Q. What do you want from Ni-oh 2?

>Q. What do you want from Ni-oh 2?
>A: We want:
>- Unique weapons and drops without random properties.
>- A single interconnected world
>- PvP on both invasion and arena flavors.
>- A narrative that we as players are supposed to figure by ourselves by a combination of lore and item descriptions.

>R: Thanks for your suggestions. By the way we aren't listening to you; we're going to do our own thing because we're unique snowflakes.

Imagine squandering your potential like that. And you wonder why people would rather wait desperately for Elden Ring news than playing your game and its sequel.

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Based answer. Go play souls games if you want all of the above

>Off-brand cash-in does nothing to distinguish itself and is a soulless money-making scheme.
Truly shocking.

>""""we"""" want literally dark souls
Why don't you go play any of the dozen games that are already dark souls or dark souls clones instead?

The irony of this post is astounding.

kys soulstranny
you've cried about this for a week now, no one cares or gives a shit. nioh isn't gonna change no matter how much time you keep screaming into the void. why don't you save yourself the bother and go back to playing tranny souls?

Holy shit Soulsfags are retarded
I swear you niggers continue to be one of the most obnoxious group of retards on the internet. And I guarantee 90% of you started when DaS1 blew up with normalfags who wanted """gamer cred""" for beating "omg like hardest game evar"

Go ahead and explain.

>A single interconnected world
fuck off

The game is literally I am forgotten-tier.

You shit on the game for doing nothing to differentiate itself from souls when the OP is complaining that the game is not like souls games. Your criticism runs exactly contrary to what OP is complaining about yet you phrase it like it's supposed to be harmonious with OP's complaints.
You retard.

How do I dish out BIG BOY damage with the Odachi?

Granted I'm only several levels into it, but I still kinda feel like the Glaive is better.

Get a better Odachi, it's that simple.

Not really. I don't feel like my attacks are as fluid and able to deal out as much DPS. My Glaive and my Odachi have similar damage with the Odachi being slightly better.

>filtered frombabby
lmaooo go watch lobosjr or something you little faggot

Nioh 2 didn't need to become exactly like a Souls game, but it should have at least improved on a lot and it didn't. They basically just shit out a lazy rehash. Same poor level design, only one new weapon, only a couple new enemy types mixed in with the same copypasted ones from the first, same RNG loot, bad new mechanics sloppily added to the combat, and some terrible valance tweaks that make enemies damage sponges while making it easier and quicker for you to die. Very mediocre and underwhelming sequel. And yeah, it has definitely flopped because of it.

Well fuck, didn't read the OP. The game sucks anyway tho, DaS is way better and doesn't have gay weeb shit

I haven't played 2 yet but it sounds like you're just a butthurt Soulsfag

Man these are all terrible suggestions, listening to any community is fucking retarded

based retard

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Drop your fucking skill Yoshitatsu you gigantic faggot

the game looks find but I am gonna wait for the PC port. Nioh and DaS are designed around using Cheat Engine and I am always amazed at how many consolefags eat up their inferior, borderline unplayable versions


>Q. What do you guys want?
>A. Knock-off Dark Souls

You're a fucking moron, OP. The Diablo loot is half the draw of this game, they were never going to get rid of it in the sequel.

Except it did. It flopped due to not improving a single thing from the first game and the two hit punch of Animal Crossing and Zoom Eternal.

Can you not read? I'm not OP.
I said it was an off-brand soulless cash-in that does nothing to distinguish itself.

So how does this differ from one? I found the first pretty mediocre. Thanks to
>Lack of enemy variety, and overuse of like 1/3rd of said variety rather than making decent use of all
>Extremely easy basic enemies because of the above; you had a go-to always wins combo for every enemy like 1/5th of the way through then just keep fighting them so mindlessly they feel like a chore
>Extremely easy bosses for the most part
>Meh maps
>Respc increasing in price every time, making experimenting feel punishing
>Everything fun being too expensive in general
>Armor from other players being so good anything else feels pointless
>Broken confuse
>Broken super mode

All it actually had going for it was some pretty fun movesets wasted on really easy enemies

If they fix like... half of this I'll be interested in 2.

While I dislike the diablo loot, the rest of your suggestion are entirely retarded.

I wanted:
>Monster titties
I got:
>Monster titties

>1 million sold
>not even out a week
pretty sure it surpassed kts expectations dumbass

Can YOU not read? At no point did I imply you were OP.

>I just want more Dark Souls
I'm so glad Nioh isn't a Dark Souls clone, holy shit.

