Secret enemy appear in a common zone

>secret enemy appear in a common zone

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looks like TR2 Venice

For me, it's the Tomb Raider map.

Really clear water there

This plague is a gift.

yeah, who need a society anyway

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Cute croc

>Clear water
This was shopped for sure, venice channels are the equivalent of Gange river crossing pajeet shit street

The croc is shooped but the water is really clear now that no one is using the channels

Idk about the croc but the clear water is real. Fish and even swans have started returning

i'll handle that enemy
then i'll handle youre're moms's fishystuff

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>boats no longer churning up the silt at the bottom
>water becomes clearer
Wow, what a surprise. It's still riddled with disease though.

the croc is real

fake and gay

and where did it come from? crocks don't live in europe

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I was stuck in this exact area for a little while on tomb raider. in the game theres a timed gate where that bridge is and you need to speed thru it in the boat

my nigga

stormwind looks off

saltwater crocs exist

wow, the croc turned invisible?

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It was an afterimage

I got a disease for ya pal.

They shit in toilets not the street Ravi

i think it pretty much confirms venetians are reptilians who can turn invis at will without cast time or cooldowns

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I love how this virus is blowing globalist/environmentalist fags out of the water

No it isn't. Boat traffic makes the water muddy, not pollution

And the retard of the thread award goes to

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>Really clear water there
Based Poo.

Sneak: 100

This. tomb raider 2, had so much fun with my sister who couldn't jump for shit but liked shooting people so we kinda split the play through.

Did you lick her feet while she played?

Fuck tourists

>swarm mobs have an AOE attack

Attached: AOE.jpg (682x818, 105.36K)

Must have been the wind.


You rang?

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That's disgusting she's my onee-san and I'm her imouto.

That would be Speechcraft 100 unless you're bringing up some kind of non-standard perk or mod

FUCK, the first 4 seconds and I'm already on my sides

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>Enviroment healing itself
>Boomers dying
>Conservatives turning into socialists
>Normalfags have to stay home

Based Corona-chan.

is anyone else unsettled by that black door?

Attached: STANDING HERE.jpg (1024x682, 75.42K)

>Playing Maplestory
>Grinding in Henesys Hunting Ground 1 with dozens of other noobs
>Some vac hacker taking everyone's shit, people start getting mad at him
>He spawns a Jr. Balrog, genocide ensues

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>Boomers dying
Only people dying to Corona are 60+yo's

Proof that meatballs are fucking filthy., boomers?
we aren't talking about lol meme 30 year olds are boomers, we're talking about the real boomers, the old fucks that sit in the government or middle management.

>animals reclaiming the streets
guess we are fucked

Fair enough

Shit could easily change in two weeks

Literally the first time in your life that you address the correct use of "boomer" and you fail. Fucking zooomers m8.

>Florida Keys has all the cool pier bars where tons of fish congregate for free food
>All of that without having to deal with a Romani trying to hustle you for a 50 dollar gondola ride

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God damn you are fucking stupid

Are you going to rape him and infect him with aids?

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i remember diablo appearing in act 2 maggot lair for me once
i was so fucking confused

>enemies can dodge your attacks

Attached: DO A BARREL ROLL!.webm (800x450, 1.03M)

t. Florida man

>Constantly intimately interconnected with a vast and infinite pool of information to draw from
>Instead of using google for 2 seconds to correctly recall how old boomers are you decide to make an ass of yourself

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don't crocs and alligators have super-charged immunity or something?

that's a good thing

don't even bother, these kids are idiots

haha yeah fuck old people like my pa...rents and... grand... parents...
wait a second...

Venice would be worth visiting again if they manage to keep that water clarity after the plague.
Fuck, in my dream this is how All major French rivers will look in 3 week, fuck the Seine.

Dude, please kill yourself

That's funny, I'd imagine you'd be into incest judging from your typing style

>fuck old people like my parents and grandparents
exactly, i hate them

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tits or gtfo

Yeah, fuck those ungrateful fucks.

>derrherrherr user you need to fuckoff from our house since you are 18
>what do you mean you cant support yourself while the biggest recession in our lifetime is going
>wtf user we need you here come fucking help us we are old and shit fucking drop your work and come pamper us

>teased boss gets eaten by even bigger boss

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>he thinks people not riding boats in the water for a week is cleaning the environment and it isn't just the dirt settling down to the bottom of the water making it clear now that its calm
Literal retards. I honestly wish this virus would go out on control and purge all the stupid fucking faggots on this ball of shit we live on.

don't even bother, these kids are idiots

Mamma mia! Not the Crocodilerino!

so explain all the fish coming in then retard

>"The crocodile has an immune system which attaches to bacteria and tears it apart and it explodes..."

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love these people talking about my town when they don't know shit about it

That's literally what all macrophages do

Except all of the bars are FUCKING closing here in Florida

Nah the old farts are hoarding items and cocooning themselves inside now. Most people getting infected are 30-40 year olds.

good old days

No. Wood naturally starts to look like that after being exposed to moisture for too long. Most floor joists in houses with crawlspaces look like that door.

I do floor insulation for a living.

Are the canals that shallow or is it just the water fucking with the perspective?

not everyone has shitty parents you dumb fucks, i'm sorry you were abused but you shouldn't be angry at everyone older than you