting this “five in a row” tomfoolery.
Yas Forums Nincel cope
Go outside and ask anyone who won that gen
Wii wasn't even a competitor
Screenshotted every 15tflop post from snoytards up until today.
Who lost? Oh thats right.
Enjoy your 9tflop box faggot, sit down.
these specs everyone is comparing for xbox
are they for the base model or the pro model? theres gonna be 2 xboxes
If you take away all the wii's who were bought by people who only played wii sports on it for a few weeks then never looked back the the ps3 would blow it out of the water.
I'm still waiting for your post to load on your 3rd rate SSD
the only announced xbox right now is the most powerful one. but theres a rumor they will announce a cheaper weaker one later that is digital only.
SSD write speed difference is a literal meme. Loadings will be quick. It will be quick whether you're on SeX or PS5. SeX also has a larger SSD.
On top of this, SeX has a better GPU, better CPU, better cooling, more memory and so on.
did they reveal the ps5 design already?
There a more people on this planet who still own and play a Nintendo Wii than a PlayStation 3. Not console warring, just concrete facts.
not likely to happen
>The Xbonex was so much of a flop Xbros have forgotten about it
Now this is some hard cope.
But the idiots here will argue over specs that they do not understand, much less how they affect overall performance.
>SSD write speed difference is a literal meme
they are flexing all the custom ssd custom audio custom controller garbage so its likely to be the same price.
PS5 is dead on arrival
Massive cope. Sit down.
i run my pc off an SSD dip shit
did you not read the xbox will have an ssd too?
an ssd isnt going to carry an entire system dipshit,
>snoy cope
oh no no no!
This. They even said heavy games will downclock.
I'd rather have full 60 fps at 4K over half a second longer loading time.
Fuk sony
Totally btfo
It's complicated, in pure numbers yes, wii beat ps3.
But if you take in to acount the amount of wii's that were sold out of hype and were only played for a few months and never looked at again you get a different story.
And ps3 kept getting support games years after the wii was abandoned by nintendo.
if ps5 is $100 cheaper at launch they can release a ps5 pro that's the same price as xsx but slightly more powerful later
You call this bait? Amateur.
A whole gen of Snoys claiming power was everything.
Holy shit, this must hurt.
Are there seriously snoys out there who think the PS3 won gen 7?
>did you not read the xbox will have an ssd too?
>half a second
Literally half the writing speed
5th gen back to back
>yes, wii beat PS3
Thanks for agreeing!
This can't be repeated enough. Sony is bullshitting these numbers with unreliable clock speeds. Github was right. It's 9.2TF versus 12.1. The difference is huge.
>825 gb, not even 1 gb ssd
I honestly don't see Xbox not winning this gen.
The full backwards compatibility, more powerful, the gamepass, all the stupid studios they bought. What is Sony gonna do?
I'll still be playing on PC but damn, I might get the gamepass for a few months to play Gears and Halo.
The damage control is fucking delicious. Time to sit this gen out, Sony!
>out of touch with the real world
Yep. Checks out
this means there will be a ps5 pro in 2yrs.
ill wait. not buying base ps5 this gen.
Thank god I own a PC and stopped buying after PS3/360. May pick a one X up for back comp.
Meant 1tb. Excuse me, am retard
At least games get smaller again.
CensorStation 5 = DEAD ON ARRIVAL
its 20-30%. thats less than ps4/XBOX one or Pro/X
all the weeb games come to play station in the end, so no matter if it has shittier specs, I want my waifus in 4K
Sony just spent an hour talking about why shorter loading times are a big deal because SeX has them beat in literally every other front that isn't raw SSD read speed. The SeX even has a larger SSD storage size which is actually more preferrable in a gen where every game will be 50+GBs.
Here comes 6 years of asspain for snoys.
All their exclusive suck, you have to look at that with a normie taste in mind.
Kek, your bait is too weak.
as it has been since the dawn of this shit, games are all that matter. i have zero faith in microsoft in this regard
>specs matter
Explain why the Xbone X bombed then
Oh yes can't wait for the hardcore exclusives on PS4 like TLoU 2.
Not just loading times, that's why he was talking for an hour.
go back to resetera
PS5 dead in the fucking water.
Didn't even show any games to go with it.
Even Xbox shown off Hellblade 2.
xbox doesn't even have games to censor, pc is still the king and your console war bs is pathetic
I think even Sony fanboys felt like Sony deserved a big loss after what cancerous fucks they were becoming this gen.
Wew, the speed difference is massive
Should do wonders for swinging in Spider-Man. Always felt too slow.
Half a second is the huge difference between seamless open worlds and loading screen simulators.
Because only americans really buy xbox, the rest of the world is more loyal to PS
It depends on the customizations MS has made to the APU. If they aren't as efficient or has bottlenecks that the PS5 doesn't, you're probably going to see a lot of variation in which system runs which game faster down the road.
Yes you don't like it, but normies will and normies will buy it. That's what matters to win a generation.
Playstation is fucked. Everything they've been saying about the PS5 was a fucking lie
Is this SSD better than the one on the PS5?
With that GPU you'll still be swinging at 30hz lmao
Fuck off. If the xbox is stronger I'll get that.
>implying teraflops matters
lol normies buy the most powerful
>He thinks pissborne is a console seller
Your shitty PC can’t run as good as SeX or PS5 though
The ideal console path
NES > SNES > N64 > PS2 > X360 > PS4 > XSEX
You know it's true
switch is outpacing ps4 sales. this triggers the incel
lmao resetera
both 360 and wii obliterated the ps3
Not even close
>Can't defend the Xbonex
Poor Xbros.
jesus christ, stop embarrassing yourself
Which one has games I can't play on PC? That's the deciding factor.
Nah kid it's a smaller difference then between the ps4 and xbox x
Nope, the PS5 one has a custom IO controller handling more stuff parallel and doing decompression stuff better.
Not even in the same ballpark
its not lmao. You have to compare the difference in % if you have any knowlege about tech.The difference is even bigger than between NES and PS4 according to you, right?
retard, 825gb is higher then 1gb
resetera does with full force
With the advent of cloud services, none of them. Looks like PC chads take another win.
This, gotta throw the Wii in with the 360 tho
We LITERALLY got too cocky bros.
>lol tlou won the generation
retard it was fifa
Can't argue that
the difference is smaller than between XBOX one and PS4 or PS4 Pro and XBOX One X.
Exclusives will determine winner and that will be sony. Multiplats will probably be 4k30-60 depending on game. Ps5 gpus bamdwith and core speeds are significantly faster, while xbox is going for more raw power. I think it will be close, but holy shit that ps5 ssd makes xbox look like joke. Thats like putting 970 pro vs that wd budget saver ssd
for me is
MS > GEN > N64 > GC > 360 > ONE > SEX
i thinks thats just the dev kit
PS5 won't be getting any good exclusives for at least 2 years. There's zero argument to buying a weaker console at launch. Microsoft just needs to launch at $499 to kill Sony.
Lmao imagine using your outdated PC as ammunition in a consolefag thread
fucking why, there was no good games on this pile of shit.
No. The gap is bigger.
just a remainder
these figures are for the base ps5
>there is a PS5 PRO
PS5 PRO >Xbox Series X >PS5 >Xbox 2020
don't ask how i know