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some people will fall for this

>PC gamers

Attached: gaveup.png (1061x261, 47.84K)

All of those flaws still exist on the second game.

Dead wrong. It didn't sell that much and it didn't meet expectations, let alone exceed them. Dumb shill.

I also tried odachi but the glaive is so much faster and therefore just better in most situations

>Source: user's ass

Then imma pass, thanks bro

>A single interconnected world
Now think what Niohs story is about and how many years it covers.

>Your criticism runs exactly contrary to what OP is complaining about yet you phrase it like it's supposed to be harmonious with OP's complaints.
This is why you can't read. At no point did I imply this was in line as a sequitur addition to what the OP said.

Maybe, just maybe... don't impose arbitrary timeskips like it is a Netflix show?

This shit is the Shasta of soul-style games. It's forgotten in a week and nobody bought it.

>- A single interconnected world
>- PvP on both invasion and arena flavors.
>- A narrative that we as players are supposed to figure by ourselves by a combination of lore and item descriptions.
Ew. Those things are specifically why I hate souls games and prefer Nioh.

So, your Nioh story would be about 1 battle? How many Nioh sequels would we need for your shit?

stay mad bitch

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why not just play dark souls

nioh has tons of lore in item descriptions and such, its lore is just history and japanese mythology so you don't care

Wirriam >>>> dogshit >>> self insert mc

>Soulsfags are mad that a game that is not Dark Souls is, in fact, not Dark Souls

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>its bad because its not a 1-1 souls cline
>its bad because it is a souls clone

The two faces of Yas Forums, both mad at vidya games, both very wrong.

No. No we don't want that. Fuck off you stupid Soulsfag. You play your game, and let us have ours.

Ni-oh has always been intended to be a Souls clone, retarded developer decisions aside.
If you're going to copy something do it right or don't bother.

Why would we be mad? The game bombed because it's a piss poor clone of Souls. Nice delusion.

Kys faggot

Quite literally just boot up any of FROM's games. Nioh isn't for you kek. Maybe try Surge 2 that one sounds more to your liking.

I didn't want any of those things desu.

>It has Souls and a bonfire therefore it is a souls clone.
Let's disregard literally every other feature in the game.

And i've enjoyed every souls game, bloodborne, nioh 1 and currently am enjoying nioh 2. Its pretty fun, tho looks like utter shit on base PS4 with action mode

>absolute top tier gameplay bogged down by 20 minutes of navigating shitty menus looking at boring numbers

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>>- A narrative that we as players are supposed to figure by ourselves by a combination of lore and item descriptions.
yeah, i'm thinking this is bait

I leik both. The menus give me a chance to slow down after getting sweaty at a boss.

It's made by weebs, so it is weeb shit.

Pretty much.
Nioh 1 sold because people expected it to be a Souls-like. There is no way Nioh 2 didn't bomb.

You can just tell OP watches Vaatividya lol

That guy is full of shit by the way

>rot penalty
Wasn't the only penalty for that just not being able to progress the already pretty obscure side quests?

What is wrong with soulsfags and why do they need every even vaguely similar game to be a literal clone of their games? I've never seen a group of people like this besides maybe fire emblem fans and even they can at least appreciate other SRPGs

The irony of this post

NOOOOO! How the FUCK am I supposed to enjoy this game if I can't learn about Nobunaga's pants lore?!

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Clearly mad enough to lurk this thread and respond to people calling soulsfags out

Its depressing how better of a game Nioh was compared to DS3 and yet there are retards like you. I cant tell if you are baiting or not but everyone who played both will tell you that gameplay of Nioh is far superior to anything from DS3. Maybe levels are not terribly exciting but they are long and very well designed. Enemy placement is thoughtful and smart. It offers far superior new game plus system. Its actually fun to play with friends because unlike DS3 it requires some basic skill of pressing buttons no matter how leveled up you are. Story is retarded but endearing and told vie nice cutscenes while in DS3 story is a convoluted mess that contradict itself. DS3 has more enemies but they boil down to the same patterns and movements so its not really a point over Nioh. And lastly Boss fights where Again Nioh far surpasses anything from DS3. Even a random revenant duel is fun and potentially exciting because the combat system is THAT good.

>>A: We want:
>>- Unique weapons and drops without random properties.
>>- A single interconnected world
can soulsfags just kill themselves already?

mate how can you make all of japan a "single interconnected world"

It works when you're on the Kingdom of Fantasylandia but in a real country? Nope.