What kind of magic did Dice pull off to make Mirror's Edge look so good back in 2008?

What kind of magic did Dice pull off to make Mirror's Edge look so good back in 2008?

Attached: hQmJaNt.jpg (3840x2160, 1.47M)

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Backed in lighting.

good visual direction, having nearly no visible faces helps too.

Baked lights and shadows

Mirror's edge 2 has actual lighting but its pretty bland

No idea, but this game still flourishes as the peak of vidya graphics. Dare I say the most beautiful ps3/xbox era game, next to journey and sleeping dogs/ac4 water.

A solid artstyle, and baked lighting for the entire environment to save on resources.

Yeah pre established and never changing lighting makes it that everything will always look at its best at all times
I love that shit

HL2 and TF2 are still some of the best looking games I've seen, even on the lowest settings

Clever art direction that not only looks good, but is thematically poignant.
The stark white walls all look pristine as you're running past them, but when you stop and take a look up close you can see the texture and grime.

Pre-baked lighting done by a professional movie animation studio if I recall correctly.

We've been over this a thousand times
>Strong art direction
>Pre-baked lighting
>Static objects; very few things can actually be interacted with
>Good quality textures and normal maps
Here's a real question for you; why does Yas Forums insist Catalyst looks like shit when it's one of the prettiest games this gen? Are Yas Forumsirgins really just THAT triggered it changed the art style and wasn't as technologically simplistic?

Attached: yTk7MJr.jpg (1920x1080, 223.82K)




We all know it was the best EA game ever made, but was Mirror's edge the best cyberpunk game ever made?

It looks good for 2008 but not anymore if you're talking realism. The red section of the walls near the floor should color the ground at least a little bit red through bounce lighting. This is all just 100% baked. Technically not impressive at all. "Control" look much better.

No buzzwords. Present an actual, coherent explanation why you think it's ugly.

>pre-baked lighting
Is there such a thing as post-baked lighting?

HL2 is still beautiful but the texture work feels dated, unlike Mirror's Edge sterile world. Portal 1 would be just as beautiful as Mirror's if they gave an upgrade to textures.

I think Mirror's case is what art direction and good use of tech can make a game age like a fine wine.

Attached: unnamed.png (512x288, 267.22K)

It looks stupid. Are those white blocks supposed to be seats? Nobody would want to sit on that.


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No, either you bake it beforehand or it's done in real time.

>what is a bench

Attached: serveimage.jpg (800x800, 145.39K)

>baked lighting is better than dynamic lighting
Yas Forums is so impressively retarded that it's no wonder people resort to shitposting. when your opinion is so anti-progress (and by extension anti-gaming), why try to have a legitimate discussion?

>Are those white blocks supposed to be seats? Nobody would want to sit on that.
God I wish I lived wherever you do

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Good art direction, texures and using non-realtime raytracing

Luck,Art Direction.
But the game looks so good just because they forgot to texture it for a render and they liked it

You mean Black Flag? The graphics don’t hold up. I played it in 2014 on the PS3 and was pretty impressed by the graphics, but I recently played it on my PC in 1440P and it looks like shit. The textures look trash and the colors all look like mud was sprayed over the screen. Either the PC port was garbage or it’s just nostalgia making it look better.

>All that soul
How did they do it? I'm very frustrated we'll never see another game with this aesthetic. I could practically feel the sun and cooling wind on my skin.

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Nobody is claiming it's better you fucking retard. The reason it's brought up so much is because you would not have been able to do Mirror's Edge with dynamic lighting at the time due to console hardware limitations and the extremely specific arrangement of it not being conducive to current tech such as global illumination since the lighting is deliberately not actually realistic and is instead focused on clarity and aesthetic.

The designer did some maps for Battlefield 3 Close Quarters DLC. Looked amazing back then.

Catalyst looks gorgeous but they lost the clarity of the original with all the excess detail and softer lighting/colouration.

