Did it became playable on PC?

Did it became playable on PC?

Attached: 01_red_dead_redemption_2.jpg (1440x1832, 812.76K)

Just like every other game that gets a PC port.

I mean did they patch it enough? I heard it had many problems on release

Yes, now hop on your time machine and return to your home to shitpost.

i played it like last month and didnt have many problems except for some FPS drops but thats because im on a mid range card from 2016

That's swell idea, sport

i finished the game in january (started playing in december) and had exactly 0 issues. Some minor graphical glitches here and there but no crashes or any odd behaviour.

runs fine
This is at medium/high settings on a sapphire 290.

Attached: RDR2 290.jpg (3200x1089, 886.69K)

>Some minor graphical glitches here and there
Thats not exactly issue free.

Yes, has like an 85% positive rating now on steam. Over the last thirty days it's fine.

only if you have a decent PC

It was more polished than any open world game I played the past 5 years. The graphical glitches were rare and brief.

Considering how fuckhuge this game is its impressive only a few minor graphical glitches are the game's biggest problem.

this game makes me feel shit about my build; even a GTX 1080 with a 3600 can't maintain a solid 60fps on ultra at 1080p

How fucked am i?

Attached: vz.png (623x223, 12.08K)

It was just a quirky game to tweak is all. It can look and play fine.

Rockstar always include insanely taxing experimental graphics options that make virtually no visual difference whatsoever.

Follow this guide and you should do fine.
Also see You CPU might be a bit of a bottleneck though.

Attached: rdr2performance hogs.png (1373x1485, 155.83K)

Ultra is overkill anyway. Fun fact, it actually looks incredible at lowest settings too, as long as you keep textures higher.

His CPU will bottleneck but only in towns.

But of course.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2 Screenshot 2020.02.24 - (2560x1440, 2.99M)

runs fine but still a shit game

No, your character still punches white adcovates in the face like a brain-rotten wigger.

It's an empty, boring, self-gratifying SJW game.

Cool vendetta faggot

single player is fine it crashed only like 3 times where 2 times were on the same mission during my 250h walkthrough. red dead online still has issues and crashes regularly but its definitely better than on release.

I'm running it at 30-40 FPS on a i3 6100 and a GTX 960, so you are fine.

go back to your bing bing wahoo shit

it was on release. It's just a shit game is all.

What settings though?

alt+tabbing crashes my game. Sometimes when loading it will crash, but other than those it runs well

Attached: RDR2_2020_03_16_12_05_33_463.jpg (2560x1440, 3.03M)

how would it run on this mafk?

Attached: sp.png (691x461, 39.88K)

I have a gtx 1080 and a i7-7700 + 16gb ram
can i run this game on high on a 1080p monitor

Gonna launch the game and i'll check the settings.

Have you tried running the game in borderless windowed?

what settings is this? looks great

disable/turn off all the meme gfx shit and it'll run ok

also no SSD?
don't bother.

cool,I always do that anyway, it takes a special kind of retard to keep trash like motion blur,vignetting or chromatic aberration on

why? not him but load times were fine on my HDD

>It's an empty, boring, self-gratifying SJW game.

Attached: 1570595324874.png (785x1100, 497.76K)

single player?

Settings are everything on Medium and textures on Ultra.

60 fps?

Can you cap the frame rate yet? I can play with everything at max on 1440p but only at 45hz. Yet when I played it when it came out itd jump anywhere from 47 to 78hz. I'd rather just have a stable, if lower, frame rate then jumping around all over the place.

is it pirated yet?

latest nvidia driver improved performance alot

Attached: 20200318125500_1.jpg (2560x1440, 742.35K)

>It's just a shit game is all.
What should I play/get instead then?

i cap it at 60 with RTSS
anything over 60 breaks this shit port.

40-50 FPS on the countryside and towns, which are most of the map.
30 on Saint Denis, the big city.

ok thanks


Get whatever you want, there's a group of people who have their sights set on shitting up any RDR2, Doom Eternal or Cyberpunk 2077 thread, they even have a discord for it and make threads themselves to shit on the games if there's none.

Gotta live console pleb 30 FPS style

It's been fine since about 2 weeks after launch. Most problems had to do with retards maxing out the settings not realizing that RDR2 on Ultra is essentially a next gen game.

Damn that's pretty good actually.

to be fair, the game IS shit though
>t. over 1k hours 800 gold, at least 100k funbucks last i remember

>unironically playing RDO

imagine being such a dumb piece of shit that you can't enjoy Mario. Like what the fuck is wrong with you
t. PC gamer that loves RDR2 and will be playing Doom Eternal and Bannerlord all year


turn msaa off

someone had to beta test this poo-poo for the PC

No wonder you think it's shit when you've spent 1000 hours playing the Online.

i dont think it's shit, it IS shit.

please respond
i tried playing it but the framerate dropped to 40 every 10 seconds in the tutorial area

Because you've spent a thousand hours playing the Online.
What's wrong with you?
Why did you even play a thousand hours anyway?
The main thing is the singleplayer, everyone knew RDO wouldn't work because the only thing that kept GTAO going were the vehicles, which were obviously not going to be in here.

End the tutorial area and see if it still has drops in the regular open world.
Also, don't max it out, look up optimization guides, there's a bunch of settings that are tax hogs and give no graphical improvement whatsoever.

so that's why all the images and footage I see is so blurry

switch from vulkan to DX or vice/versa

>The main thing is the singleplayer
afraid not, friend. but then again whats his face quit so maybe things will turn for the better