2 months later no one cares about Half Life: Alyx

>2 months later no one cares about Half Life: Alyx
will VR ever take off?

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I just don't feel comfortable having a goofy ass headset on while I fling my arms around risking knocking my speakers down or something like that. I honestly feel sorry for people who were betting on VR. You can just tell so many of them are regretting their purchase and keep insisting that VR will eventually become a thing. It didn't become a thing in 2016, it won't become a thing now, it will never become a thing. What a dumb fucking gimmick. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Yong out.

is it me or has the exact same thread with a different image been popping up everyday
is it autism?

I don't know. I don't really care about VR, I made this thread for a secret other reason. But it isn't working out...

Spin off of a dead franchise with only one character thats a VR hallway shooter and costs £1000 just for the set to play?
WHY is no one hype?
I cant figure it out!

>delivery delayed by another 3 weeks
>for starters

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Alyx came out?

VR is like the motion control fad but even worse

Yeah as trans

because the controls actually work this time?

No because nobody fucking wants motion controls in 2020

I never thought of this but I think I'd feel a bit uncomfortable being alone at my commieblock home strapped in one of these

Half Life: Alyx should have been released in the 1990's

>no one cares
Because its still not out. Wait until its out then you can shitpost about how bad it is.

except switch fanboys

What is Half life: Alyx?

A prequel to half life 2

VR has gotten popular enough now that we don't need seethe or cope threads to spark discussion. Efforts appreciated though.

imagine if someone told you in 2007 that the next time you played a half life game would be in two thousand and twenty, in VIRTUAL REALITY, oh and the world would be engulfed in a global pandemic.

why wold you believe them stupid naive idiot

I care, I'm just waiting.

He's just Alex now

VR is too expensive to appeal to anyone but fat neckbeard sois.

at this point i'm thinking about buying valve index vr and half-life vr just to spite poorfags

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>don't know. I don't really care about VR, I made this thread for a secret other reason. But it isn't working out.
You're either baiting and waiting for easy (You)'s or baiting the half life hate autismo into posting in the thread

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How's the oculus rift s?
I'm considering it, but I'm also a miser and thus reluctant to spend the money without knowing it's quality

why would that make anyone angry

dunno but i can tell you that I get off to marie rose in vr every day lmao

>Valve makes half-life
>modern fps boom
>Valve makes team fortress 2
>class based shooter boom
>Valve makes portal
>indie first person puzzle boom
>Valve makes Left 4 Dead
>4 player coop fps boom
>Valve makes CS:GO
>competitive FPS boom
>Valve makes first non-tech demo VR game
Even if Alyx isn;t the best game ever, it'll sure as shit get that snowball rolling.
They're a trend setter/popularizer. There's no denying that.
I don't own VR, nor will I buy into it in the forseeable future, didn't like it when I tried it a couple years ago. I am looking forward to watching your niche grow though VRlads.

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people like to say hurrrr durrr artifact a lot but valve carries so much weight it's insane.

Probably the best headset in its price range

Worse, it's shilling

Even as a VRfag myself I thought VR was shit a few years ago, it's improved a lot since then

I hope not

I just don't want to play anymore now that i've tried it. I like talking with my wife and not shut myself in something while I play. Also, it tends to give me motion sickness. I don't think I'm the target for this.

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good job reminding me about this crap lol

>VR is too expensive
Only because there's nearly no games for it and what's there is phone game level trash.
Like i could buy a VR headset, it's not that expensive. But i'm not doing that for one game and a bit of low effort filler.

>New batch of index arrive
>Countless posts about lighthouses and controllers dying
Fucking redditors, that's what you get for downplaying any quality complaints with "le loud minority". Serves those faggots well.

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As someone on Yas Forums once said, VR is like sex, you can't explain someone what it feels like, they gotta try it for themselves.

Y'all need to stop coping so hard and use your free 1000 USD thanks to coronachan to get a cheap 220 bucks MWR. Try it for a week, and then come back, see if you still think it's just the shitty wii controllers with a cardboard box attached to your face.

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Or people with a job that like games, and aren't fucking doomers
Cope harder poorfag

It would be too good to be true. I was still a kid who enjoyed his games instead of shitposting about games I never played 24/7.

Except it's only in starfish position with lights out and you're getting kinda tired of it at some point.

Eventually. But a niche hardcore first person game like Alyx is most likely meant for the already established crowd, as to not lose their patronage.

>will VR ever take off?
no. most people are unwilling to pay $600-1000 for a video game controller that will allow them to play one (1) video game that is (arguably) good

>VR is like sex
True, but that's the variety and quality of games you get

>have lots of students badgering their parents for VR

>Parents look at what the sets cost

>Then what a proper PC to operate he new games will cost

>Then they consider what else they've been buying their 12-year-old shitkid over the years that they quickly lost interest in.

This. I'd buy one if i could actually play something with it that isn't casual trash or a low effort port. Thought about buying one anyway but i'd probably only use it to watch porn which isn't worth the money.

*Hardware which includes controllers, headset and lighthouses/tracking cameras
*Atleast 15 good quality game. Do your research retard.

You brainlets try so hard to make it look bad, the amount of missinformation on Yas Forums I've seen is retarded

>Atleast 15 good quality game
Name 5.

>we're literally entering the beginning of the apocalypse
>user's biggest priority is VR

jesus christ you BUFFOONS

Raw Data
Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
Jet Island
Budget Cuts

>Shanghai shivers
It'll be over in three months

Alright brainlet here you go.
The walking dead S&S
Lone Echo
Blade & Sorcery
Beat Saber
Robo Recall

I like my Rift S, but a part of the problem is that I can't play it for very long. It gets uncomfortable to essentially stand in place for any extended period of time, not to mention a pain in the ass to move all of my furniture out of the way, and it just feels awkward to play it sitting, because most of the games require a certain amount of moving around and squatting (like Alyx's combat section).

Have we seen any sitting gameplay of Alyx yet?

Not to my knowledge, but it might have a dedicated crouch button or something.

What should be my priority doomer-kun? I didn't give a shit about anything but escapism for so long, why would I start now?

it does, if you watch the IGN video where he goes through the menu, there's a bunch of crouching options and even a one-handed mode. Valve is all about accesibility nowadays, and VR seems also to double down and mostly target seated mode now.

Skip TWD S&S, Moss, and Beat Saber.
Replace them with
House of the Dying sun
Jet Island


But not until phones do it better than our current dedicated HMDs ever did.
Which is like, five/ten years into the future.

Point is there's a nice chunk of good quality games to play, it isn't 2016 when 90% of shit was phone tech demos anymore. There are games, just nothing with a big budget other than Boneworks and TWD. HLA should spice things up though.

>big budget



Yeah boneworks had a tiny budget, but I still think it was really good.
The only games with big budgets are oculus trash really.

I own a rift s and i still think vr is garbage, fuck you shill.

What is this?
Some jap neet's opinions on VR?