Asks for your full name

>asks for your full name
>then date of birth
>then blood type
>then asks where you live in real life
wtf... I thought this was a childrens game...

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truth is they already have that info. theyre just asking out of politeness.

>implying children don't know how to answer these questions

W-What do they need the bloodtype for

I don't know my bloodtype

let me guess......youre american?...

You don't need to give blood type. And you only need to specify east or nort hemosfere but yeah the rest

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It's a japanese thing. They treat blood types like birth signs or astrology shit.

I bet it's all used in some fucked up algorithm to determine your fruit, starting villagers, and airport color.

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You guys never played E.T. on the GBC, I take it? E.T. asks for everything, like 30 different aspects of your life, what your favorite food is, how you pass the time, if you are currently online etc. Almost like a pedo stalker.

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europoor here, I don't know my bloodtype either. My doctor knows and he's the only person who needs to desu

>My doctor knows and he's the only person who needs to desu
let's hope he's here if something happens and you need a transfusion

It's useful to know what it is, and put it on the Emergency Info of your phone (or on a card you keep in your wallet), just in case you get into a serious accident. Paramedics can use that info to quickly give you blood if needed.

>>asks for your full name
Only your first name
>>then date of birth
That's a staple on the series
>>then blood type
>>then asks where you live in real life
That's for choosing in which hemisphere you live, for the seasons
I think it's completely random, but they do ask you a final questions with four different answers that they say it doesn't matter.

You would if you were japanese
Australian here, I can't for the life of me fucking remember mine

>he's the only person who needs to
It's convenient to have around so they don't have to dig for your information in case you need a transfusion.

>have rare blood type
>now the Baal worshippers know where to find you

>Japs look so alike they go to blood types to get some form of racism in their country

thanks user, I'll do that. I mean I guess the info's in the health care system too but if I go abroad unlikely then I'm fucked if something happens

>O negative blood
I can help any other blood type. The donor ladies like it when I go.

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>not bragging about your blood type
You can be rare
You can help everyone

Autism: the post

Used to be you only had to specify
A, B, AB, O

When I recently renewed my license, apparently the blood types are even more subdivided:
A+, A-, B+, B- ...

i really want to make donating blood a usual thing but sadly its too far away from me here. keep up the good work donating user

>Game asks you to provide your Social Security Number

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>ywn have Rh null blood, and live off selling it to labs for $10,000 a vial

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you fucking wish. i have a relatively rare blood type in my area (O-), which mean im fucked if i get into an accident, cause O can only receive O. and i have to response to emergency call on the clock in case another like me need some blood
i dont even get any compensation

I have generic blood but I'm so pale and my veins are so big the ladies always compliment them

But user you're like part of an exclusive bro club
Nobody else in the world can save people in your group except other O- Bros. If any of them need help, YOU are the one to save them

I sure hope it doesn't ask what my blood type is, or I literally can't play the game. I at least hope it's something you can go back to and edit. I tried getting info on my blood type when I got blood drawn, but I don't think I ever did end up receiving it.

>only sub 50 people have Rh null in the world
You better just stay in a lab like a test subject.

Blood typing is the nip version of star signs for horoscope bullshit

What the fuck do you mean "apparently", do you know what Rh factor is?

>donating blood or organs
bluepilled retard

Hospitals can do a blood type test very quickly, and use O neg until the type is determined. Standard actions during traumas considering a lot of patients are unconscious or just dont know their blood type since its not useful information for the average person

this, I smoke and drink so they can't harvest my organs when I die.
I don't want my parts to keep some jewish pedophile alive.

>that Yas Forumscel who desires a strong and stable community but actually has no community values

is that the cheapest way to find out what you are?

Probably not since he would know his blood type was chocolate syrup if he was

Not him but another Europoor, my social security number carries my entire medical history. In what situation would I have to explain it to someone myself? If I'm conscious I can just tell them the number and they'll know my blood type and allergies and how to contact my family and employer if necessary

E.T. games are always the worst desu

How do I get my blood type tested and what is a good fact about each blood type?

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the thought of having someone else's blood in me make me feel sick

Cut yourself and let a few drops hit a paper towel. The letter it spells is your blood type

Yeah, you stupid gook.

Your mother might know.
Otherwise they'll send you a card with your type after donating.

Thanks! Here I go...

Many such cases
As a jew hater myself what really pisses me off is people that use hating jews as an excuse to be a useless fucking neet

Huh... guess my blood type is NIGGER.

that's because I don't want my blood to keep some nigger alive.
I'd sing a different tune in a homogenous nation.

>try to buy a chair from nook
>asks for my credit card details
>no option to cancel
>autosaves on this screen
What a weird game haha

>Blood type?
>Why, A+ of course

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Seethe, wagie.

>east or nort hemosfere

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why the game isn't released early if you people playing already

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The only Americans who remember their blood type are military service members, because it gets printed right on their dog-tags.
I'm A+.

>tfw AB+
Blood of kings. Born with the privilege to take from everyone else and give to none but my kind. Plasma doesn't count

>Having a rare blood type makes me cool, even though I have no personality

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50 KNOWN people.
A majority if the world's population never learns what their blood type is.

>found the A bloodlet