ITT wokest moments in games

ITT wokest moments in games

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everything is political! now join my party or else :(

>this triggers the rightoid

Lame lol

I legitimately thought this dude was going to molest Daniel

>put woke shit in game

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when everything is political then nothing is political

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the end of this game is the hardest I've laughed in years

Did you know the idea that everything is political is a communist idea that was appropriated by second wave feminists and adopted by progressives today?

How is the fat steaming shit I took earlier political?

Not everything IS political, but anything can be made or used politically.
The problem is polarization and the higher relevance of identity politics.

>everything is political
In philosophical view, is it though? Been thinking this from while back ago so, don't know if true or not.

I gave up on that piece of shit on the first episode, and that's coming from someone who actually liked the first life is strange.

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You can read into anything onto a political level but its such a who cares analysis, why humanities are dying

I will never be able to take a character who looks like that seriously because of how 99.9% of all people who look like that IRL are.

It's a political statement about the absolute state of America.


He looks like Phil Fish

"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"-Benito Mussolini

>Did you know the idea that everything is political is a communist idea that was appropriated by second wave feminists and adopted by progressives today?

It's because this is neo-marxism, which takes marxist ideas and applies them more broadly than just economics. "Neo-Marxism" is way over used by the right, to the point where people roll their eyes if you say it, but there's some truth to it. Sadly, the only people critiquing the new left (weirdo progressives that come from the 60's academia) are themselves frothing at the mouth crazy right, so it's easy to dismiss everything they say and go "yeah sure thing pops". I wish neutral sources would explain the marxist elements to the new left today.

No. In a philosophical view, claiming everything is political is tautological. So, he's saying nothing.

When everything is real then nothing is real


>Sadly, the only people critiquing the new left (weirdo progressives that come from the 60's academia) are themselves frothing at the mouth crazy right
only according to the new left. to them, anyone to the right of them is a nazi. you can see this in the increasingly hostile rhetoric from berniebros towards liberals.

is brushing my teeth political

Explaining the concept. You have a small business. That's just a business right? No, it's political. Everything has a political impact. Your small business is not unionized though, and whether something has a union or not has a huge political impact on the rest of society. etc etc. There is some obvious truth to that but with a lto of these commie level ideas they become a rabbit hole and you end up with pink hair thinking theres 44 million genders.

yes. fucking white people and their dental hygiene, jesus fuck why can't you all die.

me taking a poo has no political impact

>only according to the new left. to them, anyone to the right of them is a nazi. you can see this in the increasingly hostile rhetoric from berniebros towards liberals.

Nah, there is genuine polarization, and there's a very loud "alt right" and renewed white nationalists, and those types. The political center seems to be hollowed out.

In the context, yes.
which company's brush and paste are you using? who are their employee's? did they say or do anything bad the past 10 years?


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is me pounding your mom's fat ass last night political?

Yes. The Signal brand of toothpaste reverse money to help poor rapefugees get dental care

why cant liberals have real sex? it's all faggot dyke tranny dildo cum aids pozz shit

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>you can see this in the increasingly hostile rhetoric from berniebros towards liberals.

Liberals are god damn snakes in the grass though. They're right wingers with smiles and gay pride flags. Whole thing is a scam from day 1.

case in point

That is why they like it. Can't wait for them to be lined up against the wall and shot.

Yes, his mom is trans

More like fucked, but what can you do?

which political party is she supporting? is she vocal about it?

Libs are business guys with gay pride flags, cons are business guys with crosses. They divide people over social issues because it costs them zero dollars. It's all a big scam.

This statemente is not political.

Could you stop pulling the overton window?

>lots of buzzwords

Liberals like to project about not having sex a lot. And besides, can you imagine the modern liberal having sex? It's all faggot dildo butt shit, not real sex in a loving relationship.

Liberals are emotional, mental and physical cripples. They should all be institutionalized and rehabilitated if possible, then allowed to create their own walled garden society for the rest of humanity to watch over benevolently.

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Sure, everything is political if you're deranged enough.
Unless you have power and/or money, politics is just a hobby for childish and deranged people. It's a game for powerful people and some crazy boomer on Facebook has no ability to do anything about it, no matter how many angry posts they make that all their relatives ignore.

holy BASED

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the fact that you live in a place that has running water and toilet paper readily available is political

Nice reddit meme word.

