
What is the best Yugioh game?

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forbidden memories


the forbiden memories remake

Ygopro is really nice. I love the gameplay because it's really fast. LotD's gameplay is too slow. Even removing the animations, it takes forever to end a duel. Konami should learn from them.

The newest one

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That game is awesome. It's a shame its kind of easy

My favorite has always been stairway to the destined duel, probably because it was the first yugioh game I played (forbidden memories doesn't count) and the one that really got me into the physical card game.

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Imo Link monsters are great, and way better than Pendulums. Of course the MR4 was a mistake, but it has nothing to do with the monsters

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Hot take: They should limit the amount of Special Summons you can make during a turn. 5 should be a good number.

Superb taste user, did you have the holographic card too?

shitty game

people would seething nonstop at that

Uh... that would kill a lot of decks, like the mr4 did. But yeah it would prevent players playing for 20 minites

It will never happen, considering that new OCG game mode allows unlimited summons.

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I know, it'd be amazing. Really though, something along those lines feels necessary to breathe life into it and shake up the meta some.

Playing it now or at the time? I really liked 2006, but it has the card pool you'd expect of the time. It also did away with all of the world aspects common to the games of that era, which is a matter of preference.

why is no one dueling or trading? Is this a fake thread again?

Stardust Accelerator got me into the game pretty much. I mean before that I watched the show and collected the cards because they looked cool and had awesome monsters, but when I first played 5D's and actual got into the mechanics of the game and learned how to play, holy shit did it become a lot more fun.

Still haven't beaten it by the way. That final duel rush against those clones is unbearable. I've never even beaten the second asshole with the Zombie World deck.

At least I still have the three Infernal cards that came with the game. :)

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Link evolution in 6 days.

on pc? Any other platform doesn't count I want to play the game with a mouse and keyboard.

To be honest, I don't really care. If players can find out ways to make these huge single turn combos that span out a year to complete, then surely they can come up with strategies that accomplish something amazing in a fraction of the time, and at the same time everyone else will be able to actually enjoy watching duels.

i had this double pack game for my gba which was pretty fun but the deck limit felt super restrictive and one of the games was super easy while the other was borderline impossible with a cheating AI

people who take 5 million years to end their turn and have one single card break their entire board should be playing solitaire, not ygo

solitaire players should be considered cheaters and banned from playing the game

I hated those back to back duels since you couldn't use any LP cost cards like Solemn Warning/Judgement

Yeah, switch gets an update. And everyone else gets the new link evolution version.

Nigger I just said I only care about PC, fuck off with your gay ass snitch.



No matter what my deck is, I always make room for three Nimble Momongas. Set them up for defense and get 1000 free lifepoints each.

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Why the fuck is no one dueling? If you want to discuss the cards and format go to /vg/, on Yas Forums these threads are to actually play the game in it's intended format.

I'm unironically playing that this second. Still in the early game grind for shit like monster reborn.
Go play 2010 and 2011. They're strict upgrades on 2009.

you ever look at a piece of art and are immediately able to identify what the artists fetish is?

Wrong rules, sorry

yes, very often

>21 posters
>no one dueling or trading
>everyone talking about card autism
wow these threads are dead

I've had them on my wishlist for a while now. Sucks because theres a ton of games coming out right now so they'll have to wait.

They sort of agree with you

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they're like $10 a pop, just grab em' and have em'.
Or you know, emulate em'/hack a ds.

No one cares about your autistic dueling network shit. This thread is for discussing the games.

imagine being smothered by her sweaty, stinky pits, and then busting a week-old load onto her stubby pit

Tag Force 4. Date cute girls and play card games. Best combo.

Then host a fucking game you dumb retard.



I remember I kicked a guy's shit in with the token. It was so hillarous

A lot of people play it because it's relatively similar to how the yugioh games work, starting out with shitty decks, building them up into something useful
just with substantially less grind and marginally smarter opponents

hosting game on dueling nexus
name's FutanariYubel

that's when you tribute the token for a kaiju
then tribute the kaiju for lava golem

>Opponent spends their turn setting up a bunch of bullshit on the board
>Drop anything with big number that can attack multiple times

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Nigger you're not discussing jack shit. Also dueling network is on /vg/ go there. We actually play the game instead of fucking jerking off over cards.

Host it yourself you worthless piece of garbage.

That's not how it works you fucking mongrel.


For a while a handful of anons were making daily threads where they'd open booster packs and trade cards with each other, and there were a handful of rules like not being allowed to trade for my than 1 copy of any card and other stupid shit. To my knowledge the threads kept getting deleted for being offtopic, so they started making stealth threads.
Honestly, they should have just done their shit on /tg/. Now autsimo here is bitching because this thread wasn't a stealth thread for their made up game.

>Host it yourself you worthless piece of garbage
You are the one crying for a game. Mentally disabled monkey.

*exists in your general direction*

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used her alot with Power of the Guardians

they're still ongoing, but yes this isn't the place for them
the reason for the rules is mostly to avoid people from acquiring meta decks and see a bit of creativity and rarely used cards instead of netdecking

so sad


>nothin personnel kids your untargetable monster
Is there a more based monster?

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Nigger I don't even play I just spectate I'm too dumb to play ygo.

Those rules made the game actually interesting and like the anime where 1 draw can change the entire duel, if you look at meta duels it's all 10 minutes of summoning 20 cards per turn and it ends on turn 2 or 3.

>you're not discussing jack shit
>ignores all the posts talking about the video games

>dueling network is on /vg/ go there
Then why don't you go there to play your stupid game? Stop bitching about it here, you're on the wrong board.

Is Duel Links fun? How fucked are you if you don't spend any money on it?

>Nigger I don't even play I just spectate I'm too dumb to play ygo.
Thanks for confirming you have a turd for a brain. Kill yourself.

Nah I just explained why you're on the wrong board. You're not playing or discussing jack shit.

The game gives you shitload of currency. Just build a deck from a mini box

Non-targeting return to deck
Fucks over so many boss monsters

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>You're not playing
This isn't the board for your game, you even said so yourself, you retarded chimpanzee.
>or discussing jack shit
Read the fucking OP
>What is the best Yugioh game?
You fucking braindead faggot.

forbidden memories

Borreload controls attacked monsters without flipping them, so that card is useless. Also it's just a jar that refills your hand/field. I just have to summon the dragon again

I wanna lick those pits

He'd be protected via Ancient Gear Fortress ideally

What they really need is a rework of traps and an introduction of a new version of LLAB for monsters without levels (e.g. ranks or link)

Dark duel stories, mostly because you can set monsters in attack position and summon monsters in defense position, something that we should've been able to do in the irl game from the beginning