RE3 Demo abailable on New Zeland

Chnane your region and have fun.

Or wait 24 hours.

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do i have to make a new account?

Yes apparently? I'll just wait a day. Neat to know though.

On what, you dumb fucker? Steam, PSN?

Why don't they just release it now for everyone? why are they being fucktards. what's the difference between releasing it now and waiting until midnight. Shits ridiculous.

Still hate Jill's personality in this. Watching the demo and she sounds like a proper bitch. Everything she says is in a bitchy tone.

Actually makes sense since she looks like a fucking caveman

Have sex, incel.

I have sex with my gf you disgusting reptile. She sounds like a cunt, even my gf agreed.

>City gone to hell.
>Have to work with umbrella soldiers.
>Monster pursuing your ass.
>Not being pissed as fuck all the time.

Seems ok to me.

Just use Jap voices.

I'm gonna skip this trailer. I've got the demo and the game is only a couple of weeks away, I've seen enough

Remember to report every new Michael Does Life upload


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"Oooh look at me sounding pissed I'm so edgy with attitude!"

Yeah fuck off.

Oh good, time to start ducking dataminer spoilers.

He's saying that under the circumstances her attitude is justified

This. It's not like this is a FFVIIR situations, where they're adding 30 hours of content that we haven't seen yet. I am afraid that they've shown too much of this.

Wow, what a compelling and non-retarded argument that you've made.

Does Jill slide down the side of a building falls off and hangs on some cage thing? we also know she rams a car into Nemesis which falls off the top of a carpark with her in it. She also look to get hit by Nems rocket and is still in one piece.

Jesus it's RE6 all over again.

How is sounding pissed off at people going to help her situation or the situation itself?

Oh here we go again with this fucking faggot. You the fucking loser who was bitching about her cursing? I really hope your family dies

Wow it’s almost like that’s how irrational women are. Not that you would know any women

Jesus now this is autism

It doesn't matter what you say. Literally any criticism in these threads is not tolerated.

I think you're overreacting to this entire thing. It's not like she's going around getting into fights with everyone. She's just stern

Nah autism is not having the social skills to realize people would be under stress in a situation like that. Faggot

Anyone else excited for the Resistance demo? I hope it's good.

But when she says shit like "And how do I do that?" It sounds bitchy as fuck. Carlos is trying to help her out and she comes off like a bitch. It's not likable. I want to like her in this but it's hard to.

>I hope it's good.
user, I....

Posting changes in the game from the other thread
>No Knife button, have to equip it. It also lunges instead of slash
>Same with Grenades, they have to be equipped to use and from what I've seen, can't be used defensively anymore
>Red Barrels everywhere for dealing with groups
>RE4 breakable Creates are back
>They have a QTE for whenever you get grabbed for zombies to do less damage. Think of Dead Rising
>The game DOES NOT show your status change when damaged
>I think they made zombies hard to kneecap. Feels like it takes more bullets to knock down
>Also adding on to the last point, shooting off a zombie's leg looks worse than it does in REmake 2
>Safe room uses the original RE3 safe room theme
>Dodging feels nice

Attached: Resident Evil 3 Demo.webm (1920x1080, 1.1M)

why does jill have to be likeable? let her be a bitch she aint getting any younger and have to deal with this bs


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>getting hyped for this rushed, modernized, hollywood zombie movie action game "remake" of RE3

Attached: 1293128846691.jpg (400x623, 45.76K)

>It's RPD officer Marvin Branagh. He's been fatally wounded by zombies.


Attached: Marvin Branagh.jpg (1280x720, 101.32K)

>why does jill have to be likeable?


I honestly don't get it too.

It's out in AU PSN.


It's a 20 year old game

>Look up the characters
>Black guy is literally named Tyrone
>Park Ranger character who was "overwhelmed by a pack of monstrous dogs"
The porn practically makes itself.

>Jesus it's RE6 all over again.
I would say so if Jill supplexed nemesis or she was being chased by a t-rex while jumping over a helicopter in a motorbike

>It's a 20 year old game
Zoomers have no idea about this.

Chnane yourself faggot.

>Jesus it's RE6 all over again.
RE3 was always almost on the same level of "action" as RE6.
Game begin with explosion and ended with Racoon City destruction.

She was like that in the original too. She blames the citizens for their situation. Complete cunt.
Fuck you, the new Nemesis design is awful.

Kill yourself already

user it's the same attitude she had, except with proper voice direction. go actually play the game

Attached: RMIOBslU.png (600x400, 293.2K)

It really wasn't.