Liberalism comes from the Enlightenment and it's a very old and very conservative ideology. It's very pro-business and pro unrestrained capitalism. This is what runs 90% of everything. Libs are the conservatives.

why does this happen to powerful people tho ngl tbqh family p weird on the low nigga

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>Nothing is true, everything is political.

the problem with the "not everything is political" mindset is that it leads to people claiming that explicitly political games are not political. i've seen people on here try to argue that final fantasy VII, the game that literally opens with you committing an act of eco-terrorism in response to a megacorp draining the planet of a crucial natural resource, is not political.

for most people here, it goes like this

if a character isn't white, then its political
if a character isn't male, then its political
if a character isn't straight, then its political

weird how Yas Forums loves San Andreas then
just face it: liberals cant make art of quality. they're all talentless hacks funded by daddystein's trust fund who were told their whole life their vile abortions of 'output' were good because they are a special snowflake and dont have to work to improve their ability

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>i've seen people on here try to argue that final fantasy VII, the game that literally opens with you committing an act of eco-terrorism in response to a megacorp draining the planet of a crucial natural resource, is not political.
No you haven't, you just read that cool line on Twitter like I have dozens of times already. Kill yourself

if its not right wing, its political

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no there have been at least 2 or 3 specific instances i can think of where someone explicitly argued with me that ff7 wasn't political. you can pretend i just saw it on twitter or whatever if you want but it doesn't change the fact that some amount of people making the "games aren't political" argument are fucking idiots.

>San Andreas
>right wing
why does San Andreas destroy your whole pathetic narrative about this place being unfairly biased against leftism? though this place is biased against leftism like any sane milieu. dilate on era now tranny

if San Andreas came out today then Yas Forums would shitpost about it

>weird how Yas Forums loves San Andreas then

The game is shockingly apolitical, despite being around the LA Race riots and the Rodney King thing. There's a few corrupt police but they're portrayed as outliers and they're led by a black guy. It like the rest of GTA mocks everything in American culture, but the main story remains mostly apolitical.

>heh heh heh...
what did 3d realms mean by this?

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no, Yas Forums would enjoy it and love CJ because there is no forced pozz globohomo agenda and San Andreas exists solely to be a GOOD VIDEO GAME

fucking love armstrong

Quite literally the dumbest conclusion by any AI, real or fictional, ever

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>literally every time a trailer comes out with a black character in it the board becomes unusable due to shitposting about it

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why are you pushing your agenda with this post

>if a character isn't white, then its political
>if a character isn't male, then its political
>if a character isn't straight, then its political

san andreas has all of those things yet Yas Forums loves San Andreas and considers it one of the greatest games of all time. because it doesnt have the pozzed globohomo agenda and is only a good video game made by talented people who wanted to make a good video game instead of force some failed globalist agenda.

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>liberals cant make art of quality
lol I hope you don't listen to music. most likely a large part of your favourite artists are raging liberals unless all you listen to is nsbm

Yas Forums would enjoy it but a lot of Yas Forums would also shitpost about it because >niggers
Yas Forums is not one person, but a few loud atombrains have the power to poison the well for any meaningful discourse to come

Oh i'm sorry. I guess you got me. There's only constant screeching about female characters (Horizon Zero Dawn and Control having ugly women, Tifa's boobs not being as large, Battlefield) , non white characters (Wolfenstein, Subnautica), any game that criticizes capitalism (Outer Worlds Disco Elysium) any game that depicts nazis as bad guys or lgbt people (Celeste Overwatch) or every time a game makes fun of the right wing (VTM Bloodlines Fallout).

But Yas Forums likes San Andreas so I guess Yas Forums doesn't have a specific bias. Its fine to have a bias. I'm very left wing, but I don't hide it.

maybe the games shouldn't push the laughable WE/white erasure agenda with forced unlikeable shallow liberal rick and morty protags

because my agenda is far superior to your agenda and pic related agrees so cope about it

of course the media has been a demented liberal racket for some decades now, with weinstein gone maybe its a sign of change

wrong, Yas Forums would play the game and find CJ to be likeable and the game to be good because the character is likeable and the game is good, unlike anything liberals can make

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>one crowd says "everything is political"
>even make it a point to establish that when they put in females/poc/lgbt in their games they are doing it for political reasons
This is why you want games to stay apolitical, it makes including said characters more sincere than agenda-driven.

>having to use a game from 2004 as your example for modern politics

Yas Forums likes a lot of other games with non-white or non-male characters in them that don't push the globohomo pozz agenda retard. think of any game made before the industry was infested by human garbage like you circa 2008 and all games turned into reflections of you and your ilk

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>missing the point this hard
>desperately trying anything to save face

FF7, Fallout 1 and 2, Bioshock, VTM, MGS 1, 2 Snake Eater all came out before 2008
They criticize the right wing, capitalism,
patriotism etc All before 2008.

What is this meme where criticism of right wing politics in media only began in the last decade?


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more like they criticize neoliberal megacorpoation cryptocommunist serfdom
then the neoliberal megacorporations took over games and made all games into worthless parodies of their former selves out of spite
imagine the seethe as gamergate elected trump