Will Tifa be attractive in the Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Will Tifa be attractive in the Final Fantasy VII Remake?
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she's wonderful
God chink Tifa is grotesque
kinda fine with her not having a supermodel tier face desu. And I like the detail on Aerith's face, it conveys the character and her role well. But this is...not good. It seems like she gets more and more generic with each iteration.
AC Tifa was kind of "meh, okay I guess" and the Remake Tifa is a slight downgrade of that.
Still 8/10 waifu regardless.
I dunno we'll have to wait until the game comes out since we don't know what she'll look like.
there, fixed for you weebs.
imagine if corneo's goons ravaged her on a table haha
I love cherrypicking!
>the aftermath of this scene
they did pretty good I'd say
why the fuck are you guys complaining now when that's literally how she looks since Advent Children
You do know some of us have complained since Advent Children? In addition her Remake design is her worst to date.
This is the best she's looked yet and the best looking girl in the game. The scene's also upgraded since we first saw it so hopefully her other scenes will get updated for the better as well.
yes autism is a life long affliction
it must really suck to be you guys
Girls in love are always attractive. Tifa is a pure maiden who stumbled upon the boy next door she thought she'd lost. She's beautiful.
idk, she does join a terrorist group for revenge. She's clearly not meant to be a pure maiden, not that she's a bad or totally degraded person eithr.
wanna kiss 'er!
i wanna kiss that dirty slut
>they made the one that dies fastest the best girl
not fair
aeris is pretty flirty if that's what you like
made for Rude cock
>avoided being caught in the firefight by being in the wall market
>was only gravely wounded by Sephiroth because she was just an irritation to him
>Marlene saved her from Loz
Tifa is damn lucky now that I think about it lol
is that supposed to look good?
She looks fine and I don't understand why everyone whines about Tifa's physical features daily.
>everyone talks about how hot Tifa is
>Cloud teases her in front of the party and says she wears granny panties
Tifa is more pure than Aerith. I think.
At the very least, she never tried to pimp Cloud out to a mafia boss.
maybe I just didn't appreciate the pixel titties but I saw her more as cute
she just pimped herself to him.
Besides that was to get her back. Aerith is pretty obviously the more pure or innocent girl. It's her entire character conception and Square flanderizes her in that direction for a reason.
Yea I know she's "flirty" but that's just confidence and directness. Tifa flirts too, or tries to.
she looks like a hapa jew lol
>can fight
>money smart
Perfect waifu.
They should at least include a costume that has her original outfit design.
she cant fight!
many better endgame party members!
Is Tifa white or Asian?
nooooo! Now you've done it.
Anglo saxon
I bet Tifa does the books for Seventh Heaven by herself and then helps Cloud with Strife Delivery because she's a good mommy.
>Tifa is designed to look like a Japanese girl and focus on cuteness.
It doesn't matter if she looks Asian or her name sounds white, she's neither because there's no concept of a "European" or "Asian" race in FF7
it's an arbitrary category but asking if she's white or asian is clearly describing an identifiable difference
You take a look at Wutai and the people in it and tell me there's no concept of Wutai-born people looking drastically different from everyone else.
Asian is a shorthand we use to describe that difference because that's what it is in our lives.
That being said, I don't give a shit if Tifa is half Wutaian or whatever. She's still cute.
Yea, Cloud and Tifa are Niebelheimians who in terms of IRL aestaethics are Nordic people with Asian faces.
>This mutt still mad
i want to kiss her on the lips
AC Tifa is pretty cute.