Delayed due to corona

>Delayed due to corona
>Team seemingly incapable of working remotely on a fucking computer
Bros... this is never coming out

Attached: rip.png (700x394, 513.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine paying for games before you try them
Imagine paying for games before they are even playable
Why are consumers so retarded

>>Team seemingly incapable of working remotely
They weren't working remotely before? I thought not a single one of them lived in the same city.

It's bullshit dog.

And that's a good thing. Cuckverse forever btfo.

It's bullshit of course. These fucking neets didn't work on the game period but the iron was hot and they struck it.

Imagine paying for porn.

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Who said anything about paying for it?

I bought cheap hentai games on steam for like less than a dollar each. I'd say it was worth it.

Cucking the people who paid for it out of a game is probably exactly what those guys wanted from this game.

>cucks getting cucked
Who cares, it's what they paid for.

>People ITT think any anons actually paid for this and are not just waiting for the gelbooru webm dump

Tits too fat

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Looking forward to this kind of shit is just as sad, dude.

Truly the Star Citizen of the 2020's

see you on release day

if only they could fix the "mature older lady" scientist/professor's face to not look like she's still in fucking high school

where do you think you are?

Why do people keep posting this overwatch sfm game?

OP is a fat fucking liar.

>vanilla as fuck
Good, the less vanilla shit we have the better.

I know where I wish we were, somewhere without EOP shitters who jerk off to garbage like Summertime Saga.

>Dude I learned gookenese to play kiddie fiddling games
No one cares retard.

>By the way, DEMI just wanted to stop by and say "uuuhnnnnnnnnnn!"
jesus christ cringe

I'm going to shoot big loads to this stupid thing once all her scenes get uploaded to pornhub and there's nothing any of you can do about it.

Unironically, Demi has the best voice of all. Too bad that is ruined because of the exaggerated robotic filter.

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Why would they release it?
They already got your money LMAO

It would never be made if they didn't. Think I'll give a fuck about those 20 bucks if they fail to deliver?

Imagine thinking a Studiofow product would come out in a timely manner, or come out at all for that matter.

Why you always lying?

Attached: Untitled.png (818x500, 42.89K)

Why are they making a game instead of a VN with animated scenes?

Post yfw you didn't donate

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Lmao fuck off to pornhub normie faggot

None of these girls even look good.
Am I being memed here? Is it another Summertime Saga?

Why is Demi so cute bros?

The squid is a cutie.

OH BOY! Can't wait to have """""waifu(s)""""" who get fucked by black alien BVLLs. Boy it'll sure be fun watching that! My wife will be on a work vacation with her boyfriend Jamal when the game is out so i'll have all the free time to edge in my cage.

Which game will come out first?
Subverse or Monster Girl Island?

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>no why are you roleplaying in an rpg?

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>implying we can even keep a relationship going for long enough to even marry someone with our porn addiction

you disgust me

When can I fuck snake tits?

Idk, but I have some pics with her tits out and goddamn, they are a very fine pair of tits.

Considering porn is for fapping. I never saw the appeal of porn games. It is just putting barriers before you can see the porn scenes. What is the appeal?

Obviously Motherlove will come out before both of them.

Attached: motherlove.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

The appeal of porn games is a their reward system.
The effort you put in, makes the reward usually much better (that's literally how the brain is wired).
The thing is, however, that the effort you must put in mustn't be too high, but it also mustn't be too low.
The perfect porn game has a precise balance between the two.

That makes sense. Thanks user. It's interesting how adding difficulty for reaching something can increase the emotional value of said goal.

>tfw no more VR demos
I hate it

This doesn't look realtime and I can rig better than that so I'm not excited.

People are getting more done through modding than the radio silent devs are. Almost sure they had an internal tranny war and gave up on development. It always happens.
This game is pornhub normiefaggot shit

Give me 20 bucks.

lmao at the people who are paying for this when its not even out


Isn't this thing to do with Tim Pool?

Make me a porn game of subverse’s expected quality

Offcourse. It's releasing 2023.
C'mon man, just 20 bucks.

>41 anons came here to shit on a game based on lies by OP

Someone post the Tim Pool memes

Today I will remind them

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>Hey man you're probably getting scammed
You seem upset

is that the Occupy Wall Street baldie?
what does he have to do with it?

HOLY FUCK LMAO, what a fucking dumbass, serves you right, getting scammed straight up in your face

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feels good to not fall to this scam

>cuckshit game
>get cucked out of your money
Seems about right to me.

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His company is named the same thing, in fact, he poked fun at the fact that he has a porn game named the same