>no Girls' Last Tour game
what the fuck

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manga-based games are shit anyway (except if they're fighting games I guess)

maybe if it was less shit and boring

The fuck would you even do in that game?

And what kind of game would it be?
I don't want to play a shitty walking simulator.

It's literally Death Stranding

yuuri & chito are gay

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It wouldn't really lend to itself well to vidya, and it was near perfect as a manga

Also good to see my taters are still alive in shimejiland

theres a manga?

>two people carry on because they live for each other in a world slowly dying
>die at the end

That sounds less like fun and more like a planned exercise in suffering.

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How would you make a potato simulator?

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Kojima wanted to make it but accidentally made garbage instead. Totally unintentional. Shame.

Wouldn't it be a glorified walking simulator?


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>Japanese humor
Not even once.

the good kind of gey desu

I can't believe she fucking (didn't) died

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They're also dead.
What's the point?

the goal of the game is stop tkmiz from finally becoming an hero

Wasn't there a VN with similar plot to potatoes?

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That was the point user, there is none.

tarkov comes close

>don't starve
>collect resources
>keep the kettenkrad in good condition
>get lost in pipe labyrinth
>burn books to avoid freezing to death
>help friendly robot to commit suicide
>gather info about the old world
>platforming sessions on collapsing structures
>use your explosive wisely to open new ways
Fund it

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the world is a ruined husk isn't that uncommon a theme

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All we need now is Yuuribro

It's Rain World.

it should be set maybe a 100 years earlier so there still are some people around

Souls games are kinda like that in premise.

>no dunegon meshi game
The closest we've gotten to one is Adventure Bar Story and it's fucking fantastic.

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it could easily be a Yume Nikki clone

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The new chracters that were introduced are pretty boring, also when is the gang gonna make some actual progress?

Elf mommy and Misurn are great (only because of the latest chapter giving him a bunch to work with) but everyone else is just filler

Where the fuck are /tg/ and /vr/?


They commit suicide at the end. Eating the last of their food and leting themselves freeze to death.

god I wish that was me

No they made it to the moon, became clerks, and grilled fish ya dingus

>and leting themselves freeze to death.

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No they activated the machine, entered into a (shimeji) simulation and found themselves from same field they searched those fish souls.

this must be outdated.

Everytime I see art from tkmiz I get really worried.
I like his art a lot and he always seems a bad day away from actually killing himself.

Or herself who knows

Can you really call it suicide when there wasn't much else for them to do at that point?
You are not growing anything to eat in that world, animals are pretty much gone, the rations were basically gone too.

I remember how Yas Forums was trying to save "her" from depression.

Yas Forums of all places should know that you don't "save" people from depression.
Then again, if depression lead him/her to make Girl's Last Tour then it really shows.

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Wouldn't a Shimeji Simulation game work out better?

soul soulless

ohh you have no idea how that board went to dogs

Is this a PS4 exclusive?


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I visit it sometimes when a particularly good chapter for a manga I'm following drops.
So basically everytime a new chapter of Made in abyss drops.
So I'd say every few decades, give or take.

Ah, well fuck.

Reminder that Tkmiz is a tranny

Reminder that Tkmiz is an AI

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