Adaptive difficulty

Is he right? Is adaptive difficulty good or bad for gaming?

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nice shill

This is the most blatant self advertising I have seen on Yas Forums... Is ‘he’ right? Sure, I guess, whatever.

I wouldn't have used it in Resident Evil 2 remake. This, combined with the clearly rushed and poorly throught out A/B scenarios (game would be better without them) and Mr.X being annoying stop the game from achieving the perfect score of its predecessor.

Still an amazing game and a must play if you like games at all though.

your video sucks, nigger


If I were that zombie I'd lick Ada's armpits first before biting her neck

>Pretending a big dick black gamer gives two shits about what Yas Forums cucks think.
Cope harder, whities.

not gonna click your shitty video, but yeah at least make it an option. just let me struggle


If there was ever a level in a recent video game that encompassed the survival horror rules, it's Ada's level in RE2 remake. The rules are:

>conserve your limited ammo
>its probably better to run away
>work on your dodge skills

That is the entire purpose of Ada's part. After you beat it you instantly go back to playing Leon where you have a fuckton of handgun and shotgun ammo you can hoard up to that point.

Adaptive difficulty is trash and any game that has it is trash. I don't care what some jewtuber has to say about it.

pretend harder, nigcel

not clicking that
and that's a good thing
and here's why
op is a faggot

yes, adaptive difficulty has always been bad. It's even worse than procedural level design

Why does RE4 get a pass then?

Because it was babby's first resident evil/"survival horror"

Because the PC port of the game is absolute shit, so only console sub-humans have played it. That's why no one knew the game had adaptive difficulty until very recently. Braindead console faggots just didn't notice.

Are there any games out there where higher difficulty means enemies get smarter AI or more surprising attacks or something? I honestly can't think of one where it's not just an hp/damage slider.

modern game devs are the most fucking retarded idiots ever. Fucking adaptive difficulty, procedural level design, not announced simulated humans (AI) in multiplayer games (gears of war, fortnite, uncharted etc) (when it's bots, but they are presented as humans), matchmaking only servers...

fuck modern game devs.

>Are there any games out there where higher difficulty means enemies get smarter AI
no that requires effort

>super chad

And if you don't play on hardcore you are a beta virgin.

RE4 and RE2make, duh. Enemies get more aggro in 4, and do double lunges in 2.

Daily reminder

>BlockTube gives you the control over what content you see on YouTube.
>Now you can easily get rid of those annoying videos or channels that keeps popping up by YouTube's algorithm.
>The extension is lightweight and fast, does not affect your browsing experience at all, and blocks content 100% site-wide.
>Your playlists and autoplay features will remain to work even if they contain blocked videos.
>To an unsuspecting user, it will appear as the blocked videos were never there to begin with.
>It's possible to block channels and videos by keywords/Regex in their name or entire channels by ID.

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God Hand is the only thing that comes to mind

The original Ubisoft port was shite, yes, but CAPCOM have since released the HD remaster and it's a better port, have you been in a coma for the last 15 years?

14 sec in and I'm already done. If you try to kill any zombies in the Ada section you're a fucking retard. Even when you get to the room with like 5 of them, just run past them, and where you need to go is a conveniently placed flash bang to stun all of them and just walk past them. I shot once in that entire part and it was for the raccoon statue.

Honestly if your goal is to get a decent autoplay then I'm not sure I'd bother at least if you're into politics. I've blocked about a thousand mainstream channels and finally blocked the Jews over on fivevthirtyeight and now all it plays is like NBC Phoenix. Corporations like Google and its advertisers are terrified of independent media.

*makes you hard*

You just don't know how rough white buys have it.

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I can't believe Re2make was the first game to make Ada look asian

anyone that have played a contemporary re game knows this type of bullshit
same with mario kart

My goal is to get rid of trash that I do not want to see. It's insane that people who I hate can have any way of getting their content delivered directly to my eyeballs.
Without a plugin like this you will be bombarded every day with thumbnails of videos like Racist Mario and Annoying Orange.
Some absolute trash youtubers sometimes may even trick you into clicking their videos by making a thumbnail and name of the video that isn't trash, and they benefit from it, their videos get recommended more because you clicked on it.

A video blocker is the only way you can get rid of fags like OP for good.

its bad.
if i want to play on hard mode for a challenge i shouldnt be punished when i get killed by lowering the difficulty, i want to get good not be given a free pass.

>Corporations like Google and its advertisers are terrified of independent media.
They're not terrified of indie media, they're terrified of the lawyers of old media that are terrified of indie media.

oh for fucks sake ive already had to try like four other extensions that claim to work and do a lot of this only to break in like a day or just never work at all
i sure hope this one actually does something bud but i have a feeling itll be uninstalled by tomorrow

I've only seen two that work. One is video blocker and the other is blocktube. The asshole who made video blocker just stopped updating it and when youtube had some changes it broke. Hasn't worked for what must be a year now.
Blocktube hasn't broken yet and has been active for years. If blocktube breaks I'll just switch to another one because fuck these youtube people. Blocking whatever I want should be a default feature on youtube.
The second you turn off a channel blocker your entire front page is shit clickbait and those shitty ''comedy'' shows where all they do is talk about Trump.

