>We will add several ways to customize your settings for Horizon Zero Dawn for PC. However, we feel that changing the FOV compromises the original Horizon Zero Dawn experience and visual style too much, so you will not be able to change this.
Keep seething pc fags. Buy this old ass port and support development of our ps5
Bentley Sullivan
Matthew Morgan
there is still a good chance the fov will be at least 90 degrees so I am not too worried. but still ridiculous.
Samuel Baker
Just wait for mod. Versatility of the platform is the main point of "Master Race" bullshit.
Cooper Morris
PS5's been made for two years now and is sitting in chinese warehouses
Levi Bell
Nobody cares about this shit game give me Nioh 2
Logan Ortiz
The game is not a RPG. There are no dialogue choices, no builds and different classes to play. All it really has is gaining enough experience points to unlock a skill in a skill tree. Thats it
Jose Green
>3rd person FoV slider >?????
Name 5 games that are in 3rd person and have a FoV slider. Games where you can switch between fp and tp don't count.
Lucas Perry
Zoomers think single player mmos are rpgs
Nicholas Diaz
What the fuck is their problem? Console FOV is disgusting.
Daniel James
Gears of War 4 Gears of War 5 Uhhh
Logan Collins
Nice cope Anons. Really nice, this is exactly this kind of cucked acceptance that let console devs shit on us proud members of the PC Master Race. Of course we can fix anything, that's not an excuse to accept the lack of any advanced options natively supported by this snoy game.
>Third person open world console trash with a garbage story >PC port >Substandard PC port Why are people even still talking about this? PCs aren't consoles, there's a million better games out there to add to your backlog you don't NEED to buy garbage like this.
Gavin Davis
eh it doesn't seem to receive much attention at all. a few people are excited and that's generally double dippers who think the graphics will amaze them or something
Lucas Green
Even RE6 had a fov slider and people always shit on that game.
Brayden Evans
pc always wins baby.
Alexander Gutierrez
Warframe has an FOV slider.
Adrian Garcia
will wait on the attractive aloy mods with giant bouncing tits in skimpy armor and fov mods to make this game enjoyable
>Why are people even still talking about this? They're not. The same reason most threads are always started with broken english asking retarded questions. Phoneposters pretending to be PC players
Gabriel Adams
Ethan Moore
>we feel that changing the FOV compromises the original Horizon Zero Dawn experience and visual style too much, so you will not be able to change this.
Translated to English: >we fucked up when making the original game and hardcoded the FOV, and because of that changing it would break like two tiny things the modders will fix in 10 minutes anyway so you can't change it in game
There's always an .ini You're either a console retard trtying to stir up trouble or a zoomer who doesn't understand basic PC gaming
Adrian Anderson
Isn't it third person anyways? Who cares, that shit only matters for FPS
Christian Thomas
translated for reals: >we're lazy and want to do as little work on this port as possible to maximize profits. we shat this out in a few months, buy now and maybe we might patch in some bugs fixes!
Owen Peterson
>buy oh you naive retard
Jose Gonzalez
Literally dedicating millions of dollars for shit games to run on shit consoles
Levi Parker
It’s a third-person perspective game. It doesn’t matter.
You do realize this is true to 99% of games released today, right?
Isaiah Perry
Gears games ArmA games Elder Scrolls and Fallout games (with ini edit)
Eli Smith
Isn't this because of the way they render things based on the direction of the camera? Everything outside of the camera's fov is simply not rendered while you aren't looking at it. I'm pretty sure there's a webm of it somewhere
Doesn't virtually every open world game in existence use some form of asset streaming? There's gotta be a variable that determines how wide the cone though, internally. It doesn't have to be a big deal changing it.
Gavin Barnes
Gonna laugh my ass off when it's a halfassed port and "mods" have to come in and "fix" it but the mods break more things than they fix Kinda like DSFix for Dark Souls
Nicholas Scott
We lost today, FOVbros...
Grayson Allen
>brainlets still think console ports are even real this literally doesn't exist they are not real
Cooper Perry
Not even worth pirating
Jacob Collins
am I suppose to care here I'll try my best to fake outrage to fit with you incels
what the fuck faggot nigger jew company bad game!!
Hunter Long
I've never heard of a modern open world game literally derendering everything outside of your field of vision
I wasn't going to buy this piece of shit anyway without a shit ton of mods, for starters, removing the mutt face
Jordan Long
Every PC Yakuza game
Brody King
>Buy Nah, that's a pirate from me hoss lmao, thanks for beta testing
Jeremiah Martinez
Who gives a shit? It's just gonna be a quick ini tweak anyway.
Dylan Brown
I don't give a shit, turned up FOV is easy mode in videogames There will probably be a mod for it anyway
Wyatt Gomez
All newish Ubisoft games do (AC: Origins, AC: Odyssey, GR: Breakpoint and I think GR: Wildlands too) GoW4 and Gears 5 Yakuza 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 Warframe Probably some others I forgot about too
Ayden Watson
The only reason to care about FOV is so you can cheat in multiplayer games, there's no reason to give yourself worse visuals in a singleplayer title
Daniel Barnes
>"rpg" you mean "action adventure", which is as generic a term as they come, fitting for a game as generic as they come.
Leo Fisher
Seeing everything zoomed-in to retarded levels isn't better visuals, user
Jose Williams
>shitty console game comes to pc yay.... Wont even bother pirating this crap.
Aaron Davis
>Nice cope I think you confused me giving you the simple facts as me giving a shit about your plight.
The distortion isn't fucking zoom, you retard. It's from mapping a sphere onto a plane, like a world map.
Grayson Morgan
>Popular game, oh no! better call it shit! Sour grapes.
Parker Kelly
If you're still on a blurry ass 1080p screen in 2020 you deserve to die by coronavirus and poverty
Benjamin Reyes
90fov is roughly equivalent to what a human can see clearly, do you want them to have a high FOV but a huge amount of fuzz on the sides or semething
Alexander Russell
If the economy crashes with no survivors I will not have to play this game in the summer. Cool.
Dominic Perry
What does screen resolution have to do with FOV? I don't know a single console game that has 90 FOV. CoD games run at 65 for example and some like R6 Vegas were as low as 55 IIRC.
Logan Perry
was anyone going to even buy this to begin with
Cooper Powell
>Buy What did she mean by this?
Ryder Sullivan
No, not really
Jonathan Collins
Leo Perez
is this shit even worth playing? console players have such low standards I dont give a shit about their hype
Ethan Turner
What? literally every single game does this
Lucas Ross
You're in the wrong neighborhood console peasant. Of course you cannot understand our plight.
Ian Jackson
Wrong. Most games are multiplatform publications. Engines nowadays can compile for multiple platforms