New Overwatch Hero - Echo
Has anything actually happened lorewise since Winston activated the recall?
>make a sexy robot
>give it an ugly human face for no reason
creatively bankrupt
How can they fuck up a goddamn robot design with that stupid holo face?
Christ, just let it die already. Let the whole nuBlizzard die.
I don't give a fuck about the shitty story show me what she does so I can go "wow neat" or "that's fucking stupid" and continue to not play overwatch
Lol who Will Care with RE3 demonleak and PS5 specs stream right now?
>that fucking awful face
Why do they do this?
>Have cute design
>Make foreheadbot
Yeah I've long stopped caring.
Gotta buy them skins, bro.
I thought they already released something like this?
Omg I hate overwatch so much!! I never played but fuck this game jesus christ wow I hate blizzard so much #freericeniggerland
She would have been so much better without a face...
Yeah that's a bummer. The trailer is cringe too.
Is this one so black they steal time?
Overwatch 2 cinematic trailer i guess
>I never played
God i wish
>expect TF3
>play beta
>it's shit
>literally everything is worse than TF2
Yeah nah, fuck off.
why can't the west make cute robutts? I'm not hopeful for the future
Ugly character for a shit game
>quite literally the only people who care about the character are robofuckers
>give her some weird looking human race
fucking dipshits
not gonna lie guys, I shit and cummed a little
Who even still plays this? Do we have any way of seeing how many active players they have?
>muh personality
that's why
didnd they reveal this like 2 years ago
Will they fix the face with a purple skin? I can only hope.
>she has a face
>she isn't just Haydee: Overwatch Edition
lol im still not coming back to your shit game, try again jeff
What are you talking about? the west already make a cute robutt
fags like this is so easy to please you don't even have to try.
They'r different characters
This is basically Blizzard right now:
That's Athena.
>another nigger
Am I a brainlet? When Morrison said "hey fight the omnics with us" I genuinely forgot that humanity and omnics went to war with each other and that's why there's a lot of racial tension in Overwatch's lore. Zenyatta, the thick taur waifu bot and Bastion have zero bad qualities so I just assumed humans hated omnics for no reason other than as a "racism is bad" story.
shut up retard
Pretty sure she's going to get a skin without the face.
>Who even still plays this?
Kids, girls, fags and omega orbiters who play it because girls play it.
What's the point on watching an origin story video when OW can't decide on what's part of it's lore and what's not?
Why give robots human faces on the first place?
eww. her face is shit
To introduce ethical dilemmas.
I want to fuck that robot
>I just assumed humans hated omnics for no reason other than as a "racism is bad
Wait there's more than just that?
Nah, the face is ugly and it ruins everything
Who is this orange qt
enjoy your mandatory human face because you're incapable of perceiving emotion in any other way
We need BASED characters instead of these cringeworthy "Superheroes"
>A slightly psychotic riot officer with a vendetta against TALON
>This thing
>thinking that they would let a character swear in Overwatch
Game's too pussified for that
Because its hot
Everybody wants to be Asimov
Dorothy Wayneright from Big O
if the face just came up when doing expression i wouldnt be mad, but all-time hologram face is retarded.
>needing a face
Blizzard is fucking weak
The only ethical dilemma is why Blizzard employees are allowed to live
Yeah the trailers and clips are very family friendly. Pixar and Disney level.
probably did it so she is unique ect..
I like my west robutts chunky
>Make Bastion
>Give every other robot a face
They just keep fucking it up
this is one thing that other games before it had that OW doesn't, personality in the characters. they're all nearly silent for most of the match. all of the funny meme lines are pretty shit if i must say. and overall, there isn't nearly as much "soul" as meaningless as that word is nowadays.
Uh snowball fights I think
>be blizzard
>be equal parts lazy and incompetent because you alienated all your talent and had to hire people fresh out of college
>content comes out at a glacial drip feed pace
>nearly 6 months between heroes and maps
>have to do dumb shit like "hero pool bans" to try to keep paypiggies interested in your shit game
You're wrong though. Normalfags LOVE Pixar movies and their robots don't have human faces.
You know what happens? It takes skill, talent and hard work to showcase emotion with robotic faces, something actiblizzard has very little of
If you dont actually play the game please fuck off
Everything they've done to this game has only made it worse. Am I even going to be able to play as this new character half the time?
You can tell by the lead guys face that he has first hand watched 2 college grads physically fight to the death over whos hero would get put in overwatch
Have sex
The game was only worth playing on the first week either way
To be fair, Zenyatta has a face but can't emote at all, Orisa has a face but can only move her eyes, so it makes sense to have a character with a fully human face. Still looks ugly tho
Not the same character retard
people still play this shit?
anyways cant wait for the porn i guess
Who the fuck still plays this shit game?
People said the game was dead since launch, yet there are daily threads about it. It's kinda weird.
Baby Yeed: everyone liked that.
Both Wall-E and Eve have eyes which are the most expressive part of the face, the original design for the bitch robot lacked even that so it'd take some true talent to still make her expressive which is something Blizz is lacking since they're fucking Blizzard and the best they could do with Bastion was to have him tilt his head at every single fucking thing and whine like a puppy to make up for that
Why would you even want a robot to be overly expressive is beyond me, when i played that shit game i picked Bastion because i wanted to play a fucking robot with a machine gun not some electronic PTSD ridden baby