Attached: DOOM SHILLTERNAL.jpg (661x164, 26.47K)
Why is this being shilled so hard?
Logan Mitchell
Daniel Walker
they're catering to money (soulless zoomers), they even went on Joe Rogan's podcast
Ethan Howard
Juthesda needs more shekels after Rage 2 flopped bigly
Ethan Rogers
He's done 3 video's on doom eternal in the past month sucking the game off and he announced he's even doing another.
Either he's being paid or he does it for free and i don't know which one is more pathetic
Andrew Roberts
Jeremiah Turner
Zenimax is in desperate need for a hit. Besides you shouldn't be watching gman. That fag shilled fresh supply and f76 of all things.
Noah Russell
I can't imagine anything more pathetic than actually enjoying a game.
Asher Bailey
Or maybe he genuinely thinks the game is good...
Jacob Jones
Adrian Jones
Fuck off gman, i see you learned how to not blow your paycheck after you ruined your EA checks after only 2 vids
Chase Brooks
Because there's a lot of money behind it.
Robert Diaz
Because they brought back the "priority shooter" back and added even more puzzle-like elements to the fight.
It's not just shoot stuff in front of you like most shooters. It's puzzle like crowd control, weapon priority, combinations.
David Turner
Yeah, I'm usually angry whenever I "play" vidya
Evan Scott
wi ththe ammount of dick riding and shilling ive seen on this game, it better be fucking amazing. if it's anything less i will be very disappointed and i will pirate as many copies as possible so they lose serious cash.
Brody Brooks
Bethesda has literally nothing else
Oliver Brown
>evolution for the genre
how is taking a step back to before standards that were established in the 90s an "evolution"?
Lucas Jenkins
God I don't even fucking know bro, why is this sequel to an incredibly popular and well-received game with tens of millions in marketing spent on it being talked about so much? I mean why the fuck would this guy who does old FPS game reviews be interested in Doom Eternal of all things?
Xavier Watson
the actual question, not your strawman, is why is he lying?
James Rivera
Because maybe Doom Eternal is a really good video game?
Chase Parker
Hyperbole is just part of internet """culture""". You pretending like it's something out of teh ordinary is teh exact same thing. Literally every new big budget game is marketed as the second coming of christ. That's just how they do it now. Game looks fine.
Ethan Green
It's a very fun video game
Jonathan Lewis
It's probably shit.
Evan Russell
so you think removing content is an evolutionary step forward?
Owen Flores
Dude, Gman loves these types of games. I highly doubt he's a paid shill. If you look at any of his reviews of old school shooters it should come as no surprise that he'd like DE
Brayden Hernandez
What content did they remove? And is it content that people actually liked?
Bentley Rogers
modding support
>content that people actually liked?
well considering wads are still being made 30 years later I would think so yes.
Justin Fisher
It's an actually video game that isn't completely pussy and has you doing something aggressive
Carson Ross
they handed every idiot on youtube a review key
Juan Price
Oh I thought you meant from Doom 2016. They didn't remove modding support, you can still play Doom WADs
Jeremiah Brooks
there is no modding support in doom eternal. stop replying to me. you have single digit IQ, so of course you are the perfect audience for nu-doom
James Cook
Yes there is I'm playing brand new maps in Doom 2016 right now, there's user created content in snapmap, they're technically modding the game
Carson Collins
Money talks
Yas Forums wanting the game to succeed because "the trailer upset an SJW!"
Fuckheads who don't know shit want to pretend to like it to be "accepted"
William Richardson
I fail to be surprised since he praised chronic liar Milo Yiannopoulos and defended the man being a pedophile.
Retarded people exist, sure.
They haven't even begun work on Elder Scrolls VI. By comparison, they began work on Oblivion and Skyrim right after their prior games released. I question if they even had any intention to continue since the civil war plot branching off so horribly is goign to be a huge mess to deal with in the next game without either being super vague on the outcome or pissing off half the fanbase by picking a winning side as canon.
Also Fallout 76 is a daily embarrassment.
Cameron Young
>e-celebs talk about an upcoming game
Parker Brooks
>Modern Doom
>Modern FPS games
Thomas Adams
is the review in the OP of doom 2016?
Juan Brooks
As someone who plays a shitton of Classic Doom maps/mods i couldn't care less about Doom Eternal getting mod support because that shit would never progress beyond 1994 WAD territory
Daniel Thompson
if it's an FPS, he sucks it off regardless of how bad it is. that's his schtick.
John Collins
Agreed user, especially a game that doesn't have a strong political message.
Fuck doom and fuck incel gamers
Alexander Butler
maybe he actually likes the game so much or not but you are right, he does get youtube revenue.
Juan Bailey
>I highly doubt he's a paid shill
Anybody that gets flown out to play games is a paid shill and you shouldn't trust them. Only good reviewers are the ones that review the game post-release because they didn't get a free copy and were forced to buy it themselves.
Carter Roberts
He's also too dumb to read his fucking shill contracts.
Asher Roberts
>not a shill
Adam Bennett
Oliver Rivera
No it's of Doom Eternal, but you can make your own fun in Doom Eternal by shooting at the wall and making pictures
Colton Mitchell
so you agree there is no modding in enternal and this is a step backwards ,not an evolution. wew lad educating mongoloids (a.k.a. you) is tough work
Lincoln Gonzalez
the mario of FPS games
Dominic Gonzalez
Game isn't out yet, so yeah he's a shill.
Oliver Martin
Not only this but he was given VIP passses by bethesda during Rage 2 and played the game early. GMAN is a shill 100%
Daniel Hall
Remember when Yas Forums wouldn't want every single game to flop? ToRtanic was fun and all but you fags have gotten out of hand with this shit.
Aiden Stewart
Remember when Yas Forums wasn't full of you racist incel nazi Yas Forumstards?
No one here likes this game but apparently some bigoted pro Trump jokes about refugees are enough for you mouth breathers to shill it
Ayden Fisher
They even flew him over. He shilled F76 of all fucking things.
Joseph Wilson
People are already streaming it on twitch
Ethan Myers
because retards on Yas Forums (you) keep making threads about it
Levi Young
I see more forced hate than anything
Caleb Rivera
>he's so starved attention he needs to bait just to get (you)s
Here's the one you'll get from me you autist, enjoy lashing out on a Mongolian throat singing board for human interaction.
Jacob Gomez
>twitch streamers not shills
Mason Reed
tfw spend all my money on a boxing bag and support instead of this game and the shipping is taking a long time because of the beer virus. Game looks pretty cool but let's be serious it's not a day one buy.
Ayden King
Yeaaaah. Doom is bringing the genre forward now, yeaaah...
Gabriel Williams
Like when he said Anthem was great when EA flew him out while he was in the EA Influencer Parters program? Totally.
Jose Ortiz
because they got into your head rent free