You can look at a scene in ME without runners vision and pick out a route much more easily than Catalyst because the enviornment is simply cleaner/less detailed.

It's a static fucking object. If you wanted to do that, you could've. Now, 10 years ago, or 20. It has absolutely fucking nothing to do with the ray tracing being real-time or not, you dumb fuck.

>all these retards saying "art direction"
There is not much of art direction in painting walls solid bright colors.

This game visuals were carried by super detailed textures and baked static lighting.
I have no idea why other devs don't do that. And that is why ME2 looked like shit. We don't have the technology to have dynamic lighting and environment in proper resolution yet. And most games would do ok without dynamic lighting.

Attached: 1364032795262.jpg (320x240, 18.23K)

based baked lighting enthusialist

Someone remade it in ue4, it looks even better

Attached: hDsWI6w.jpg (720x1215, 222.22K)

I know. that is why I said "ac4 waters".
That sea waves reflecting sunlight and reacting to the wind are some of the prettiest water I ever have seen. In AC rogue (basically an AC4 expansion) the artic deep blue waters is even prettier than AC4 Caribean waters.

>There is not much of art direction in painting walls solid bright colors.
You're actually a fucking retard

t.room temperature IQ

>There is not much of art direction in painting walls solid bright colors
This retard probably thinks that Portal white sterile testing chambers are lazyness.

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg (637x358, 53.69K)


>that shitty ssao
>low res walls
>shadow quality is aids
No it doesn't

Here is your "art direction" without the tech used in ME.
I won't even say anything besides that, you would either apologize or stay ignorant, uneducated swines.

Attached: 1369198285467.gif (250x192, 834.54K)

it just looks like when you disable textures in a game

I repeat: you are retarded

user, if at least 3 people point out your retardation, it's time to take a hint.

And you are so retarded that pic related is pretty looking. Now remove yourself from this thread and don't you DARE reply to me.

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>without the tech used in ME.
You do know that ME uses Unreal Engine 3, right?

why did they ruin the sequel by turning it into the shitty cyberpunk setting that people want cyberpunk 2077 to look like

I think the reason most people here find it ugly is because the game's far too soft at 1080p. You need to push the higher settings while at 4K to get the sort of clarity they might be expecting. Even your screenshot feels incredibly blurred.

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Screenshot 2017.08.22 - (3840x2160, 377.76K)

On PC the water in AC4 still looks trash. I tried it out with different settings and resolutions and it just had that greyish / muddy look to it that ruined it aesthetically. It surprised me because it looked so much better on a console than it did on PC. I didn’t play rogue so I can’t comment on that.

It's normal for Ubisoft to shit on their PC ports. But I played Rogue on PC.

Maybe it's nostalgia talking, I played AC4 a long time ago.

Another flawed aspect of this game is that the reflections are simply not native resolution, giving what should be really crisp surface detail instead washes out. Also screen-space reflections are fundamentally flawed. Raytracing would enormously help this game's appearance and style.


Actual art direction, as opposed to mindlessly chasing realism

>but when you stop and take a look up close you can see the texture and grime.
This is really the part that the sequel was missing. I don't really mind the more futuristic look but it doesn't look like a lived-in space.

Has to be nostalgia desu.

>he doesn't know about anti-homeless constructions

They should have just baked the reflections

They really should have. A day/night cycle is cool and all, but far too costly, even now.

>HL2 is still beautiful but the texture work feels dated
Really? not mention of the clear early 2000s map geometry with squarish cliff and buildings?

The DLC maps are a goddamn treasure and locking it behind origin is a travesty

yes you can pirate the DLC but still

It's just a bunch of walls and floors with prebaked lighting.

It is the product of the last generation of risk takers. Can you imagine an AAA studio making a "runner" game nowadays?

As for the game it is a prime example of less being more. You spend your time mostly alone just to run. The levels seems simple but actually filled with tons of options, the speedruns were truly breathtaking.


>they should have baked something dynamic that updates in real time

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