best fallout dlc
Best fallout dlc
It's ether "Far Harbor" or "nuka-world", I cant even remember "dead money", I mite replay it.
Becoming an adult is realising this is the truth and the shit gameplay is completely overshadowed by God tier atmosphere.
Absolute kino.
Dead money really does filter the Bethesdrones
>The DLC where you die for trying to explore
>the DLC where you die for being and idiot and you chalk it up to the game instead of your own shortcomings
ftfy, sweetie
you must hate the cazadors and deathclaws that stop you from exploring the basegame
I own it but didnt play it, I'll play it when I've got some free time. I must of missed a hidden gem! haha ty.
>not old world blues
plebs do not understand true comedy.
Everyone who dislikes DM are plebs who got filtered
Elijah the type of nigga you go kill 6 million raiders with
Can we all agree that the first 3 are good and Lonesome Road is hot garbage?
Nope, because I can come back when I'm reasonably leveled and geared up to deal with those challenges. The Sierra Madre is a giant maze where everything looks the same, is filled with unavoidable poison gas, and almost every direct route is blocked by an indestructible radio. It's just tedious to play through and doesn't feel rewarding when you finish it.
And the Fiends and the coyotes and the Radscorpions and the Jackals and the Vipers and the Powder Gangsters and the Easy Pete and the geckos and the Super Mutants and the ants and the aunts and the untz-untz-untz etc.
Does anyone find fallout 4's survival mode to be unbearably frustrating?
I almost threw my controller and man I never rage.
It's not just harder- it's intrinsically frustrating
Now that all the DLC is out, is Fallout 4 worth a damn? Do mods fix it?
>I can come back when I'm reasonably leveled and geared up to deal with those challenges
just turn the difficulty down if you can't manage
>is Fallout 4 worth a damn
It's an alright game with great open world, decent atmosphere, okay gunplay, annoying itemization and retarded writing.
If you're a fallout fan then fo4 sucks. If not it's alright.
The only thing that ruins Fallout 4's survival mode is locking you out of saving except on sleep. I understand the purpose of wanting to cut down on save-scumming, but that was a poor solution. They shouldn't have removed buffs from cooked food either.
>make DLC intentionally bad-designed and shitty
>"I-i-it's for filtering the d-drones..."
>dlc's theme is about letting go
>game presents you with piles of gold with massive selling potential
>you are expected to not be able to take it all out with you as you escape
>pick up gold and walk up to the door where Elijah comes through
>as soon as he opens it and walks through, I ragdoll hard and end up on the other side
>walk out with every brick
cope, filtered
>pretends to like Dead Money
>accuses others of coping
>god-tier atmosphere
>great story
>great characters
There's literally no reason to hate this dlc other than getting filtered by the gameplay
Poor man's survival horror.
>Poor man's survival horror
survial horror games are poor man's games
I could make a list as long as my arm.
The biggest issues would be only saving when sleeping- but then not allowing you to just use the bed as a save point and even giving you a debuf for sleeping one hour to save progress.
Then there is the mechanics that increase difficulty coming with stat changes- it's not just "survival", it's survival AND expert difficulty.
The system of debuffs is totally unexplained, I was surprised again and again by mechanics I couldn't observe directly- like rain and raw meat making me susceptible to disease .
The minimum health completely ruins the early levels- Expect to loose 20 minutes play because you took a cheap shot over...and over.
without the stealth perks to avoid combat or heavy armour available, the VATS system as unreliable as ever and landmines harder to spot and with a much greater blast radius I found myself constantly being killed by a single ghoul I couldn't get a VATS 100% on and making three bad 80% rolls.
1 in 25 ordinary lone ghouls will kill you if you use VATS...that's if you can kill them in 2 shots
Also a lot of the mechanical changes compound
Low carry weight-no fast travel-ammunition weight-debufs
Low HP-slow food heal- weak stimpacks-chem debufs-increased enemy DAM-debufs
A stand out error is that HP is decreased linearly, not relatively to armour and meds
As I was typing I was killed by a single insect which somehow survived three 70% VATS checks and KO'd me in a cutscene
Sure but the 12.7mm is the best gun in the game and the elite riot gear is the coolest armour.
Honest Hearts and Dead Money are good. Lonesome Road is meh. Old World Blues is hot trash because of humor. I wish those DLCs were integrated into the main map more. They feel like separate games too much.
