

Attached: IMG_20200318_144727.jpg (724x265, 22.96K)

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Prove him wrong.

PROTIP: You cannot.

absolutely based


Why don't you show the full tweet faggot ?

>Mario 64
>Camera is a controllable Lakitu following you around with a video camera on a fishing rod


Attached: Lakitu_N64.png (253x246, 76.84K)

>implying based Kojima plays these faggy bing bing games

Finally, a smart director for SMART gamers!

does this tranny board never get tired of cropping things out of context in order to have a reason to manufacture artificial seethe? you're telling me there's "people" on this board who unironically walk around believing that kojima walked out and said he came up with a 200 year old idea?

Attached: 1576530201112.jpg (896x1024, 239.8K)

Attached: camera.png (577x307, 33.25K)

Japan = innovation
Deal with it, gaijin. Nippon ichi!

Attached: main-qimg-215d9a338248eb1d86cca0fe73c005a5-c.jpg (1920x1080, 702.25K)

The quote sounds just as absurd and arrogant with the context though.

El padre creatividad de steve jobs

ummm, he still sounds like a fucking moron in the tweet below your post

He came up with idea called "video game", too


Jesus fucking christ, can he learn English already? I can't tell what he's saying.

I don't even think he created this concept

When you think about it, Minecraft could be considered a strand game if you exclusively play on abandoned multiplayer worlds.

This. How autistic aren't you faggots? He just said he came up with an idea to have camera perspective change with items.

he says he created items that change the pov

As previously mentioned, even mario 64 had this, and that came out 2 years prior to mgs.

>he says he created items that change the pov
>"I came up the idea called camera in MGS1"
Where the fuck do you see that ? does your schizophrenic mind make up words for you ?

camera is an item in MGS1 and so is the sniper rifle and nikita, both change povs, play the games instead of shitposting you zoomer fucking piece of shit

The edit is pretty fucking funny though, and I like Kojima.

Attached: images (1).jpg (223x226, 8.06K)

This isn't better, though, because he didn't invent that idea either.


>copy and make it millions time better so that everyone can enjoy it
that is innovation

>faggots still taking this out of context
can you fucks stop making shit up to shitpost about

He actually came up with the ideas "video game" and the word "book" (just the meaning)
learn not to trust every edited pic you see

ok, weeb

It's called a joke.

ok nigger

keep simping for slit eyes weebcuck
why don't you go there and try the bat soup cuisine

>get a blank check from Sony to make new game
>spend it on B-tier Hollywood Celebs
>also spend money to travel around the world
>game becomes one of the most divisive games ever made
>can't even spend a dime to hire a PROFESSIONAL translator
Bravo Kojima

This. And even if he was the first person to do it (he wasn't), what kind of moron would brag about that as if it wasn't something that would inevitably happen regardless of your actions? It's like if someone tried to say Mario invented the concept of jumping in a video game.

sank yuu for defendingu us, weebo, kun. Prease buy pirrow with cartoon on it zat you sick is a real person kudasai. *bows*

Le hack

Learn english first nigger

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Ok troon

Bubsy3d came before Mario and had a moving camera

he never claimed he invented it or came up with it first
he was talking about the idea that some items would change the perspective from 3rd person to 1st person, since the game was 3d they could do that and how the advancements in technology inspired that idea. it's just a tweet talking about the development of mgs1, not a claim about being the first to come up with perspective swapping or the camera

it'd be a funny meme if it wasn't for the fact that at least some of you unironically think he claimed he was the first came up with the camera

Attached: anon gender reveal day.jpg (1920x184, 40.51K)

>"I came up with the idea"
>He never claimed he invented it or came up with it

Does having Kojima's cock so far down your throat at all times preclude any reading skills?

>he unironically spent time on my post in ms paint or whatever
stand very still while i piss inside your head rentfree

thank you fembot

he doesn't have a perfect grasp on english, read the entire tweet and tell me you actually believe he's saying he came up with the idea called camera when he's clearly talking about the item in the fucking game

This is not going to turn out in your favor. I hope you took your pants off first, at least.

what he describes is not what the camera item does in the game. Also, there were games on PC that cameras (items that could take snapshots) prior to 1998.

>Literally says he came up with it

How else am I supposed to interpret it? Everything that follows it in the tweet goes along with him thinking he came up with it. Or do you believe he's just being a brilliant auteur and the REAL meaning of the tweet is just 2 deep 4 me and is actually a commentary on the postwar period?


>not being able to infer meaning
>thinking a non English speaker can properly articulate with nuance

I remember being quite obsessed with mgs lore in the ps3 days. In hindsight I like the games but you can't deny kojima is a bit of a self indulgent wanker. Not a bad thing at least he has some style but don't take this shit too serious.

The worst part is all the snoys in the comments who believe it

This guy is basically the Maximilian Dood of vidya
>Never take sides
>Make sure that his comments are cut to the middle in term of meaning which means there can be no real answers to his posts
>Low-risk, High reward "nerd type" thanks to his "fame"
This man won't even survive 1 seconds in a actual debate

except it is because the camera swaps to first person, he didn't talk about coming up with the idea of a camera that can take and save pictures, he talks about how it and other items swap perspective

he didn't say that he came up with it first. he's saying that because the world was in 3d, he had the idea to have some items swap perspective, like the sniper rifle and camera. he doesn't claim he invented it, but that he came up with the idea to do it

fucking seriously he tweets such mad shit sometimes

He should come up with the idea to study english.

Just need the "sellout" attitude and he is set

Attached: 3e0.png (274x385, 227.42K)

Predict Kojima's next invention

Attached: download (1).jpg (500x673, 52.86K)

Chad of all chads

Attached: EFIxIXPXsAAl6k5.jpg (713x1200, 183.15K)

He's not saying Mario invented the camera idea, he's saying Kojima did not.

He acts like a redditor, no wonder they love him so much

That's because you're trying too hard to be a faggot. If you'd read it without trying to be mad and cool on a website full of low IQ losers you'd easily understand he's talking about an item for his game. He doesn't even get close to implying he invented camera controls. It's literally the camera item.

Attached: kojima zombie.jpg (634x286, 21.21K)

fucker I was eating and almost choked

this is absolute cash

He changed video game development like a damn fiddle...

These are also things that were done back on the NES. He's nuts and so are you.