I don't understand. When Halo was announced for PC there were mass celebrations and everyone seemed incredibly happy...

I don't understand. When Halo was announced for PC there were mass celebrations and everyone seemed incredibly happy. When Horizon Zero Dawn was announced for PC there was a furious outcry of anger and everyone seems to be yelling about a backstabbing. Why the difference in reactions? Shouldn't it be a great thing that more people are able to play a game?

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exclusives are one of the main selling points of consoles.

>When Halo was announced for PC there were mass celebrations and everyone seemed incredibly happy
You weren't around when Halo was announced for PC. And I mean the actual first time, not the MC Collection.

nah, being easy to use so retards don't break something accidentally is the main point

You're right, I wasn't. What was the reaction?

funny thing nobody cared on PC back then, we had so many FPS games, Halo seemed like generic shit

There was celebration and bile for both. You were just exposed to only one or the other.

Internet contains a lot of people, turns out

the fact that you people give brands money for holding your games hostage unless you buy their subpar branded PC never ceases to amaze me.

"muh exclusives" is the greatest cope of consoleplebs.

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HZD is a work of art, designed to be enjoyed by a privileged few, who aare invested in the platform, it was not made for dirty PC users, who will likely desecrate it by modding and pirating it.

people who worship corporations to the point they feel 'betrayed' are so systemically brain damaged you can't save them.

Maybe they can fix the piece of garbage that was the super secret power armour. Thing looked so cool in the stasis, but nah, let's just strap random bits of it to Aloy instead.

Xbox fans were upset both times.

Why does anyone care? I was so hyped about RDR2 and it was okay for the duration of the story, but even people here were treating it like GOTAY when it just feels like a facade. I doubt Horizon or about any other console game is any different. I'll take SS13, Don't Starve, Factorio, Paradox Grand Strategy, or Dorf Fort any day over one of those all glitz no substance console games.

And many more are to follow.

That's because it's a ploy from Sony(california) to try to fag up the Pc with sjw propaganda.

People were upset, nothing was added to make the PC version stand out so pretty much this
And then people said it was a shit port

HZD is trash and Snoys are afraid it's going to expose their platform even further.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
Is a shit game that no one wants.

Sonyfags don't deal well with losing exclusives. See: DMC4 and FF13.

The sad part is that those peasants will not understand this sentiment.
They enter, see numbers and 2D graphics and go back.

>We're getting this instead of bloodborne.
They can keep this game.

REMINDER: Sony is using HZD to test the waters with porting their exclusives to PC. If you dont buy HZD in the millions; Sony will drop the idea entirely and you will never get Bloodborne on PC.

What will be the next exclusive to come to PC?

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no, I get bored
I play chess or go if I want to play actual strategy game.

I want tsushima and days gone, just for settings.

isnt that game from 2013?

>holding our baby hostage.

But its a shit game, why wouldn't they pick something good for their litmus test?

No, 2007

consoles wouldn't exist without exclusives its something unique to the system and increases competition.

does that matter, unless you have to play a game as soon as it's launched.

they are the ONLY selling point of consoles. why else pay for an inferior machine?

The engine is apparently ports well to PC like with the case with Death Stranding.
Also the game has supposedly sold over 10 million copies; its no loss to Sony at this point to port the game over. There's less risk involved, so it was a prime candidate.

haha modders will try to put in the old, cute alloy design but i still won't buy it nor even pirate it. i don't want that thing on my PC

>Halo seemed like generic shit
Because it was and that the port was trash didn't help either.

KJP probably ported the engine to PC and HZD devs just capitalized on their work.

in any case I think it isn't that much of a test for sales figures, shit like dark souls, dragon's dogma + countless others already showed console games being ported to PC is a move that bears fruit.

>all those HZD threads with smug assholes claiming it's the best looking game ONLY ON PLAYSTATION
>it's coming to PC this summer

They look like exclusives to you?
Poor Sonyshitters.

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Kinda doubt it since Guerrilla would have a way better understanding of their own engine and Jap developers have a dodgy history with PC ports. Granted anything is possible at this point.
If anything you can argue it's a proof of concept exercise. Whether the effort to port them to PC is financially viable is left to be seen.

i've said this countless of times on Yas Forums

sony has brainwashed a generation of newcomers into video games through the nerd trend that was booming around this gen's consoles' reveal and releases.
after taking in super hero movie after super hero movie, these newly-turned "nerds" now needed a game system to latch onto.
when MS messed up their own reveal conference, the answer was obvious to them and they went with the safe pick with the PS4 because the memes on their internet feeds were only making fun of MS and xbone

the people that originally played halo on xbox have all grown up now and lost their virginities
if you played horizon zero dawn youve never even smelled a woman

>port them to PC is financially viable
That's what I'm saying though, they already know it is since multiple other console ports have been selling fine for roughly a decade.

It doesn't matter how well they understand it, it's pretty obvious that's what happened.

Sony exclusivities on PC isnt a common thing.

samefag here. none of those people i mentioned said anything nor complained about helldivers when it went to PC. helldivers is published by sony. these people don't care about games that are actually good.
the brainwashed sonyfag only cares about heavily marketed games, and pretend that exclusives sell the most. in reality, only two of sony's exclusives made the top-10 PS4 list of best selling games

>it's pretty obvious that's what happened.
It kinda does matter since they invented the engine and would know how well it runs on a PC. However I'am curious to know how you came to the conclusion of what supposedly happened.

As if i give a fuck about another cinematic open world crafting "stealth" game, i got sick of this genre around 2012.

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This really. Some of the robot dinos look okay, but the combat etc look very plain.

