At what point did you realise you were playing a modern masterpiece? Technical issues aside, it's absolutely incredible

At what point did you realise you were playing a modern masterpiece? Technical issues aside, it's absolutely incredible.

Attached: Ori and the Will of the Wisps-285x380.jpg (285x380, 34.45K)

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I didn't have any tech issues.

I didn't have any issues, but it's also boring

Bullshit. The game stutters and freezes like crazy but only in some areas or some reason. It desperately needs a patch.

3600x+5700xt= zero tech issues.

It's a good game. Stop hyperbolizing you doofus.

Hollow Knight fags on suicide watch

It was better than the first, but I was disappointed in how little Ku had to to. From the marketing and opening, you'd think she'd play a bigger role
And the ending was eh

The story is as bad as the first but it's not very important.
The game is visually more beautiful as the first and less confusing except in ghost runs (fuck me if I'm not confusing my critter for the ghost one at least once every time).
The music is pompous overacting choirs.
The gameplay and the environment are repetitive and ultimately boring, as in the first one.

First game was much better, this one seems much easier and shorter. The way I remember it the first game was more linear but I had a lot more fun with it.

i pirated the first one just to maybe try and get into it but holy hell is it too pretentious for me

havent even played the game but "pretentious" is probably the most retarded way to criticize a game there is

I loved Hollow Knight, I played it a few weeks ago. Is this truly better?

HK in the end has more content, but I enjoyed Ori a lot more.

>It was better than the first
I don't know, I preferred the trippy forest and the gravity shifting of the first compared to the digging in the second. The best level of the second is the depths imo, and even that was in the first
>The game is visually more beautiful as the first and less confusing except in ghost runs (fuck me if I'm not confusing my critter for the ghost one at least once every time).
Try doing a race you've already done and see what happens.

>t. win10 tranny

Honestly, I much preferred the first game. Even with the many technical issues aside, I feel like this game is definite proof that more doesn't equal better. There's a lot of choice in combat and not enough buttons to assign it all to, all of which is very obviously inferior to a mandatory weapon you find early on anyway. The escape sequences feel uninspired, as if they were only included because the first game had them. Music was alright I guess. Didn't hit the same heights. The story is pretty underwhelming. Shriek isn't an interesting villain. Ku spends the entire game being a damsel in distress, with not nearly enough interaction between her and Ori. The ending comes out of left field, with Ori being told right at the last moment that they need to sacrifice themself, seemingly accepting it without issue, then after the final boss is done interrupting the scene, is then sad about needing to sacrifice themself but does it anyway.
At least Wellspring Glave had soul.

Shriek deserved a better end

What's up with the spirit trees? In the first game, they were dead spirits, but here they just seem to be magic trees.

Attached: bozenka-chadzynska-treesketches-small.jpg (1600x1916, 277.01K)

The only tech issue I encountered was Ori's model wigging out g-mod style during a cutscene

It's one of those things that you have to ignore just for the sake of gameplay.

I think the idea is that they're long-dead spirits from the last time Niwen had a Spirit Tree. Hence why they're larger than the trees in the first game. Really could have been communicated better though.


>Technical issues aside, it's absolutely incredible.
If you eat shit on a daily basis sure.
The combat and the platforming suck.

>game made in unity
>it has technical issues

every fucking time

you'd think devs would have learned their lesson by now but apparently not

Can someone give me a hint but not spoil on how to open that wood gate to an upgrade tree? Near the bottom of the map. I figure I need some sort of code to play with the flowers but I haven't found any hints or any stone pillars similar to the ones on that area.

Attached: 1574957498048.jpg (1280x720, 76.49K)

This, the Moki say as much, they're just a bit retarded about it and you dont have an exposition ball.

Everything you need to open the door is in that room.

Maybe you need to look at the problem from another direction

>Forgotten in a month due to being boring garbage.

looks soulless

Never. It's very good though

Did you do the quest from playing the stones to get underground? Because the answer is was in that quest.

Escape scenes are the best parts of the games, fite me.

Kinda from the start, I thought the first game was a masterpiece too. It's just unfortunate that games like these don't really last, you 100% them in a bit and that's it. Even though Hollow Knight is longer, it gives the same feeling. Both are honestly better than the buggy unbalanced multiplayer games I play, but I'm gonna put 1000 hours in those and 10-50 hours in a platformer. Quality over quantity I guess.
I'll always sit back and listen to Ori music though, the memories will never die.

