Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are the best Pokemon games to this day. Best gen, best aesthetics and best battles.
Move on.
He can't, he's still watching the cutscenes
everything you hate about SM, sword and shield have it worse
All pokemon games suck.
>not playing a game that leaves you room to post on Yas Forums every 15 minutes to stimulate your ADHD
The only Pokemon games I never finished because they were just so fucking BOOOOORING
How did I put in 500 hours on OR/AS and enjoy X/Y but couldn't even be fucked to finish these?
>underage af the post
I liked totem battles. They were more interesting than gym leaders.
I am also playing OSRS
sword and shield are just as bad, but they dont even have a story to tell in the cutscenes
fucking hell
still better than poke-oh-fuck-where-did-half-the-dex-go
>replaying a pokemon game
>noooo you can't have story elements in a pokemon game
have sex
>(CUTSCENE fades to black and into gameplay)
I will now play your game.
>playing fucking p*kemon at all
How do you shitpost on Yas Forums while playing 2 accounts at the same time?
You are playing 2 accounts at the same time, right? You aren't being an inefficient slob are you?
exactly, they could do so much better
>things gen 7 did well
Regional Variants were a fantastic idea and should be standard from here on
Someone at GF tried to shake up the gym leader formula which I appreciate. Though I'd argue they didn't go far enough
Totems were a fantastic idea. I love the idea of actual boss pokemon rather than NPCs that had a got a couple of rare candies
Characters attempt to be characters. They do things besides sit in a single room waiting to get their asses beat by a 10 year old
Mantine surfing is an easy way to get BP for tutors and shops. And tutors give out fantastic moves.
Being able to passively grow berries and EV train was nice
>bad things about gen 7
The cutscenes are absolutely atrocious. The concept for the (vanilla) story is the best pokemon had in a while but the execution is some of the worst I've seen in any video game in years
Ultra's story went right back into wacky land. Why is Pokemon trying so hard to be Final Fantasy?
Z- Moves are meh and only serve to bring up the power creep even more
General power creep lost its fucking mind between Gens 6 and 7
Sun and Moon has had some of the worst optimization in any video game I've seen in a decade
Every fucking thing about Rotom-Dex
Every fucking thing about Festival Plaza
Seriously why'd they get rid of DexNav? I know why but that reasoning is too stupid for me to believe
All in all a pretty meh generation. Every good decision has an equally retarded decision to go with it
are they both unskippable for no reason whatsoever guaranteeing that there's no replayability to the game?
this but unironically
I love how you think that those cutscenes are needed for the first time. If anything this is the one game that you can skip every tiny bit of cinematic or control forcibly taken away from the player and still have 100% enjoyment of a mediocre story you understood completely
That's the strange thing about Pokemon. Pokemon has more going for it than most other JRPGs, other companies would kill for what pokemon had. But GF actively refuses to use any of it
Also the game is linear. Like insanely linear.
I've tried like 3 times to get into this game, 2 times on S&M and 1 time on US&UM. I can't make it past the 2nd island, it's so fucking bad, the cutscenes and the hand-holding just drag on and on. It's a shame because i actually like a lot of the gen 7 pokemon, but at least there's gen 3 and 5 romhacks.
Yes, it's been like that since Gen 5
and Nintendo consumers just keep buying this crap.. they got really low standards
>good gen 5 romhack
Such as? Help a brother out
40 hour long game vs 20 hour long game
Yeah, it's not good
So let me just say that Pokemon has a good thing going. Up to 2 out of 18 elemental types with some types strong against to some but vulnerable to others. You have 4 equippable moves some with more than one effect to them while others modify stats or induce status ailments with some less than obvious effects. You can learn moves within your type for bonus damage but you can also learn moves outside your type to cover weaknesses or aid teammates. All pokemon have varying stats that gear them to varying roles in addition to passive abilities that make or break some pokemon. You can also equip items that supplement pokemon such as healing damage, protecting from crippling status, raising stats, or enhancing moves. Each move not only have varying effects but also varying stats. Some moves are powerful but inaccurate like Fire Blast other moves are weak but with good effects like Fake Out. There's also field modifiers like weather, hazards, and terrain all of which can change the pace of a battle.
In the hands of literally anyone else Pokemon would be a premier RPG. You can't tell me all this shit is meant strictly for 5 year olds. Only GameFreak can have all of this shit at their fingertips and make the most boring RPG ever.
Still better than Sword and Shield b
i mean a solid poop is better than diarrhea
but its still shit
I have a complicated relationship with Gen 7, it did so many things well such as regional Pokemon, Totem battles and Ultra Beasts, but then you realize that the first versions felt like early access versions while USUM couldn't bother on expanding areas properly. Who doesn't love going into a new alternate dimension with so much to explore only to be stuck in a one minute hallway with one single battle against the respective UB?
At least the music was pretty good, it has some really good Pokemon designs and some really charming characters, but god if they felt so butchered. USUM is the least played Pokemon game I've had and most of the time I played was only messing with the Ultra Wormholes.
>Totem battles
Essentially shitty gyms
>Ultra Beasts
Basically legendaries with a different name
>Basically legendaries with a different name
And better designs
The only thing pokemon has never suffered on is the quality of the pokemon designs.
Every generation you get the latest batch of pokétourists who cry about how gen 1's garbage blob was better than gen 12's garbage blob.
I love pokemon for the pokemon, every generation of pokemon designs are a treasure even when there are some that I dislike.
The rest of the games changes can go suck a fat chode. If they'd kept recycling Gen 5 or 6 and just added more regions and pokemon I feel like the series would actually be better somehow.
The designs are too varied to judge that
That's what makes them good, they feel like an aliens which is appropriate since they are based on the concept of invasive species.
I meant designs of both UB's and legendaries. You have some dumb UB's and dumb legendaries. You also have some cool designs
Which I always found strange, because it isn't designed linearly. The islands are all spread out in a fairly natural way and the routes loop back and all over the place in places. It's not quite on the same level as better games but it's not a straight line.
Then they went and cordoned off the areas where they didn't want you to, effectively ruining their own level designs.
To say nothing of the fact they forgot to actually put things in the map for you to come back to find on your own. Hell, there's that one place with a massive cave that leads to a comfy beachhead with just... nothing in it.
The biggest problem for me is the combat, its slow, its not smooth at all, *text after every move*
, only 4 moves per pokemon (HMs), and the nu pokemon look like shit, it has been the same game since red/blue/green
usually i like japanese companies but fuck GameFre*k
HMs were removed in Gen 7
And it’s STILL better than swsh
getting rid of HMs was a fucking godsend
this and ultra are both way better than swsh + no mandatory paid dlcs lol
Too bad they did it in the worst way possible by making it pokeuber, increasing the, already high, touristy feeling of Alola.
>Too bad they did it in the worst way possible by making it pokeuber,
I swear to God you faggots will find anything to complain about.
It's definitely better than the "water bike" shit from SwSh.
took a while, oh idk 20years?
And how is that any different from the flying taxis in Gen 8?
Still an improvement, for as much as you fags love to complain about gen 7 it made a ton of improvements to the formula.
Also, getting Pokemon with hidden abilities was way easier in USUM than in SwSh.
>Also, getting Pokemon with hidden abilities was way easier in USUM than in SwSh.
holy shit THIS.
Getting hidden abilities is a huge pain in the ass in sword and shield. Some of them like Sirfetchd have a fucking 1% spawn rate in the dens, and even then it's STILL not guaranteed to have it's hidden ability
still the most underrated pokemon games. i love alola, bros
Alola has the best girls