My child, Star Trek can't be that good!

My child, Star Trek can't be that good!
After all, The Prophets never blessed us with a single good game, have they?

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I'm watching DS9 for the first time. My friend told me about "Cardassian War Crimes" but I haven't seen them yet. Do they even occur?


DS9 SUCKS. Any TNG or voyager episode with mysticism or indian religion being the only true religion SUCK.

What the fuck

Imagine missing the point this hard.

You need a war for war crimes.

TOS > DS9 >>>>>>>>>> ENT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TNG = VOY = STD = PIC

>Cardassian War Crimes
No such thing!

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I mean, it's not like Star Trek and scientific reality ever mixed particularly well either.

I literally genuinely cannot imagine having this level of shit taste. What a mongoloid you must be.

I'm going to smash that Bajor MILF hard one day

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Claerly you were not looking hard enough when the Prohphets blessed us with this masterpiece!

ENT above TNG and VOY????? LMFAO

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TNG is literally the R&M of ST. Go back to wherever you came from.

Graphics are shit but,

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Based. TNG is for people who heard RedLetterMedia talk about star trek and said "I want to be a nerd too!"

>2 of 9 characters on the cover are female
>in a show with a female captain
Man, maybe chicks were onto something.

Anyone here have Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion and the DLC? We should do a 5v1 against a Borg AI, they're OP as fuck.

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Star trek and sci fi will never mix either

I always thought it was weird they'd create something as significant as the hazard team, yet it was never in the show. A lot of events in the series would likely have gone differently if it was.

Regardless, can we all agree pic related is the best part of the 2nd game?

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TNG is also really good too, but DS9 is better imo


But DS9 itself got this absolute gem of a game that perfectly captured the essence of the show

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want sum captain?

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Star Trek is for intellectuals, it would never transfer well to a primitive platform like videogames.

No, see, when Vulcans literally have souls you can store in phylacteries or other people it doesn't count

Klingons talking about their Jesus analogue doesn't count either

DS9 is the only star trek worth watching, and it's not better than the others in anything but setting.

Nope. The women work for nelix in the mess hall or work for the holographic doctor as nurses!

Before they ruined the internets with their instagram shite

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Star trek is primarily for women and their predators, no one with intelligence would touch this shit

How come they don't make trek games with bangers like this?

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>Muh DS9

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>Star Trek conventions are typically 95% male
>for women and their predators

That's the kind of comment I'd expect from a stunted mind that would play videogames.

Picard is the superior officer

I concur. especially the new shows are way too intellectually challenging for the plebian "gamer", do they require extensive knowledge of ancient boomer literature and art to be fully enjoyable.

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If I remember correctly, this game has them.

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i thought people were just memeing about this episode but it really is fucking atrocious
at least its memorable and hilarious for how fucking retarded it is, unlike D*x episodes


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Too bad that game is absolute shit. Bridge Commander is way better.

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>Star Trek conventions are typically 95% male
No they are 70% male, 30% of those males being the womens boyfriends who don't want to be their and 40% being beta orbiters.

No one with taste ever enjoyed star trek.

>*blocks ur path*

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Ok zoomer

>star trek online theme
I don't even watch Star Trek but I love this fucking theme, that brass is 10/10

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What's with the guy who looks like he's wearing one of those overly complex teeth-realigning devices but a bit too high?

Man I've been loving my first run through of DS9, but you can really tell they totally lost the focus near the last season or two.

Like I went and watched the first handful of eps again on a whim and holy shit is it different. I miss the station being the focal point as a new center of commerce.

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Star Trek was never good.

Prove me wrong.

I fucking hate that man and his nu Trek shit. He has failed over and over and over again and yet still continues to get big jobs.

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Well the first one has that sort of twilight zone moral play feeling of old television to it and that's kind of interesting.

>they totally lost the focus near the last season or two
You've got that backwards m8. The show was always supposed to be a look at the darker side of the federation/conflict, its the early eps where they didn't have a clear vision because they were trying to draw in the TNG crowd.

Honestly really solid theme, really like how it builds off of the original theme and does its own thing. sounds like it'd fit a 4X game more than Online's actual hodge-podge of genres.

Daniel Jackson, where are all the Stargate games?

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I still hate how much of a missed opportunity Legacy was. So many indicators that it was dumbed down to be playable on console. So many major bugs left unfixed.

