So, THIS is the power of western development. WOAH

So, THIS is the power of western development. WOAH

Attached: 1555130691328.webm (720x720, 1.08M)

>i invented this mecahnic called climbing objects

Wow the animations look bad.

I dont get it? Hasnt this always been a thing?

It even looks gay. Seriously, this shit is not even worth pirating

>awful animations
>awful snow effects

>that snow animation at the end

where are the fucking ladders?

It's over, Sony won again.

I can't wait to travel on that exact same linear path to get through this area
Boy I hope nothing falls or I don't slip!
How exciting and immersive

>This is the power of crunch

Looks like trash bruh.

I understand that shockwaves are to be expected from dark souls 2 onwards, but what is exactly happening to the snow the first moment she lands?

Why does it look like the ledges have some kind of gravitational pull?

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>that snow animation
lmao what the fuck

how can you dump so much technology into a game and end up with it looking terrible

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>Wow, you can climb up pre-determined routes! Aren't you impressed?

uncharted 2 had better snow almost a decade ago



smart damage control desu, just say it sucks before you release it, then no one can get mad

>Shoot people in name of self-defense
>Map transition
>Shoot people in name of self-defense
>Map transition
>Shoot people in name of self-defense
>Map transition

>IGN: 11/10 Game of the century wowowowowowoooo

Now that you mention it, how can she even grab on to the last two ledges? They are covered in snow and are flat/rounded surfaces with nothing to hold on to. And they are covered in snow.

Nincels in absolute shambles after Persona Royal
You can feel the desperation in this thread

Chances that it will have movable platforms(box on wheels, dumpster) and a.i. companion "press triangle" to boost features?

>b-b-but NINTENDO

You forgot to add climbing and waist high grass stealth segments

>reductionist fallacy
damn, bro

how many animators died for this?

From the way it looks, all of them.

>Kojima invented cameras
>Druckman invented climbing
We live in truly blessed times.

Yet the sad thing is that the game will manage to sell millions.

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Everything is magnetic. Not as in literal magnets but the way it's programmed. Context sensitive buttons operate in this way, they do exactly what you tell it to without doing anything extra or allowing any freedom.

I've seen better animations in ps2 era games.

All this time in development with crunch hours and this is the best they could do with the animations?


Okay, I know this video is compressed as fuck but STILL this looks like the first game to me. I can't tell the graphical difference.

>overwork animators so hard they leave in droves
>animation suffers because you have to hire people specializing in cartoons rather than specializing in games

>gives it a 10 out of 10

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RDR2 has better snow effects

then why bother

I'm a Sony fanboy and ps4 user and I hate this garbage called TLOU

Kill yourself

imagine having a worse snow than batman arkham origins

Bing bing

tortanic of the year confirmed we did it bros

>mods deleted the other thread
And people call Yas Forums Nintendogaf.

so this is the power of Naughty Dog's crunch culture

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cause its art

Attached: 20190622_185038.jpg (1440x1521, 502.76K)

Why did the other thread get deleted? I was about to BTFO some faggot

power of cuntflapping

>Magnetic context sensitive animations
To think ND used to understand what the word platforming meant.

Didn't know lesbians could do that. Scary.

>Third jump

This looks like a nuXCOM map. This is more of a praise of xcom for being pretty good for a stealth tablet port.

Yeah fuck off sonyfag. No one ever compares shit like this to tortanic so stop using it as your shield against criticism.

>pans to overhead to hide how shit and ridiculous the animation
its a flat metal surface with powder snow, you would slip like hot butter on a pan, the trailer is also up to her chest and 6-7 feet away, for how realistic this game is that is fucking retarded

Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x280, 1.78M)

Silly user, suicide is for trannies!

How old are the uncharted games at this point? Because the snow in the second one looked better than it does in this game and it feels like uncharted 2 came out a gorillian years ago

don't be a bigot

>it's an edit made in post
>it's a fucking video game, there are no "shots"

how do you shoot something that is like 20 layers of media coming together to make a scene?

I don't even care about the animations or effects looking bad, this just looks fucking boring to play.

I know we're all stuck inside and everything is cancelled but you can't seriously be that bored to look for reasons to get angry at something like this?

Don't try these people either want to rile everyone up or they do not understand tortanic and GG are both over and that the aaa industry and it's fuck buddys are making themself look like a bunch of clowns and no one needs to do shit.

Had a fucking seizure trying to read this lads

This is how i try to explain things when i don't even understand the thing i'm explaining.

What's wrong, Yas Forums? This game should be right up your alley.

Attached: fun.png (674x81, 58.58K)

UC2 came out almost 11 years ago. That dude on Twitter was right, all of their talent left. This is a far cry from the ""gameplay"" they showed off at E3 a few years ago.

Linear games are objectively lazy and bad. The only people who play them are objectively lazy, simple minded monkeys who can't think for themselves.

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Ugly as fuck man. This reminds me of the trees in watch dogs. They clearly are trying to make stuff realistic but get quite the opposite result.

11 years ago

Those snow effects look fucking disgusting

Yeah a 5 second webm of a jump is a pretty far cry from a 10+ minute demo

Kill yourself, tranny