Going in blind

>Going in blind
>First trip to Hirata right after I get the buddha bell or whatever it's called
>didnt even kill the Ogre yet
>force myself till the end of it, get stuck at Lady butterfly
>can't get passed her
>don't want to backtrack, quit
>Later realize you're not really supposed to finish hirata until later in the game
>mfw filtered by my own turbotism
How do I get gud at this game, Yas Forums
>Muh rythm game
>Muh L1 spam

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Deflecting is your primary defensive option. Posture is your second hp bar, you recover it by holding block. Posture can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting.

Jumping and dashing have few i-frames on them. Jumping/dashing through attacks is possible but timing is tight. Use them for repositioning and escaping grabs.

Running is good and you can run forever in combat.

Get the deathblow hp regen and mikiri skills asap. Mikiri obliterates all thrusts in the game, this includes kicks (just press B, no directions). Jump sweeps and jump again on their head for posture damage.

Firecrackers are a free stun. They are also very good for crowd control.

Once you get comfortable with enemy patterns you will find that this game rewards aggression. Running in their face and eating their posture until they deflect you works very well. Most bosses have more dangerous options out of neutral compared to out of deflecting your attacks.

I think most people finish Hirata early on. I played up until Lady Butterfly there and up until Oniwa in the main game before taking them on back to back, just to be as prepared as possible for both.

I did Butterfly first thinking Oniwa would be harder for whatever reason, but she is definitely harder

>Once you get comfortable with enemy patterns you will find that this game rewards aggression.
sounds like die and retry to me, desu. Each enemy has very unique pattern you have to die to numerous times before you can hope to master them.

>looking for guides on youtube
>dude's gameplay is just L1 permaguard and spam it as soon as pattern starts
>cuts as soon as he gets crushed

Sure you will die in this game but you only die if you make mistakes, and you defensive options in this game are very powerful to prevent it.

Yes, you have to figure out the enemy patterns. It's not that hard to observe their behavior and their reactions to different situations like deflecting you for example.

>die and retry
It means doing or practicing something until you learn/master it. In this game, yes, it will likely involve dying. There wouldn't be much challenge or anything to separate this game from others if it was so easy as to just spam attack and overpower every enemy without having to learn anything about how they attack would it?

Breaking it down to it's simplest form this is good advice for anything in life. Do/practice something over and over til you learn/master it and get better. This process will involve a lot of failure but in the end you will figure it out and overcome boundaries you previously thought you had.

Does dragon rot have a real gameplay impact or is it just there to remind you to git gud?

Lady butterfly is pretty simple, and there is barely any difference in your level of power from the point you are at to when probably most people beat her.
Very basic moveset. Only things you really need to care about for most of the fight are her flurry attack, which can just be blocked, and when she jumps up onto her invisible string to throw stuff at you, which can be countered with the throwing star arm and it knocks her to the ground. Most of the fight you just want to keep attacking her, block the flurry, and knock her down when she jumps up or simple block what she throws. A lot of her attacks can easily be side stepped (think gascoigne). You can even get her stuck in a loop by attacking, dashing to the left of her, hitting, and repeating that.
When she summons the clones, all you really need to do is keep your distance from them. They only walk so they can be easily avoided. Fight basically repeats the same as before.

You can ignore it. All it does is stall side quests. There is an item you can use to heal it.

thanks for the input, I'm just having a real hard time recognizing enemy attacks and stuff, thrust and swipe one each require a very low reaction time and they can have different animations

If you let it go on too long some npcs with minor (and I mean minor) side quests will be unavailable. But there is a type of item later that removes all dragon rot and that item is abundant. Sometimes you'lll get dragonrot even if you don't use the revive option.

So in short, no not really. You can pretty much ignore it.

It was originally intended to be more strict and have npcs die and shit but they removed that

Don't let anyone, including yourself, tell you it's too fast or difficult for you. Because you CAN do it if you keep trying.

The only thing that makes fromsoft games hard is because players act like they are speed running and everything has to die asap, so they just throw themselves at everything and then complain when it does something they weren't prepared for/haven't gotten to grips with.
There is absolutely no reason you can't just engage an enemy and simply observe what they do first before actually trying to kill them.

>Coming from dark souls
>Thinking I'll have an easy time with sekiro
>mfw I can't figure out what the fuck is this combat system
>mfw getting killed by first trash
>mfw can't get past the first general

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i did the same thing except i killed lady butterfly first try then got stuck on the guy that kills u in the intro and quit

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wait, lady butterfly isnt the end of that Hirata zone?

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Don't worry, your brain will create new pathways sooner than you can imagine. You will start seeing through the animations, just give it time. I think sweeps especially have pretty readable wind up animations.

You can ignore it
From nerfed it

Playing Sekiro with DaS mechanics in mind is probably the biggest mistake you can ever make

You'll have a chance to revisit it.