>Try doing a race you've already done and see what happens
not that guy, but what happens?

In the first game, definitely.
But they just kinda feel arbitary in the second.
In the first game, there was a sense of positivity in the first two escapes, and a sense of finality in the final one. You're causing great change to the world, and with that great change comes great upheaval.
Yet in the second game, it's always just because some asshole's chasing you. They're never made to feel necessary.

why do asian men always have really awful unmanly pecks.

Anyone felt stupid by the three stone pillars underwater part?

Fair point, although i'd argue the first one is positive too.
The thing chases you sure but that act is what frees up the water in the first place, it's also my favorite because it's got that feel of "Restoring what was broken"

Anyone find the first main boss to be the toughest of them all?

Got it, thanks. Funny because yesterday I was talking to a friend who already beat the game and I told him to not give me any hints. I outright said "I just hope it's not anything retarded like doing the thing in reverse". Heh.

I think you replied to the wrong person, but I do have to agree that the first was definitely the game's best chase, both from setpieces and said feeling of fixing the land.

playing on hard mode here
he was tough mainly because you have no option and had to properly space him by walking backwards even before he started an attack

the spider boss was the hardest, even if i was almost completely decked out
hard to hit because her hitbox is in midair, lots of attacks and a buttload of HP

the luma pools boss in comparison was much easier, i firebombed that bitch and he died pretty easy.
must have a weakness to projectiles or something because the damage was pretty nuts

To be fair, I was stumped by it too. Wasn't until two play sessions later where I passed through the area and thought "wait, I never did open open the other door. The ruins didn't open it it just had the slab that gave the instructions backw- oh god dammit"

This cover art is so misleading because you barely see Ku in the game lul

Also playing on hard. Pretty interesting that this happened, because i beat the spider boss on my first try, yet had lots of trouble with the luma pools boss.

Was it because you cant heal at luma pool boss lul?

It's not area related. It is related to unity having to start up itself. It's why the main menu is always buzzing and the first area you load in can have it too.

It depends on what you seek. HK if you like meme difficulty. Ori if you like things that are a bit more condensed but impactful.

You love shallow platforming with clunky combat and no storytelling.
Sorry no.

Not that guy, but I had the shard that gives enemies +70% hp and damage in return for double exp thinking I'd be drowning in it once I finish the fight.
Apparently, it doesn't fucking work if you don't kill the enemies.

HK is better than both Ori games as a metroidvania.

kys hollowfag

How about as a game?

why do you autists always pretend there's some kind of feud between these two games? they're different games and they're both very good

It's down to preference, though I prefer HK.

And the cover art for the first game is only representative of the first five minutes

HK has shallow combat, janky platforming. shit art, basically non-existent animation.
it's like a flash game.

Literally nothing wrong with a flash game. It's how you use a tool.

sorry it's like a bad flash game.
a good flash game would be super fancy pants adventure.

different user. why? some games really are pretentious. I dont what he means exactly, but for me a game feels pretentious when It seems like it tried very hard to be different or unique but did not achieve that

>When you get Launch

Attached: 1555679975827.gif (320x288, 14.92K)

They believe that threads on Yas Forums should have as much conflict as possible.
You can't be allowed to talk about something without having to attack something else.
If they had their way there'd be even less video game discussion on Yas Forums than there already is.

I did enjoy them, the worm specifically lit my ass on fire, but it's clear that they otherwise tamed them down for idiots who complained. And they just feel like they're there for the sake of it and don't have the same concrete cause & effect behind them like first game. Why is there a giant worm? Why is it so pissed? I don't fucking know, pretty intense and fun sequence tho.

Have the technical issues been resolved? I'm on PC, on a decent enough laptop that runs most games on reasonable settings, and I was getting nasty stutters, freezes, and slowdowns, even after I reinstalled it on my OS SSD. Played for about five minutes before I set it aside until it got fixed.

>technical issues aside
Then it's not a fucking masterpiece. Masterpieces are perfect, and there hasn't been a perfect game ever released.

And I think pretty much everything you claim is wrong, and at best subjective. You don't have to make combat into some super unique system for it to be good, and HK combat, despite its simplicity, can get really good the better you get as a player. "Janky platforming"? You mean you're just bad then? Because you have complete control of your character at all times. And honestly, Ori looks much worse than HK for me. Some psuedo 3D graphics that cracks at the seams everywhere if you play on higher resolutions. I don't know what kind of flash games you've been playing that looks like HK.