>not a single good MMO
Not a single good MMO
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play world of warcraft
Sell me on WoW, why should I come back?
It's always amusing to me that people who play such a dull game genre usually have exceedingly high standards for such games.
I just want a game with focus on questing and story not endgame min/maxing
Then you’re playing the wrong genre of games
The only MMO that seems to have had more than an hour of thought put into its quests from what I remember is The Secret World.
Questing how?
play an RPG
no, I want a huge MMO world, not a small 30 hour game
Just play FF14. Also don’t reply to me if you want to go on about theme park and instanced stuff. I already know it has that and know other MMOs that don’t have it and they are fucking dead.
What do you mean? Ragnarok Online is stil- oh...
Literal queue simulator
>game has hidden customisation options
holy based
I remember when tree of savior had hidden classes that you could only unlock if you did quests and talk to npcs. I wonder what ever happened to that.
t. parsetranny
I can’t do that because I play on the PS4.
I dunno play Fuel
Play Project Gorgon
>30 hours
git gud
I don't touch games that aren't at least 60 hours.
Looks ok but I wouldn’t play it myself.
Mabinogi, LaTale, ff14 or dragon nest.
I'm thinking about starting up FF14 again, haven't played since early stormblood, would there be enough content to enjoy?
we don't get another huge mmo after wow or second life until they figure out how to integrate vr chat into real game
please don't fall for that meme
VRMMO will be a fucking huge thing. Remember all the threads about SAO before it started airing?
Until they actually implement VR in a non-ugly way, which won't happen, it's shit.
Would work wonders as a fantasy RPG. Imagine a 3 hour raid where you have to repeatedly swing your arms to use weapons and cast spells while dodging projectiles and sweeping attacks in order take down a raid boss. Only the physically strongest among us, and not fat neckbeards who poop in socks, would be able to compete.
Planetside 2
Why is it always anime posting vermin that make these threads? You wonder why there arent good mmos any more? It's because of filth like you who infest them until no normal human being can endure your presence in them and quits.
Yas Forums was built on anime, suck my anime balls, soiboi
join us in the maplestory private server that's restarting in 2 days!
If you wanted anime reaction images, you could've just asked for them, user
Nobody plays mmo for questing and story.
Bros I just want a comfy MMO where you build a guild, craft a house together with a humble beginning none of this huge castle for every guild shit. Just a small comfy cottage. I want there to be trade and I want it to be done in real time none of this quick travel shit. I want the world to be rife with things to do. I want there to be a focus on the 'mmo trinity' of classes. None of this 'every class is basically a DPS but some have heals and some have taunts'. I want the world building to come from exploration as opposed to sitting through boring cut scenes and fetch quests. I want there to be arena PVP. Like an open arena people can come to watch fights take place. None of this instanced shit.
But most of all. I want to make friends in this sort of game. I want to build lifelong friendships and maybe find that special someone.
That's basically life. But I'm too much of a coward to embrace it.
Elite Dangerous?
I was like this this until they launched Archeage Unchained and I'm not looking back. Only thing that will get me to switch games now is if a really good new one comes out. Not holding my breath though.
Minecraft with mods?
Tr/a/nnies can't enjoy anything and trannies love larping as qt 2d gurls, because they know they'll never be attractive.
This fucking thread again
>people wanting a new good MMO
>they post their shitty ideas about MMOs that will never be real until 2050 or would be dogshit because they have no fucking idea how an MMO works, is coded, or is fun
>people post MMO suggestions that are instantly dismissed because of memes like "muh player interactions" or "muh gameplay", while being autistic retards that can't even make friends online and need the game to literally throw them at you, or pretend action combat insane packed shit that not only would play like shit, but also be impossible to make or make it any fun
>even if the MMO they want is released they won't play it, 'cause they'll realize it's just like every fucking MMO that came out before it but slightly better and nothing else
Stop making these threads, faggot.
water is wet
I wish WoW didn't ruin MMOs forever.
they're still a thing, but people know exactly how to get them now
Tigole Bitties is actually the lead of Overwatch now.
Are they any good? Never heard of them but I only played like 2 weeks in closed beta.
So what direction MMOs as a whole would go for without Everquest?
i also mostly played just the beta but according to a friend, most of them are good
Imagine getting this upset over threads about video games on a video game board. Take your meds.
PSO2 on the xbone :)
>focus on questing and story not endgame min/maxing
Literally City of Heroes' biggest strength and weakness.
/vg/ even have (had?) their own private server IIRC.
Shit like that only works on paper because it will be documented on the net in less than a week in practice.
This. You can't deny FFXIV is the best mmo out right now. It's not even a discussion.
Runescape still has the best quests/story out of any MMO still around
But the game looks like dogshit
MMO is not the genre to play if you're worried about graphics
We have this thread everyday.
Not by me, I haven't been on Yas Forums in three days.
And we will continue until (you) code a decent MMO to sate our hunger.
Godspeed, user.
WoW if you like PvE, GW2 if you like PvP or don't like a gear treadmill. New expac just got announced.