How do we fix FFXIV?
How do we fix FFXIV?
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Official nude mods.
By lewding the hag cat.
>>Yas Forums
You don't, you burn it down and fire the whole team so development can work with non-shitards on the new MMO
more furries
Fire Yoshida.
You can't fix what is already peek performance, you, may not like it but this is what it looks like
Building it on something other than the remains of 1.0 would be a nice start. But that'd take too long to redo.
> imagine liking or caring about the most boring woman of the world completely developed of any personality whatsoever aside of some snarky innuendo dialogues
Come on guys, there are way more interesting characters than that.
dont bring back dead characters just because they have katanas and fujos like them.
kill the trannies
>caring about personality as opposed to physical sexual attractiveness.
you obviously know very little about most men
>got to enrage in my first ever E5S lockout
Is that good or no
Dumb cat. I wish Yotsuyu was still alive.
That is sexist.
Could Square never figure out how big they actually wanted Bahamut to be?
Add more gacha mechanics
I remember thinking that after seeing the opening cinematic and his giant ass hand in coils. They REALLY needed at least one shot of him next to a building or something to get the scale down.
Remake Realm Reborn first
the gameplay is braindead easy and monotonous
the story begins as pretty fucking uninteresting and moves at a snails pace
I can't tolerate both of these, I could never move past the lv35 free trial knowing that there are still dozens upon dozens of hours left before the gameplay and story starts to pick up steam. It's a shame because the music is amazing, the design direction is solid and I hear good things about the story later on
anyway, I have no idea why all modern MMOs insist on being so fucking braindead easy thorugh the leveling phase. Other console and PC games all have at least a mildly engaging and challenging gameplay all the way through, so why the hell do modern MMO devs think that everything before endgame should be a faceroll, because "that's what the average gaymer want"
>anyway, I have no idea why all modern MMOs insist on being so fucking braindead easy thorugh the leveling phase.
Because you actually lose more players by not being braindead easy to play
wait a few months till they cut alot of fat out of the MSQ then pick it up. Or don't, it's your time.
Remove the built-in server lag. Everyone runs around like they're skating on ice, and having such a huge tickrate means any time/movement sensitive mechanics can't be played around.
Replace level sync with an actual scaling system that lets you play your whole job.
Prune skillsets, add more utility skills that aren't just different flavours of potency to be worked into your rotation and then forgotten about. Things like the shifting combo buttons in PvP have no reason to not exist in PvE, if anything PvP showed that most Jobs can function exactly the same with 1/3 the buttons to push.
Add chat bubbles so players can have situational awareness in social environments; there's a reason why literally every single MMORPG has this, and a reason why XIV barely has a community outside of the cliques people are forced into.
Remove Yoshida and put someone with a modicum of creativity in his place.
>Because you actually lose more players by not being braindead easy to play
this is such a fucking meme
the world's most popular console/pc games like GTA, Skyrim, etc or even the typical popular JRPGs all have at least a somewhat challenging gameplay, but MMOs are just the purest forms of braindead, cookie clicker facerolls up until the beginning of the endgame
WoW also started losing it's playerbase the more it started to dumb down everything that isn't the very endgame. Classic was a huge success and only started losing steam because people literally started to run out of content and Blizz fucked up the handling of open world PvP
the average gamer doesn't like this braindead gameplay. Currently the only reason most people can tolerate it is because there is some masochistic satisfaction on literally getting over these shitty parts and moving closer to the endgame, but this isn't how games should be designed. Modern MMO devs really need to move out of their genre circlejerk and look at other video games
WRONG. consistency has always been this games greatest strength. You always know what your gonna get and most players are pretty satisfied with just that.
None of that wow reinvent the wheel bullshit.
