T minus 6 hours
T minus 6 hours
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>T minus 6 hours
Triple anal fisting and squirt
$599 US Dollars.
Just that its slightly less powerful than Xbox so that Snoys can use all kinds of entertaining mental gymnastics and cope. Just for personal entertainment reasons.
>It's probably too cheap
Pretty cheap for a top tier computer spec box
Hope: PS3 BC
Fear: just PS4 BC, not even PS1 and 2
Backwards disc compatibility.
If there's that, I'll play ball.
As good hardware as it possibly can be so PC games look sexy.
The rest is of no interest to me.
Not this
I expect people will be disappointed. It won't be as powerful as the x. The only thing in question is how big the gap is.
Why do people give ashit about this when old consoles are 20 bucks and emulators exist??? But hey can't wait to play the same old ass games on this new expensive toy I just bought
Why do ESL retards add multiple punctuation marks?
The greatest console the world has ever known. Also, Bloodborne II
Shitty movie-games like The Last of Us are showcased
No good games shown.
Wow let me just get my old system to play these games. Who needs an all in one box?
Power. Games. I want to go home on playstation, skipping the prevuous gen, but I dont want to being submitted to coolstory about supercharged pc and watching naughty dog animation movies throughout the gen.
Remember when Yas Forums said the PS4 would bomb? That was a funny time.
Convenience. Are you retarded?
I thought first light was pretty good
backwards compatibility with ps4 discs, instant buy if this is true
no backwards compatibility
No hopes, no fears, no expectations. I already know that PC mogs it to hell and back.
I just need to see silent hill
All I need
Retards droning over stupid side features instead of things that matter
This, playstation launch games have a tendancy of being mediocre and are basically tech demos.
Means less ports faggot. You are so dumb.
good exclusives Demon Souls remaster, Bloodborne 2 The Order 2
probably just showing speccs
just showing speccs
Get ready to be hyped. We've got something very special in the works :)
$799 toilet seat
They close the California HQ and move back to Japan.
Nothing changes. The PS5 is just a very slightly different Xbox, like usual, despite Cerny talking it up like the second coming of Christ. It's all just PC + subscriptions now.
yeah who does exactly?
Twelve year old girl and a donkey??
lol he really believe this.
>just specs
>PS3 emulator
>PS4 emulator
I'd pay to see it
People buy the new FIFA player anyway though.
Sony knows they don't need to swoon their early adopters with AAA shit. Rather let that wait, and spread out the adoption to match production.
Knack is good, Shadow Fall is not a Killzone and 73 is too much for that shit, First Light is better than Second Son and Second Son was mediocre, didn't play Driveclub.
I'm pretty sure they will ignore all these games and focus on the sequels of God of War, Days Gone, Spiderman and Horizon.
>just PS4 BC
The only realistic expectation
>who wants to run his favorite old games on his current machine with better graphics, framerate, resolution and loading times without buying them again
Zen 2 3.6GHz 8c/16t.
500GB SSD.
>don't sell your PS1-4 games
>because those won't come on PS5
Ratchet, Jak, Sly.
A PS5 announcement.
No games announced.
Hasn't even released yet and it's already under powered
Lmao the fuck nuggets believing this.
PS4 games will be Backwards compatible. But not PS1,2 or 3.
>Nintendo doesn't even custom-order an NES-on-a-chip for the NES Classic Mini, no matter how cheap it would've been.
>Not for SNES mini either.
>Sony's mini console is even worse.
>Hoping for an actual Cell-chip in PS5
Not to dash your hopes and dreams, dude, but it ain't looking likely. And don't put your money on a first party PS3 emulator.
Is there a livestream?
That's the Fridgebox.
Really don't get why backwards compatibility is such a big request now. In the past sure but now they can just release them as downloads for a couple of dollars anyway.
Seems a huge cost to put the old chip sets in to avoid that hassle.
Sony will just shill PS Now harder.
There will be no PS1, PS2 or PS3 backwards compatibility.
What about those with PlayStation discs?
I doubt it will be live. Cerny is a sperg and they couldn't edit it to be appropriately cinematic.
I dont care about modern PS games, I just want BC with PS1-PS3.
Playstation 4 discs will read. 1,2,3 will not.
The only backwards compatibility is PS4.