Hirata estate was meant to be done much later

Keep trying
You can ask for advice here

>Practice shit with undead samurai
>no problem
>shit all over him
>back in the real world
>suddenly don't stance a chance against any trash mob anymore

No, user is talking about Genichiro, the guy who cuts your arm in the beginning

Practice against the mobs, it's much better

You don't have to counter them, you can always just run away

>swarmed with hundreds of consumables in the first two hours of gameplay
>never try to use them, ever
>either hold them on for the entire time or don't even bother to try them out
How do I cure this specific autism

Final boss fight is hype as fuckk
im sad that the game is coming to an end, I almost don't want to press forward
I beat everything else except owl 2(locked myself out of it)
truly an incredible game

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You still have the bad ending

Hoarding those emblems that are consumed to use special skills is fine because you want as many as possible. Not using shit like the sugars is whatever. Hardly anyone uses them outside of very specific situations.

Of course drink your gourd as much as you want because it refills everytime you pray

I want to become a carp. A giant carp that will continue growing, and live a long, long life.
A carp that never grows old....

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There are 2 options for you OP: either you will learn how to parry or learn how to abuse/exploit dumb as fuck AI.
What do I mean by this? Well, for Lady Butterfly just spam Whilwind Slash; there is a chance you won't get hit, at all. For Ape, just go in, hit him, go back, run, repeat. For that faggot at the top of the tower, whose name I forgot, just spam Shadowrush from the distrance; you probably won't get hit. For the allmighty GYOUBU MASAKATA ONIWAAAAA just run behind him and hit his horse in the ass. For corrupted
>pic related
monk, jsut stand on the tree, block, and hit him when you have the opening.

AI is really stupid in this game and you will probably figure out how to cheese bosses if you can stop running like a moron and just observe their moves.

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I cheesed demon of hatred and I feel kind of bad about it..
I did get to his final phase though, so i feel like it was justified

You didn't beat him.

Having played through it a few times, I always do Gyobu then Butterfly. Full clearing Outskirts gives you a bit more health and tools for butterfly, who is fairly difficult early on. Getting the attack upgrade, and 2 bead necklaces before her helps a bunch.

he thanked me as he fell to his death though so i figure it's all good

>not doing Juzou with base HP and dmg

Probably will not get any reply here but what was the trap this rat is talking about? I know that during the 2nd half owl and friends took over ashina and that the guards are all in the bridge that's why the castle was easily taken but I was wondering what trap or bait did the rat use?

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I beat her with just the shuriken and only 1 prayer bead upgrade

>Died 100 times to Lady buttlerfly or something like that
>Didn't more than 5 times than any other boss after that
Just fight Lady Butterfly until you get good and stop being afraid of things

Sekiro is the hardest of the Souls games but still easy, if you don't rush it

Try different approaches, be prepared to discard some (because you die a lot)

The rats probably backstabed Ashina by giving out information to the enemy (example is how to counter red eyes, you can see that the ministry use giant fireworks in order to scare ogres)
It was probably a work from Senpou temple, since they wanted to save their own skin

I died a million times to the Corrupted Monk and Genichiro combined and not more than 3 times to any other boss

No user you were correct, Lady Butterfly is the first boss. She teaches you the basics of fighting bosses.

Gyobou is the first boss
Butterfly is an optional boss

I did the same as you. Though killed lady butterfly after 25 tries or so.
Completely worth it though since all that training made me fly through the rest of the game besides OWL.

most of the consumables in this game are shitty anyway
the only ones I consistently used were attack sugars and divine confetti

Owl was pretty easy, I don't under why people had problems with him. I think Demon of hatred was the most annoying boss.

*cheeses you*

>mfw filtered by my own turbotism
Orly? I ended up doing the exact same thing, but I beat her with only 2 sippys available because I just figured the area was optional and that's why Butterfly was so tough, but I did it because I liked the challenge. Shuriken works well.
I had more trouble with the hidden purple ninja where you get the Mist Raven, until I learned I could Mikiri counter him. I found hardship brings consecutive success

Shut up fishfucker

Owl is difficult to most since he uses your own shit against you, like mikiri, smoke etc. and people aren't prepared to that. Plus he does decent posture damage with his attacks. DoH is a late game Dark Souls boss and fucks people over that way

Go back to the normal path and beat the ogre.
Get the firecracker tool ASAP
Get Mikiri counter ASAP


DLC when?

After elden ring

My vit is 11 and my attack is 2. I'm struggling with jinsuke. Is there another route for me to go since I cant do lady butterfly either? I also bull shit'd my way into the gunfort and got stuck that that boss too

Have you killed Genochiro?
Have you gotten information on what to do and where to go?

is that the prologue guy? if so no. i just nabbed the lightning reversal move from jinsuke before he killed me. i got a letter from the little boy that i should take to the healer but i figured it wouldn't do anything and pushed forward into jinsuke

Hirata is a beginner area dumb scrub

Wait nvm you mean the Ashina Elite old man inside Ashina castle?
First of all, don't bother with the gun fortress.
Now, for Jinzuke you'll want to start parrying when his handle flashes, you will always get a perfect parry on his Ashina cross if you do it right.
He's a glass cannon, high dmg but he will go down very easily.
A perfect parry on his Ashina cross will do around 1/3 of his posture bar.

He may also mix in some sweep and some single attack to fuck you up.