It's probably the closest we'll ever come to an all-era (classic) Star Trek fleet command game and they fucked it up.

They meet literal Greek gods in tos. Fuck off.


>> DS9 fags should be gassed for liking the worst show
I only know 1 trek fan irl of many that is his favorite lol.

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And then they have DS9's: the backwater Bajor religion is real.

Theres more good star trek games then there are good star wars games that's for sure

How do you even make a star trek game though? There was never anything in the shows but relationship drama, no big battles or anything.

That one episode where a Jackson clone is made but the clone is like a 12 year old boy with perfect adult memories that end with him going to school and instantly hitting on some 12 year old girls.

Story behind that gif?

That was actually a Jack O'niell clone. Daniel Jackson would be too much of an autist sperg.

Come off it user, they completely dropped the ball with the Pah-Wraith arc vying for time with the Dominion War on top of ruining Dukat's character. The Season 7 episodes not dedicated to finishing the storyline are some of the weakest in the series, especially the ones involving Ezri.

>no big battles or anything
There were plenty of battles, just with less lens flares and more rationale than nu-Trek.

Who's the best captain?

The first episode explains that there is a scientific explanation, then they just continue to mention it because taking god out of schools was a hot topic at the time and star trek was only ever the science fiction arm of liberal propaganda

There were multiple wars between the Federation, Romulans, Klingons, Cardassians and Dominion as well as other minor powers in the Alpha-Beta Quadrants.

Honestly it'd be interesting to get a game that explored the Delta Quadrant more, in spite of Voyager the quadrant really only has a very limited amount we've seen plus it'd be interesting to see the fallout from the damage dealt to the Borg in a post-Voyager Delta Quadrant.

Mutliple wars that we got to see them talking about you mean

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What a pristine tummy.

It was written by a jew. What do you expect?

TNG had a rough start, but Picard was a better captain than Kirk or Janeway

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Picard and Kirk. Worst ds9 captain who is only good because lol prophets make him an unfaillable walking Gary Stu. Punches q with zero jokes or ramifications lol what faggotry.

DS9 is so shit and what little good it has like Odo, quark, and the prophets get all anti-climactic shit ends and character growth undone.

You have to be a tard to think DS9 is good lol.

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Probably a case of 'member la forge.

wow I'm so proud of women rn!!!!!

What are you trying to imply you disgusting antisemite?

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Today I remind them.

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Is this real?

>bridge crew
>not kino
You show me one other game where I can emphatically flail around and talk back to a Starfleet captain

>Klingons talking about their Jesus analogue doesn't count either
Kahless was a man. Well, Klingon. He was "divine" in that he was special.

the Klingons DID have gods, but in typical Klingon fashion, they killed them.

I don't have words to express how much I fucking despise Alex Cumstain.

Yes, it's an official Star Trek production. Even the subtitles are 100% accurate.
I wish I were joking.

Nobody tell him about Apollo or God in Final Frontier

Sounds like someone isn't getting into Sto'Vo'Kor.

>that one episode where dukat punches a Vulcan but for some reason she falls down instead of putting him through a wall

Tsk tsk

DS9 seasons 6 is easily the best season.
7 is where it began to meander and there was a mad rush to clean up and finish the story.


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Dukat works out

Imagine being this much of a fucking pleb.
You are the worst kind of ST fan.
Star Trek is Science Fantasy, deal with it fucknut.

Kahless left Q'onos, pointing to a star in the sky and told his people to await his return there. He's been gone a thousand years but the Klingons still expect him to return to them. Multiple Klingons even have visions of him, including Worf who joined Starfleet after a vision of Kahless told him he'd do something no other Klingon had done before.

fooling around on the set.
TNG cast was very fun and lighthearted.
DS9 was super-serious with very little time for fun and game.
Worf's actor talked about it at some convention.

Skips leg day

Every day this thread is posted and every day people keep posting good Star Trek games.

Go fuck yourself you absolute fucking retard.

>DS9 was super-serious with very little time for fun and game.
it sounds like it was just a really intense shooting schedule, but it wasn't like unfun. DS9 was kind of the runt of the litter in trek productions, usually under appreciated.

You're new here. Be quiet.

>usually under appreciated
This has never been the case.