Morrowindfags will defend this

Morrowindfags will defend this.

Attached: morrowindfags will defend this.png (1148x305, 193.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>poor, weak faggot who was a prisoner two minutes ago
>paying Hrisskar Flat-Foot's debt
>being able to blackmail a Trooper of the Imperial Legion
The other options are plausible.

you don't HAVE to do this quest at the start
can start it at any point in the game

It's a game from 2002.

Basically all quests in any RPG are designed that lorewise your character was supposed to do it when you first encountered the quest.

Gothic came out in 2001


there's a chance that you might not encounter it when you first step out of the boat

And Gothic is fucking garbage, your point?

By what metric is gothic garbage but Morrowind somehow isn't?

There's countless RPGs from far earlier than 2002 that pull this shit off better.

it's a user from 2016

name 3 (three)

Don't bother. Morrowfags will continue pretending that this game is absolutely flawless until their last breath

deus ex
fallout 2

1 shouldn't be possible for a complete bum straight out of prison cell
3 and 5 have no actual effect
2 and 4 wont work for pretty much the same option as 1 as well as you having no evidence to act on

Planescape Torment
Baldhur's gate
Sea Dogs

He didn't say it wasn't.

You should still be able to call him out and start a barfight.
If you're trying to actually roleplay as a moralfag your only choice is to go "mmmmm nah thx"

>take the note all the way to the top and discuss it with Varus Vantinius
>implying this would have no effect


it's called subtext

It's one of those threads again.

gameplay is bad in both, at least in morrowind you can completely break the game and become a literal god

>waaah a company with finite resources didn't give me a dozen different options for completing every quest in the game!
I haven't played morrowind myself, but I've seen complaints like this before and they always reek of nitpicking.

>at least it's more prone to exploits
why do morrowindfags cite their game being broken beyond belief as something positive?

You're 100% right. It would be very nice if video games had an unlimited amount of options with complicated ramifications. Unfortunately, no such masterpiece exists, so for single player role-playing games we just have to take the closest to it we can get.

>expecting the ability to roleplay in a roleplaying game is bad
there is literally only one way of finishing this quest aside from declining it

>expecting more than one option is the same as expecting unlimited options
ad absurdum

this is far from "as close as we can get" thought

>poor, weak faggot who was a prisoner two minutes ago

Oh wow, i guess i'm condemned to play as a slave the entire game. If only i could progress and become better.

Fuck off faggot.

Bathesda is far from an indie studio so yes we should expect some effort put in

Every game closer to it than this I've already played.

so you're saying Morrowind is the equivalent of scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to playing RPGs?

I guess so.
At least it's in the barrel, unlike pretty much every game that came after it.
Unfortunately I'd get very bored playing the same games over and over again.

What if they gave you the option to pay the debt but you wouldnt have the money if you were fresh off the boat?

Nah, just dont even give them the choice. Its a role playing game after all.

As if Varus has time to deal with lowest rank corruption.
You could maybe push the issues if you have some political power by the grace of your own rank but at that point in the eyes of most inworld people it's not even about some guard breaking the rules and more about you being annoyed about some random cunt and trying to take petty revenge.

That being said, I can't think of a single game that lets you reach places of high power and then take a shit on some random cunt that annoyed you at level 1. Games don't deal well with political power in players hands anyway.

in that case I fail to see why you'd bitch about someone complaining about it being sub-par

Here lies the problem

Because it's not sub-par. It's still well above average. Just because other things are better doesn't mean it's complete garbage. The fact that other things are worse would mean it's a master piece if this were the case.

par doesn't mean average
it can both be above average and sub-par because the par is what meets expectations and standards

>retard thinks video game will have infinite options
play tabletop RPGs and annoy your GM until he kills you off in-game and IRL.

>it's a good game because other games are worse
nah man you have Stockholm syndrome

You can. It's called using speechcraft.

see though I will agree that would indeed be a better experience than playing morrowind

>Already expansive RPG has finite options for minor quests
Color me fucking surprised

how is it "expansive"?

cope harder

expand this *unzips dick*

WTF I thought games don't age?????

>how is Morrowind Expansive
I know it's too much to ask people on Yas Forums to play games but come on

>no first person in gothic
Into the corpse disposal furnace it goes.

adhd riddle child

>prisoners can't be con artists
a hurr durr

Gothic 2 looks pretty good

They should really differentiate between games where your role is chosen for you vs games where you get to choose your role

In an ideal world dev's would put the effort that New Vegas had put in

this but unironically

This is pretty typical of TES quests though, and Bethesda almost favors oyu being a psychopath bad guy only doing the MQ out of a selfish self-preservation interest. It's why Sjyrim half-assed their "kill the DB" quest and cut the "kill the Thieves Guild" quest totally, and 90% of the daedric shrine quests require you to be a despicable fuck.

Mods exist to give heroic options and such, but naturally they aren't "lore"... as if lore means shit officially anyway.

>having to mod in something this essencial

I love Morrowind, but aspects of it are really overrated, in particular the writing and sidequests. Morrowind's main quest is 10/10, but the sidequests are for the most part, really awful and boring. They tend to have VERY brief dialogue and few options. It's kind of hard to get invested in most of the sidequests when a character just robotically gives a line or two of "go there and get this". The sidequests in Seyda Neen have a bit more character because it's the start of the game and they wanted to impress you. But very few sidequests in Morrowind leave much of an impression. This is something they massively improved in Oblivion.