Dead Money is high level kino. It's a shame not everyone is smart enough to appreciate it
I love Honest Hearts. I really like the tribal stuff and seeing the untouched paradise.
I love Dead Money. I enjoy it when games take away your shit and force you to be creative with what you can scrounge up.
Old World Blues is okay. Having The Sink is nice, but for the most part it's a little boring.
Lonesome Road is a chore and Ulysses is a fuckwit mong-tard hypocrite who bitches at you for doing something you couldn't have know about, to people who were stupid enough to build their settlement on missile silos, while he himself is responsible for the White Legs destroying New Canaan.
Filtered. It's ok not everyone can appreciate it. But stop making a fool out of yourself
>that trip
>these opinions and posts
is this the power of bait?
Is this the power of bait?
Far Harbor
>gameplay sucks dick
>"BUT THE STORY!" goes the obsididrone
If I wanted a good story I'd read a book
>I'd read a book
You wouldn't.
just like you wouldn't play a good DLC lmao
Dead Money's second half sucks. OWB has some interesting exploration but the quests are lacking and it's a Fallout 2 tier memefest. No one likes Lonesome Road. Now Honest Hearts? The true plebfilter. Live off the land and relive the old testament boys, it's kino time.
Why would you rather play a DLC that's the same as what you just did for 30 hours in the main game when you could play one with a unique take on the world, atmosphere and mechanics?
Spent 80+ hours just exploring and building settlements before dropping it. Never even got really started on the MQ because it didn't interest me.
Since i only spent 10€ on the GOTY edition i'd say it was worth it for me, but YMMV.
>Now Honest Hearts? The true plebfilter.
>Live off the land and relive the old testament boys, it's kino time.
Honest Hearts is fun, but it's not "filtering" anybody. Clean water and food is abundant, and the combat is a straight shooting gallery against lightly armored opponents.
You can still save scum (exit saves), but it's slower than normal
it's always about the "story" with these plebs when everything in this game is typical gibberish anyway
>bro what if u had one chance to get all that moneye...could u..let go?
>when you're already sitting on 100k caps and there's nothing to buy anyway
just like how your character is hell bent on chasing some guy who shot him and ignoring the hundreds of mooks who also shoot you on the way there
unique doesn't mean good
Legitimately a frustrating experience throughout. Whilst the atmosphere was good, the actual gameplay was annoying and unsatisfying as fuck. The only solace I got from it was the god-tier story and companions. Dog/God coming to terms with one another was the great.
Based. Honest Hearts is a great dlc and Zion Canyon is max comfy.
Plebfilter. Not casual filter.
>ignoring the hundreds of mooks who also shoot you
You must have played the game very differently than i did.
Also beating Benny to death with a tire iron is one of my favorite FNV memories. He's just the right kind of asshole to make it satisfying.
>Dead Money's second half sucks
The abandoned casino floor, the hologram performance sequence, going through the hotel area and the vault are all highlights.
>OWB quests are lacking and it's a Fallout 2 tier memefest
>No one likes Lonesome Road
>honest hearts
All you do is run around in circles on empty map killing wild animals. First hours of the game in goodsprings tier, just with marginally bigger enemies. Just because joshua's a cool characters doesn't make this dlc fun
>Ghost of She
>Survivalist's caves and lore
>finding the rifle
>using Chalk's perk to discover locations to gather more resources
>deciding whether or not genocide can be justified
It's based as fuck, it's not even up for debate.
I loved Honest Hearts but couldn't enjoy it due to frequent crashs
Also for a new experience try Very Hard + Hardcore at level 30 for all the giant variants of wildlife. Or Hard with JSawyer Ultimate. Very intense and forces to stealth and run when necessary.
Was the only NV DLC i really liked. OWB had "humour", HH felt sort of dull (the worldspace was nice though) and LR had Ulysses, making it the worst of the DLCs, but it did have some cool gear.
I've never played any of the 3D Fallouts on anything lower than Very Hard
It is so easy even on that which makes me wonder just how easy Easy or Very Easy are
I feel you. Blows my mind how people complain about bulletsponge enemies when they're dumb as bricks and the stat systems are so easily exploited.
far harbor was actually kinda cool and ten times better written than the main game. Except that "you might be a synth" bullshit that goes nowhere and is contradicted by the entirety of the game.
All DLC was hot trash that made the main game worse somehow