Its a direct like thing. Pre made video.
"Because we don't want GameStop to make any money on reselling physical media, when we can claim full store price from each and every user on our online service!"
Sorry to burst your bubble. But this is from Sony's mouth themselves:
・ Designed for compatibility with 4 PlayStation® titles
There will be no PS1,2,3 BC. It will still remain locked to PS Now.
So they’re just gonna show specs? Are they gonna give out specs higher than the Sex’s but with no actual console shown cause they’re in panic mode scrambling around?
BC is always at the top of the list of feature requests for new consoles because everyone knows they literally do not have games yet at launch. Instead of manifesting as a "wait and see" attitude, this instead compels them to demand it play games they already own. Consumerism is a hell of a drug.
Full library of backwards compatibility at launch
BC library tied to a "Game Pass" type system which Sony would dictate. A small trickle of BC titles each month. None of the good titles will ever go BC, just so they can be repackaged and sold as HD collections.
No BC, console sucks lmao
>No BC
PS4 only.
You didn't answer my question about why retards use multiple punctuation marks. Adding "???" to a question doesn't make it more questiony, retard.
I have no hope. Every game that end up on Playstation as an exclusive is a game I could have enjoyed with better resolution and framerate on my PC.
At least Xbox doesn't give a shit anymore and just put all their games on both console and PC.
I really hope Sony fuck up and great games like bloodborne aren't locked on a shit hardware again.
Buying a console at launch is pissing money away, even more so now that there's a mid gen upgrade. I have a pro for cheap enough and will be happy with it for a few more years.
That said sony's scummy practices this gen have put a bad taste in my mouth so we'll see.
Well Sony are in the process of porting their games to PC.
We get Horizon Zero Dawn soon.
I know, but a man can dream.
I'm an xboxfag, but I still keep my ps2 and ps3 plugged in because it has so many great games trapped on them. I dont care how powerful the ps5 is, I just want to play my older games on it.
Im excited to see what that can pull out on top hardware. It was a stunning game on ps4.
Wasting resources so you can habe that ps1 game running on ps5 is retarded 99% won't even use it even though they pretend they need this garbage
Why is everyone so excited? It is just tech talk, they're not showing the console self or the controller or whatsoever
The fuck are you on about, tard?
Hope you guys enjoy it, I seem to be one of the few who plays shit mostly on ps4 that didn't get into the game.
I was excited all the way to launch then bought it and played maybe 5 hours, should probably give it another chance.
Interested in what a sequel could be though.
A lot of people think it's just a piece of code to enable it.
Says who?
For the fifth time in a row, Sony will release a console that runs video games at thirty frames per second.
Thirty games per second.
In the year of our lord 2020.
Nah i already played it, just want to see what it can look like on PC.
I went into it wanting to dislike it, i had found it dirt cheap and had spare time. The protag annoyed me, the supporting characters, lots of politics etc. However the gameplay was a tonne of fun as you get into the game with all the tools, the world building and story was great and the design good too.
It's actually stuck with me more than most games despite as said wanting to dislike it and even purposefully fucking everything I could up at the start.
Damn you are right I forgot about this. Hopefully this time they let people crossplay online. Not being able to play with my Sony friends was so annoying.
>Thirty games per second.
Why wouldn't they. It would be a total waste of money making games that run at 60 but look worse. It's not what most customers want.
Is it really sony's fault? Blame game devs.
Legit no gaems.
I actually really love the world, Robodinos is some dumb shit that hits me right in my childhood.
Maybe I will try and pick it up again sooner then later.
Gonna have to do something during eventual quarantine.
Consoles are in the unique position to mandate whatever Sony or Microsoft choose. Games that don't meet their requirements don't get certified, and thus don't release. So yes, it is in fact Sony's (or Microsoft's) fault when games run like garbage.
I guarantee you they’ll focus a lot on the ssd and load times. I have a feeling that the X is going to be more powerful overall but the 5 will have faster load times by 3-4 seconds.
Cap it.
I-IS THAT A P-PLAYSTATION 5????? No way, I just ate my onions and now they announce the Playstationrino 5!?!?!? Best day of my life!
That's too bad.
This thing has those same haptic triggers that resist like the xbone, what are those like?
Feel good?