Or, maybe, they put in surprises for people who've played the original so the experience is fresh?

So how can I play this if I'm not a kiwi

If I turn on a NZ proxy and check the steam store will it be there?

This is important: is the demo timed like the last one or can I take my time exploring?

>>RE4 breakable Crates are back
Fucking based, Loved those little bastards in 4.

You're autistic and cant read between the lines. The slap wasn't out of bitchiness or hatred but disappointment that Carlos was giving up. Play the game next time user.

She never said anything in a bitchy tone tho. Her voice actor gave Jill a much more likable temperament. In the demo she just sounds snotty and bitchy.

How she walks about when she enters the train with Carlos fucking angers me. Ignores everyone and just walks about all superior like some rude cunt and looks about the train for no fucking reason.

Her voice actor was literally standard 90's video game at the time. We wouldn't get better voice direction until Code Veronica, and she wouldn't get a decent one until that Pink Space Ranger/Turbo Ranger voices her.

Also what? My point was that she was assertive towards Carlos even before. Remember that whole Umbrella shit?

Difference between being assertive and sounding like a cunt. get this in your thick fucking skull.

Jill is so smug. Why is she mean to Mikhail? She wasn't like that in the original game.

And she's being assertive in that "sounding like a cunt" in the demo. Are you a fucking beta?

>Her voice actor was literally standard 90's video game at the time

Her voice actor Catherine Disher only voiced Jill Valentine, She didn't voice in any other video game so I don't know what you're talking about you fucking spaz

How is the dismemberment? Someone said it's totally gone compared to RE2. It fucking better not be gone

I'm talking about voice acting standards you underage

Exactly it's weird. Her job is to help ppl regardless. Mikhail shows he's injured and she doesn't care or take attention to it. She's a complete cunt in this. The passive aggressive smug chatter from her is a total 180. Awful.

Why are you talking about that? I'm talking about how theyve changed Jill's personality into some snotty smug bitch even to ppl who are injured and are trying to at least make the best out of a bad situation.

She said the exact same kind of awful shit before, but it doesn't count because the voice acting sucked? The fuck kind of argument is that?

Play RE3 again you braindead cunt. The original. She says nothing of the sort. She isn't a snotty bitchy cunt in the original RE3. Now fuck off unless you actually have a valid argument.

He's saying the personality didn't change, the VA was shit tier in the original.

Jill was blaming the Raccoon City victims for their own suffering, blaming Carlos as if he had any hand in this shit, and had options to leave him to fucking DIE at multiple points. She was a bitch in 3.

>Or wait 24 hours.
doesn't it release at midnight for your timezone?

Jill's voice acting in RE3 didn't convey proper emotion - it was the typical go through the motions of voice acting. It wasn't as bad as its peers like MMX4 but it wasn't remarkable. That's my point.

It's why her opening line about how the citizens of Raccoon City have become apathetic, if read without voice acting, should be conveying anger, but she delivered it more like she's giving a speech.

Yeah Jill might as well be a faceless cunt to fill for the story now, no substance just action movie tough cunt.

With that said stop giving (Yous) for thread derailment.

It's cos it was a speech dumbass.

>No one dared to opposed them... and that lack of strength
would ultimately lead to their destruction. I suppose they had to suffer the
consequences for their actions, but there would be no forgiveness. If only they had the courage to fight. It’s true once the
wheels of justice began to turn, nothing can stop them. Nothing.

Jill is a HUGE BITCH in RE3.
Please play the game.

>inner monologue is speech

I'm glad shitposters can't even understand the games not made by their time.

Historical revisionism at its finest. Didn't you say yesterday that RE3 was a bad game?

Are you actually autistic or something?

You're talking about general things. I'm specifically focusing on Jill's responses to characters in this RE3 demo which are snotty and bitchy. Now fuck off.

>This is fine.
>Move Carlos you fucking bitch.

I didn't post about RE3 yesterday, so no you sperg.

it was directed to sound like a speech for the player listening you fucktard. It's called voice direction. You'd rather her just mumble and dribble while she recited all of that?

Her voice doesn't help. Catherine Disher just had a more likeable voice.

user, look up what inner monologues are. stop pretending that you know shit

>Our mission is to rescue the civilians.
>How kind of you. Considering Umbrella caused all this in the first place, those liars!
Jill was a snotty, sarcastic bitch in the original. Please complain about the myriad actual problems.

>How kind of you. Considering Umbrella caused all this in the first place, those liars!

Please explain how this line is snotty and sarcastic. Wtf am I reading. Can't believe how dumb ppl are on here.