All I do is just remove a video from my recommendations and tell it "I'm not interested in this channel" and then I never see any videos from that channel again.

>he doesn't know chad

His dick is literally 3 inches

The only game where it pisses me off is GOD HAND I mean I love the game but goddamn on normal or above the only way to really get through is don't get hot at all cause all the enemies do so much damage the healing items are RNG but when the better you do the harder the game gets and at that point I really don't see how you can beat it unless your really fuck good at this game like moike kobe or use a spirit orb and use grovel but holy shit on normal and hard like you get like no spirit orbs I feel like the developers themselves weren't expecting most players to play on normal or hard especially the only thing you get or beating normal is hard mode and beating it on hard mode only gets you Jukebox D seeing there's not many reasons to play the game on any other difficulty besides easy besides if you really want a challenge which honestly even on easy the game plenty challenging enough it's harder than most games that came out in the past decade.

Does RE2R have adaptive difficulty? Because the second eyeball man fight is kicking my ass on hardcore.

And you can't even excuse it as being some hardcore feature when you can exploit it by intentionally playing badly. I think they do it to avoid having to actually balance the game.

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>autoplay features will remain to work
give me one that disables autoplay completely

Yeah I know it's really weird

It does, but that boss is just a pain in the ass. I chose to redo sewers to prepare for that bastard.

No hardcore is fixed at max difficulty.

in a horror game it's better to not know what will happen every time you shoot a zombie. there's no tension to it. cry all you want though.

>nigger "gamer" getting filtered by standard difficulty RE2

Yet on the hardest difficulty damage values are set in stone, which is why speedrunners only play on hard, so the game stays predicable.

You can easily dodge every single Zombie in Ada's segment

Yeah only Ada has to deal with the magical bullet eating zombies.

Standard has it but the thing is whether you want unlocks or want to enjoy the game
The thing about adaptive difficulty is if you continue after dying, your playtime is kept, and is a good indicator for the difficulty level because if you don't get an S rank you get no rewards besides clearing at all.
Problem is S rank means you need to not stop moving or ever continue after dying - you can reload your save though.
So if you want a good time to get nice unlocks to play with you're going to be on hardcore difficulty anyway. The only difference then is the free ability to save whenever (because there's no S+ rank rewards to limit you to 3 saves).

Usually the only problem with a hardcore run for most players is just not knowing how to play. But one thing that does give a lot of leeway is unlocking the infinite knife, which is legal for all unlocks. Find the Mr. Racoon statues and you can play on standard for that if you want.

Why is Africa a shithole?

how 2 beat

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Protip for G in general (because you're going to fight him again) is a lot of his attacks have a blind spot INSIDE him. The trick to dodging is to run THROUGH him, as his attacks mostly sweep in a cone.
Running away on later fights especially just leads to combo attacks getting you.

also forgot, infinite knife is like a fucking chainsaw especially on PC (FPS = damage), get that shit bro

I'm outside the second fight with him (where you bonk him with the cargo crate), can I go back and get the infinite knife?

How come you can type all those words with your dad's cock in your mouth?

You need to hang from a tree nigger

You have to do both Leon and Claire's runs to get it, so you won't be doing it in one playthrough.
The most efficient way to get it requires one character to beat the entire game, and the other to start the B scenario until the sewers/RPD part 2.
Claire has a key to one statue and there's two on her exclusive area after the parking garage, before she goes to sewer.
Leon has two statues in the sewer, both permanently missable in his unique areas.
Iirc there are two in the common lab area after sewers so either can get it.
There is one in the B scenario start area that can't be accessed in the A run but can by either character.

Oh, well that's out of the question then.

Really only just lets you get the achievement for killing him in just one use of the crane easier, but learning to dodge so you can focus on stunning him in the right place for the crane is more important.

Hardcore isn't locked. It has a higher floor and ceiling.

Fine as an option, but otherwise bullshit when you can't predict how much damage you're going to receive. Like not knowing if it's worth risking it to run past a zombie in a tight hallway. When making a decision like that, it's important to know whether or not it's going to kill me if I don't make it.

Well it always feels like shit when you think you beat a challenge and then realize the difficulty was actually lower and you never got the chance to improve.

Bruh you get so much health on standard, and I'm not talking about healing items but those are a ton too.
Unless you're speedrunning or going no item box run, getting hit is actually a technique to get through an area safer than avoiding damage altogether, because of the new way you shove enemies off. It's actually pretty much required for people who can't no-damage 4th survivor/Tofu, and is the only reason I've cleared it twice on Danger status.

That's not to mention being able to actually hit heads consistently in the remake vs. the original makes it easier to run through than ever. Before you had to chest shot a whole room with shotgun in order to get through a crowd on 1F east corridor.
Not to mention the fastest route is usually also the safest if you consider saving ammo and avoiding unnecessary encounters important for insuring yourself against future boss fights. So you don't get to make that choice, you just juke behind their back or dome them for the stun (not kill).
I have no fucking clue how the brush-off mechanic works, it seems like it has an intentional trigger