You're implying MMOs can be fixed
>finally get around to doing Bardam's Mettle as AST
>all that motherfucking damage
Fucking hell, even when the tank was single pulling they still felt like they could die at any time while casting malefic/gravity
Play WHM and nothing will ever fucking die except you of boredom
Bahamut's actual body was fucking huge but since his body got fucked by Dalamud crashing it was never really "alive" during the Coils. Then we punched the core of his being to death.
Bardam's Mettle is notorious for bitchslapping tanks like they're made of paper
It's like the Vault. Around that point if you don't have the last Tomestone set from the past expansion or gear from the previous dungeon you're probably gonna get your ass beat.
Either that or the tank wasn't using cooldowns properly. I think a few of the mobs in there have actual tankbusters.
Make a new MMO on an engine/foundation that isn't a horrific nightmare to work with
I love this artist
Because a lot of tanks still go in there with mostly full shire gear and get wrecked since it's the dungeon that shire gear starts being a detriment in.
But does he actually do porn or is he just another cocktease printer
Story and pve is fine, but good lord pvp needs a fucking upheaval. The current system is busted beyond reason, especially with frontlines and the faction winrates. Also FUCK timed exclusive pvp armors that never return! I need the hellhound armor so damn bad
a bit of both
Tease is better anyway
Isn't there an alliance raid set that looks slight like that? At least with the glowing eyes if I'm correct.
Tease is good but not all the fucking time man
There's someone else that need a lewding
Old Sharlayan Expansion, when?
Delete fflogs and savage content
The game is now fixed
Here you go user! Not what you wanted but a nice distant second.
Dude what are you on about. That is lterally almost the entirety of the FF14 cast.
The big thing is it being useable even by classes that normally can’t wear plate armor. And of course it ain’t the only exclusive pvp set from the ranked seasons.
Dragoons need Wyverns
Summoners need proper Summons not that egi shit and carbuncle
Monks need Dolphin Blow
Allow bullying of shitters
Ingame parser
Move the servers back to Montreal
Let people mod as they please
How is your crafting going?
It's not, if those gooks think I'm going to bother with that shit they'll get another thing coming, I already have to slave away at work thank you.
I played around in The Diadem when the patch came out, crafted enough items to buy the stuff I wanted then promptly left with no intention of returning.
I really don't understand why people willingly slave away for the entire day just to get a chance at getting on some random leaderboard no one's ever going to look at.
He wasn't "alive" when Dalamud crashed either. That was the primal Bahamut, the real one died in meracydia thousands of years prior to the game.
hopefully after the primal crystal stuff mystery niggas. so you can just get some chill no stakes fights and fan service.
I know, I was talking about the Primal
By adding more important catboy NPCs
>chill no stakes fights
>implying those fuckwits won't somehow unleash an ancient super weapon at everyone
that would be very disappointing writing wise for me but yea i guess thats what you have to do .
It's an entire country full of spellcasters or some shit, it's a wonder they haven't nuked themselves again yet
The Empire is the worst part of this game and I wish we would just obliterate it / cuck them out and turn them good so we could stop mentioning them at all.
But it probably won't happen by the next expansion so they can keep stringing this stupid storyline along.
Hopefully the next FF MMO doesn't have an empire.
>3 dancers with me
>2 of them buff me
I felt unstoppable and died twice but my numbers were big
agreed maybe if they stop doing muh savage muh resistance stories.
whos that in the pic?
Redesign it as a solo game so it can be the top FF game it was meant to be.
I mean one of their big shots already hates everyone not-Sharlayan, and extra hates us if we did AST, along with the fact that their government probably has the Scions on their shit list for getting involved with the world, so comfy times there was never really that possible
>Tfw AST + DNC + DRG in the party
Big numbers make me wish my static was set up like that sometimes but I'm playing with IRL friends so whatever
>wanting more catboys
Remember that when the time comes all catboys get the yarn
Why do people think he won't be in the First when he got sucked into a bloody dimensional portal?
Hopefully they will deal with empire in side stories like Ruby weapon, relic and next expansion we go somewhere more interesting.