>Kojima: hey guys I said years ago this game would come out on PC is it alright if I port the engine to PC?
>HZDevs: yeah man sure but can we port Horizon also when ur done?
>Kojima: no you fucking retards what about sony fanboys?
>HZDevs: lmao who cares

not rocket science dude

Just like with WWII FPS, Modern FPS, GoW clones or Uncharted clones, you will be forced to eat them even when full.
Unless someone fins new easy&big hit to sell and make 9001 iterations.

Let me explain this phenomenon, too. US/Western leftists are arrogant degenerates, with US leftists having a deep-seated hatred for Caucasian-Americans, plus more Jared if they're straight. At least Russian leftists are anti-degenerates who don't have a deep-seated hatred for their own people. So now I just realized that US leftism is literally the exact same racial politics as much as any other US politics. Yet some still claim it's about "proletariat vs. bourgeoisie," what a joke.

>be forced to eat them
Yeah remember that time bill gates broke into everyone's house one by one and made you buy gears of war while pointing a gun at your head? that shit was crazy

You don't. Just don't play them. There are other genres too. Hollywood shooters were never good anyway.

Why would Guerilla Games need to ask for Kojima's permission to port their own engine?
What does the sony fanboy outrage have to do with anything when it wasnt a factor at the point of porting the engine?
Also you havent supported the argument that Kojima Productions were capable of porting the Guerilla engine to PC, taking in consideration that Guerilla games most likely had to help Kojima Productions develop Death Stranding in the first place.
Its not rocket science at all when your point is basically "it works because I said so"

you are correct that the western left forgot about the proletariat somwhere along the road but i don't see how this is videogames

I'm sorry for your IQ I really am.

US leftism in this case is even creepier, and also even more pathetic than expected. The general "radical" politics of US leftism is centered around victimhood politics. You'll soon realize US leftism is just woke tribalism. What the hate the most aren't the bourgeoisie, it's their own specific American people who happen to look European, all because of their "original sin" in history and present. Change the US woke leftist meaning "Fuck white people" to "Fuck my own American people," and you'll see why US leftism creepy and pathetic. So maybe they don't really see the world through race, they just really despise specific European ethnicities and want to plunge the country into a race war.

Look if you cant support your argument and now resorting to insults; then I have to assume you dont have an argument or otherwise just trolling at this point. In which case I have nothing further to discus with you.

Just cope and get over the fact that your games come to PC too. We will be playing multiplayer together, frens.

Nioh 2

well thats a given since its koei's game
he meant first party

What the hell is the point of buying consoles if exclusive games cease to exist?

I'm not upset, I'll just build a PC. It just feels weird that Xbox and Playstation have become increasingly suicidal and nihilistic towards the idea of console gaming.

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go to sleep Steven Crowder

>consoles wouldn't exist
And nothing of value was lost


You expect console manufacturers to be like "HERES ALL THE COOL SHIT YOU CAN ONLY PLAY ON OUR SYSTEM"

But instead they're like "yeah I GUESS you can get our console if you really want to, but you don't have to"

>Bloodborne on PC
We're getting it whether by port or emulation laddy

It's just gotten worse, that's all. I see US leftists talking about wanting to start riots, destroy property, to effectively create race war because they want to destroy the nation, even if it means casualties of millions of innocent people. In their own words, it's a way of "payback" against the so-called "crackers," so it's not about the bourgeoisie anymore, it's about insulting, ridiculing, despising, and wishing for the deaths of Caucasian-Americans. And if you take away any mention of race, you'll realize that US leftists are Americans who want other Americans dead. That's what really makes them creepy AND pathetic. Because all of their LARPy mentions of death and destruction of the US country as a way of "revenge," isn't actually tied to being against US government imperialism, they just want their own oddly specific American people dead. So they're just proving the US right they do want a race war as much as they do.

Because it's a shit game that nobody wants.

You buy consoles only for exclusives?
Why would you be mad then if you'll be able to enjoy more games on any platform you want then? More options for you, you can still buy a PS5 and play their games on their platform, they are just going to make more SW sales
I seriously don't get why so many fags are loyal to a multibillion brands for no particular reason.

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Nobody wants this. Keep it away.

little Timmy doesn’t know how to update drivers and troubleshoot broken games (and sadly devs release broken games on PC all the time; looking at you COD MW)

I'm still not buying it.

Yeah, but why fucking bother buying a PS5?

If I build a PC, I can still play all those PS5 games, but ALSO play games that are only on PC. What's the downside?

PC will cost you twice as much and you're going to have a bad time if you have room temperature IQ
That's why normalfags will keep buying their FIFA/MADDEN machines, don't you worry about their hardware sales

Assuming you are a US leftist I have a feeling you should have realized this, by now. US leftists do indeed despise their own specific American people. I've been on social media for 9 years, and I can tell the "radical" woke US degenerates just want to start a race war, again much like the US right.

Because 90% of people who buy consoles are FIFA/Netflix casuals, they will buy them even if they have no exclusives, and the companies make more money that way, so they don't give a shit.

ITT: we pretend it's Sargon of Akkad's YouTube comment section in 2015 and we're all fat pseudointellectual dipshits who buy into the SJW boogeyman meme

games being free means it costs much less.

There's no downside, that's why we keep saying PC is superior you faggot. Even if you spend more money you can just pirate games or save since games are cheaper.

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go be a schizophrenic neocon somewhere else

Simple sonyfags want to horde their games. While no one is actively pushing for ports to be made they aren't staunchly opposed to them either which is why you don't see people crying when an xbox or Nintendo exclusive is ported.

The latest Assassin's Creed games are better than this turd, that should tell you enough.

>I've been on social media for 9 years
I hoped it was the start of some dope copypasta like the navy seals but it's just incoherent ramblings about (((the leftists))).